

%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[ Error: ioerror; OffendingCommand: imageDistiller ]%%


%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %% 



(1)Offending command: imageDistiller

A PostScript error io error offending command imageDistiller can pop up in Adobe products such as Acrobat Distiller when creating PDF files.


  • Distiller 8 or 9, part of Adobe Acrobat Pro, can generate this error when it tries to generate a PDF from a document that contains non-system fonts. Right-click Adobe PDF in the printer list, choose Properties > General > Printing Preferences and make sure the checkbox for ‘Rely on system fonts; do not use document fonts’ is off.
  • Quite a few people ran into problems with the imageDistiller offending command using older versions of Acrobat, such as Acrobat 6. Adobe seem to have fixed this in later revisions of the software. 
  • Try an alternative way of generating a PDF if this error occurs in Distiller. I am no big fan of the PDFwriter application but using it might help. Many applications also offer direct support for exporting to PDF.

From: http://www.prepressure.com/postscript/troubleshooting/errors/imagedistiller




出现此问题的原因是打印机驱动程序有宋体和时间-罗马作为打印机常驻字体和打印机驱动程序被配置为替换某些 TrueType 字体为设备字体。打印机常驻字体是驻留在打印机上并不在您的计算机上的字体。acrobat Distiller 宋体和时间-罗马没有字体轮廓,并且,使它生成以下错误消息。


  • 发布似乎不包含时间罗马或黑体。
  • 高级打印设置 对话框的 图形和字体 选项卡上仅使用出版物字体选项处于选中状态。


  1. 单击 开始,然后单击 打印机和传真
  2. 用鼠标右键单击您想要配置,该打印机,然后单击 属性
  3. 单击 打印首选项
  4. 单击 高级
  5. 图形 部分更改为 Softfont 为下载TrueType 字体 选项。
  6. 单击 确定,然后单击 确定

