DetectingFaces Demo 传送门
iOS Application Development with OpenCV 3
- OpenCV 环境配置: 讲述 iOS 中三种配置方式;
- 使用: 结合一个简单的人脸检测的Demo,作为演示;
- OpenCV 内容概览: 一览OpenCV包涵的功能模块,以便根据需求快速定位需要学习的部分,避免地毯式学习;
从2.4.2 开始支持iOS
In 2012 OpenCV development team actively worked on adding extended support for iOS. Full integration is available since version 2.4.2 (2012).
一. 安装
OpenCV 常用三种安装方式:
- 下载源代码编译
- 使用CocoaPods安装
- 使用官方的framework
M1: 下载源代码编译:
- Required Packages
CMake 2.8.8 or higher
Xcode 4.2 or higher- Getting the Cutting-edge OpenCV from Git Repository
Launch GIT client and clone OpenCV repository from here
In MacOS it can be done using the following command in Terminal:
cd ~/
git clone
- Building OpenCV from Source, using CMake and Command Line
1.Make symbolic link for Xcode to let OpenCV build scripts find the compiler, header files etc.
cd /
sudo ln -s /Applications/ Developer
- Build OpenCV framework:
cd ~/
python opencv/platforms/ios/ ios
If everything's fine, a few minutes later you will get /
/ios/opencv2.framework. You can add this framework to your Xcode projects.
上述引用官方文档:Installation in iOS
也许编译完成之后你发现来看一下opencv2.framework有200多M的体积,包含X86_64,ARM64,armv7s等平台,我们开看下 line279 ~ 287 ,如下:
b = iOSBuilder(args.opencv, args.contrib, args.dynamic, args.bitcodedisabled, args.without,
(["armv7s", "arm64"], "iPhoneOS"),
] if os.environ.get('BUILD_PRECOMMIT', None) else
(["armv7s", "arm64"], "iPhoneOS"),
(["x86_64"], "iPhoneSimulator"),
如果你不想要 armv7s或x86_64平台,此处出掉即可;
pod 'OpenCV', '~> 2.4.13'
pod install
在 pod search OpenCV 时,也许你会发现,最新版为3.x.x,细心地童鞋也许还看到了"OpenCV-iOS" 这个库,那么为什么不用3.x.x 的最新版呢? "OpenCV-iOS" 不就是给 iOS用的么? 下面一一作答:
2.4.x 与 3.x.x 的区别:
区别总结一句话: 3.x.x 牛逼了很多!!!
Opencv3.2各个模块功能详细简介(包括与Opencv2.4的区别)为什么不用涅 ? 楼主也是个菜逼呀,我能说不会用么 ??反正我没弄成功,哈哈,入门的东西没必要卡在环境配置问题上;所以果断选择2.4.13;
"OpenCV-iOS" 不就是给 iOS用的么?
对,就是这个家伙 OpenCV Releases,下载对应的iOS版本,拖进工程,完事!!!
走个小小的官方Demo: DetectingFaces(人脸检测)
xxx.pch 引入头文件:
#ifdef __cplusplus
ViewController.m 如下:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
//calculate path to the resource file
NSString* filename = [[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource:@"haarcascade_frontalface_alt" ofType:@"xml"];
//load Haar cascade from the XML file
faceCascade.load([filename UTF8String]);
//compute path to the resource file
NSString* filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource:@"lena" ofType:@"png"];
//read the image
UIImage* image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
//convert UIImage* to cv::Mat
cv::Mat cvImage;
UIImageToMat(image, cvImage);
//vector for storing found faces
std::vector faces;
cv::Mat cvGrayImage;
//convert the image to the one-channel
cvtColor(cvImage, cvGrayImage, CV_BGR2GRAY);
//find faces on the image
faceCascade.detectMultiScale(cvGrayImage, faces, 1.1, 2, 0|CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, cv::Size(30,30));
//draw all found faces
for(int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++)
const cv::Rect& currentFace = faces[i];
//calculate two corner points to draw a rectangle
cv::Point upLeftPoint(currentFace.x, currentFace.y);
cv::Point bottomRightPoint = upLeftPoint + cv::Point(currentFace.width, currentFace.height);
//draw rectangle around the face
cv::rectangle(cvImage, upLeftPoint, bottomRightPoint, cv::Scalar(255,0,255), 4, 8, 0);
//show resulted image on imageView component
imageView.image = MatToUIImage(cvImage);
接下来, command + R ,效果如下:
三.OpenCV 一览:
OpenCV 2.4.13 文件目录如下:core 模块. 核心功能:
主要涉及OpenCV中的基本数据结构,图像的矩阵表示。这一部分建议必读,这样你可以知道如何去读写图像的像素,以及相关的操作;此部分建议直接读 于仕琪 老师的OpenCV 入门教程,如若Cpp功力不错,请尝试浏览源码;imgproc 模块. 图像处理
imgproc 主要涉及图像处理,包含大量的图像处理函数,比如 blur\erode\ threshold \sobel\Canny等等非常常用的函数,也是图像处理的基础,建议必读;highgui 高阶的GUI 和 图像/视频 iO 库
提供了UI控件 和 图像/视频读写API,该部分建议参考官方文档,根据需要浏览学习吧;其中UI部分偏向于PC,个人觉得移动端简要浏览即可;calib3d 模块. 相机标定和三维重建
具体的我也没学习到,在此不做赘述;feature2d 模块. 2D特征框架
这个看名字就比较好理解了,2D图像的特征点,主要涉及特征点的描述,识别,匹配等等 模块. 视频分析
主要涉及运动分析和物体追踪;objdetect 模块. 物体检测
目标物体检测,比如上述Demo中的人脸检测;当然iOS CoreImage框架本身包含了 CIDetetor类,也可实现人脸的检测;同CI一样,OpenCV也提供了一些训练好的模型给我们;同时objdetect模块可以训练自己的目标模型;ml 模块. 机器学习
恩,这个ml,我就不调侃了,他的原意是: Machine Learning;也是最新灰常灰常火热的方向;基本的套路: 数据 -- 模型 -- 数据 -- 模型 ....
The Machine Learning Library (MLL) is a set of classes and functions for statistical classification, regression, and clustering of data.
Most of the classification and regression algorithms are implemented as C++ classes. As the algorithms have different sets of features (like an ability to handle missing measurements or categorical input variables), there is a little common ground between the classes. This common ground is defined by the class CvStatModel that all the other ML classes are derived from.
- gpu 模块. 使用GPU加速的计算机视觉
The OpenCV GPU module is a set of classes and functions to utilize GPU computational capabilities. It is implemented using NVIDIA* CUDA* Runtime API and supports only NVIDIA GPUs. The OpenCV GPU module includes utility functions, low-level vision primitives, and high-level algorithms. The utility functions and low-level primitives provide a powerful infrastructure for developing fast vision algorithms taking advantage of GPU whereas the high-level functionality includes some state-of-the-art algorithms (such as stereo correspondence, face and people detectors, and others) ready to be used by the application developers.
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