eclipse没有(添加)"Dynamic Web Project"选项的方法

eclipse没有(添加)"Dynamic Web Project"选项的方法

JAVA 大步 1年前 (2015-05-21) 12630浏览 0评论


你安装的是专门开发java项目的,而Dynamic Web Project  属于J2EE技术,所以你要专门下载一个集成了J2EE插件的Eclipse,(eclipse-jee-helios-SR2-win32),到eclipse官网下载相对应版本的IDE,
选择:Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers


为当前的eclipse安装Java EE开发插件。如下:
For this tutorial I am using Eclipse Kepler(4.3) since it is the latest
version right now but the steps work same for Eclipse Juno(4.2),
Indigo(3.7), Helios(3.6). If you have a version older than Helios then I
would recommend that you upgrade to Kepler since versions older than
Helios are not supported.  Here are the steps to download and setup Eclipse.
Start Eclipse and open the New Project Wizard. Currently it would not contain the Web folder and the Dynamic Web Project option.
Click Cancel. In the top Menu bar click on Help -> Install New Software


安装向导被打开。在安装向导的窗口, 点击"Work


" kepler"(如果你是 Eclipse
OR ""( 如果你是  Eclipse Juno 版本 )

OR ""(如果你是 EclipseIndigo版本)

OR ""(如果你是 Eclipse Helios版本

Note: If you do not see above site in the dropdown, you can add it using the add button.


展开 "Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development" 选项,并且将下面四个选项打上勾:
  • Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools
  • Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools
  • Eclipse Web Developer Tools
  • Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
依次点击“Next ”知道你看到 “ Review licences”的窗口。在这个窗口选择 "I accept the terms of the licence agreement" 并且点击“Finish”。
安装完插件之后, Eclipse会要求你重启eclipse,选择“yes”。
重启eclipse之后, 打开新建项目的面板,就可以看到 Web文件夹 和 “Dynamic
Web Project” 选项了。
