
// Version 2.2
// C#
// Accept control other than a Form
// You can add your own print functions for specific controls and for report title formatting
// Controls can expand
// Expendable TextBox multiline added
// Expandable ListBox added
// Expendable FlexGrid added (Grid from Component One : code in comments only [no references] )
// DataGrid printing
// More comments in source code
// Report printed can continue on many pages
// Can display a trace of controls printed
// Can print page number using your own String.Format
// Report can be print to a multiframe Tif file (example: for faxing)
// Better algorithm to compute extension of container control with rezizable side by side childs
// Test

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Printing;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;

namespace FormPrinting

 public class FormPrinting
 #region "public section"
  // publics property that can be changed
  public bool TextBoxBoxed = false; // box around TextBox controls
  public bool TabControlBoxed = true; // box around TabControl controls
  public bool LabelInBold = true; // Print all labels in bold
  public bool PrintPreview = true; // enabled Print preview instead of direct printing
  public bool DisabledControlsInGray = false; // Color for disabled controls
  public bool PageNumbering = false; //If true, reserve space at the bottom of each page and print page number
  public string PageNumberingFormat = "Page {0}"; // String format for page number
  public OrientationENum Orientation = OrientationENum.Automatic; // choose print orientation (Automatic, Protrait or Landscape)
  public ControlPrinting DelegatePrintingReportTitle; // Function that will print report title. Can be changed
  //public bool ControlsCanExpand = true; // Indicate if class accept control's expansion
  public Single TopMargin = 0; //If 0, use default margin, else use this
  public Single BottomMargin = 0; //If 0, use default margin, else use this
  public HorizontalAlignment HAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

  public enum OrientationENum
   Automatic = 1,
   Portrait = 2,
   Lanscape = 3

  public enum ParentControlPrinting
   BeforeChilds = 1,
   AfterChilds = 2,

  // delegate for providing of print function by control type
  public delegate void  ControlPrinting(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls);

  public FormPrinting(System.Windows.Forms.Control f)
   _f = f;
   _TextBoxLikeControl = new ArrayList();
   _DelegatesforControls = new ArrayList();
   _Pen = new Pen(Color.Black);

   // add build-in types and functions


   AddDelegateToPrintControl("TextBox", new ControlPrinting(PrintTextBox));
   AddDelegateToPrintControl("System.Windows.Forms.Label", new ControlPrinting(PrintLabel));
   AddDelegateToPrintControl("System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox", new ControlPrinting(PrintCheckBox));
   AddDelegateToPrintControl("System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton", new ControlPrinting(PrintRadioButton));
   AddDelegateToPrintControl("System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox", new ControlPrinting(PrintGroupBox));
   AddDelegateToPrintControl("System.Windows.Forms.Panel", new ControlPrinting(PrintPanel));
   AddDelegateToPrintControl("System.Windows.Forms.TabControl", new ControlPrinting(PrintTabControl));
   AddDelegateToPrintControl("System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox", new ControlPrinting(PrintPictureBox));
   AddDelegateToPrintControl("System.Windows.Forms.ListBox", new ControlPrinting(PrintListBox));
   AddDelegateToPrintControl("System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid", new ControlPrinting(PrintDataGrid));


  /// Let user add TextBox like control type name

  /// TextBox like control type name
  public void AddTextBoxLikeControl(string stringType)


  /// Let users provide their own print function for specific control type

  /// Control type name
  /// function (must match with FormPrinting.ControlPrinting delegate)
  public void AddDelegateToPrintControl(string stringType, ControlPrinting printFunction)
   _DelegateforControls d = new _DelegateforControls();
   d.typ = stringType;
   d.PrintFunction = printFunction;

 #region  "Private data"
  //  private Font _printFont;
  private Pen _Pen;
  private Brush _Brush;
  private System.Windows.Forms.Control _f;
  private ArrayList _TextBoxLikeControl;
  private System.Single _xform;
  private ArrayList _DelegatesforControls;
  private MultiPageManagement _MultiPage;
  private System.Text.StringBuilder _traceLog;
  private int _indent;
  private class _DelegateforControls
   public string typ;
   public ControlPrinting PrintFunction;

 #region "Managing PrintDocument or TIF object"

  /// Launch printing. Calculate start position and orientation

  public void Print()
    PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
    InitPrinting(ref pd);
    pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.pd_PrintPage);
    pd.DocumentName = _f.Text;
    if (PrintPreview)
     PrintPreviewDialog pp =  new PrintPreviewDialog();
     pp.Document = pd;
     pp.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
   catch (Exception ex)

  public void PrintToTifFile(string fileName)
    // Compute bitmap propertiy about same as default printer
    PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
    InitPrinting(ref pd);
    System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmapAllPages, bitmapAdditionnalPage;
    bitmapAllPages = new Bitmap(pd.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Width, pd.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Height);
    bitmapAdditionnalPage = new Bitmap(pd.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Width, pd.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Height);
    Graphics g;

    //Prepare parameters to save multiframe image
    System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters eps;
    eps = new System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters();
    bool firstPage = true;

    // Print pages
     if (firstPage)
      g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapAllPages);
      g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapAdditionnalPage);
     Single extendedHeight;
     Single y;

     y = 0;
     extendedHeight = 0;
     bool scanForChildControls;
     if (DelegatePrintingReportTitle == null)
      PrintReportTitle(_f, ParentControlPrinting.BeforeChilds , _MultiPage, _xform, y, ref extendedHeight, out scanForChildControls);
      DelegatePrintingReportTitle(_f, ParentControlPrinting.BeforeChilds , _MultiPage, _xform, y, ref extendedHeight, out scanForChildControls);
     y += extendedHeight;

     // Print each control on the form
     Single globalExtendedHeight;
     PrintControls(_f, _MultiPage, _xform, y, out globalExtendedHeight);

      //Create the parameter and choose multi-frame
      eps.Param[0]=new EncoderParameter(Encoder.SaveFlag,(long)EncoderValue.MultiFrame);
      //Get the correct encoder from the list of available encoders
      ImageCodecInfo[] infos=ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
      int n=0;
      //save the first page
      bitmapAllPages.Save(fileName + ".tif",infos[n],eps);
      //Create the parameter and choose FrameDimensionPage
      eps.Param[0]=new EncoderParameter(Encoder.SaveFlag,(long)EncoderValue.FrameDimensionPage);
      //save the first page
     firstPage = false;
    } while (!_MultiPage.LastPage());

    // Flush pages to file
    eps.Param[0]=new EncoderParameter(Encoder.SaveFlag,(long)EncoderValue.Flush);
   catch (Exception ex)

  public string GetTrace()
   return _traceLog.ToString();

  private void InitPrinting(ref PrintDocument pd)

   _traceLog = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
   _indent = 0;
   // Calculate Form position for printing
   switch (Orientation)
    case OrientationENum.Automatic:
     if (_f.Size.Width > (pd.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Width - pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right - pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left))
      pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;
    case OrientationENum.Lanscape:
     pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;
    case OrientationENum.Portrait:
     pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = false;

   // Set page area
   Single pageTop = pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top;
   Single pageBottom = pd.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Height - pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom;
   Single pageLeft = pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left;
   Single pageRight = pd.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Width - pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right;
   if (TopMargin != 0)
    pageTop = TopMargin;
   if (BottomMargin != 0)
    pageTop = BottomMargin;

   // Calculate left position of print
   switch (this.HAlignment)
    case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
     _xform = pageLeft;
    case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
     _xform = (pd.DefaultPageSettings.Bounds.Width - _f.Size.Width) / 2;
    case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
     _xform = pageRight - _f.Size.Width;

   _MultiPage = new MultiPageManagement(pageTop, pageBottom, pageLeft, pageRight, _f.Font, PageNumbering, PageNumberingFormat);


  /// Event handler called by the print document engine. Called for each pages

  private void pd_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs ev)
   Single extendedHeight;
   Single y;

   y = 0;
   extendedHeight = 0;
   bool scanForChildControls;
   if (DelegatePrintingReportTitle == null)
    PrintReportTitle(_f, ParentControlPrinting.BeforeChilds , _MultiPage, _xform, y, ref extendedHeight, out scanForChildControls);
    DelegatePrintingReportTitle(_f, ParentControlPrinting.BeforeChilds , _MultiPage, _xform, y, ref extendedHeight, out scanForChildControls);
   y += extendedHeight;

   // Print each control on the form
   Single globalExtendedHeight;
   PrintControls(_f, _MultiPage, _xform, y, out globalExtendedHeight);

   if (_MultiPage.LastPage())
    ev.HasMorePages = false;
    ev.HasMorePages = true;

  public void PrintReportTitle(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = false;
   Font printFont = new Font(c.Font.Name, (Single) (c.Font.Size * 1.3), FontStyle.Bold);
   float fontHeight =  mp.FontHeight(printFont);
   Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
   extendedHeight = fontHeight + 3 + pen.Width + 1;

   mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, extendedHeight);
   //mp.DrawString(c.Text, printFont, Brushes.Black, x, y, c.Width, fontHeight);
   y += fontHeight + 3;
   //mp.DrawLines(pen, x, y, x + c.Size.Width, y);


 #region "Recursive printing of controls"

  /// Print child controls of a "parent" control.
  /// Controls are printed from top to bottom.
  /// This is the function that calculate position of each control depending of the extension of child controls

  /// "parent" control
  /// printing page object
  /// X position of "parent" control
  /// Y position of "parent" control
  /// necessary height grow of "parent" control to fit with combination of child control growing
  public void PrintControls(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   out Single globalExtendedHeight)
   int nbCtrl = c.Controls.Count;
   Single[] yPos = new Single[nbCtrl];
   System.Windows.Forms.Control[] controls = new System.Windows.Forms.Control[nbCtrl];

   //Do a list of child controls
   for (int i = 0; i < nbCtrl; i++)
    controls[i] = c.Controls[i];
    yPos[i] = c.Controls[i].Location.Y;

   //Sort them by vertical position
   System.Array.Sort(yPos, controls);

   //Print them from top to bottom
   globalExtendedHeight = 0;
   //Single globalextendedYPos = 0;
   System.Collections.ArrayList extendedYPos = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

   // *****************************************************************
   //  This loop over child controls calculate position of them.
   // Algorithm take care of controls that expand besides and above.
   // It keep an arraylist of original and printed (after expansion) bottom
   // position of expanded control.
   // So control is push down if it was originally below expanded controls
   // *****************************************************************
   for (int i = 0; i < nbCtrl; i++)
    // Set y position of control depending of extension of controls above him
    Single pushDownHeight = 0;
    foreach (Element e in extendedYPos)
     if (controls[i].Location.Y >= e.originalBottom) //completely under it
      if (e.totalPushDown > pushDownHeight)
       pushDownHeight = e.totalPushDown;
    Single cp = controls[i].Location.Y + pushDownHeight;

    Single extendedHeight;
    PrintControl(controls[i], mp, x + controls[i].Location.X, y + cp, out extendedHeight);
    if (extendedHeight > 0)
     //Keep extention with y position
     Element e = new Element();
     e.originalBottom = controls[i].Location.Y + controls[i].Height;
     e.printedBottom = cp + controls[i].Height + extendedHeight;
   // same computation for bottom of container control. Its bottom line is
   // below all child controls. So it is extended the same as the most pushed
   // child control.
   globalExtendedHeight = 0;
   foreach (Element e in extendedYPos)
    if (e.totalPushDown > globalExtendedHeight)
     globalExtendedHeight = e.totalPushDown;

  private class Element
   public Single originalBottom;
   public Single printedBottom;
   public  Single totalPushDown
   {get {return printedBottom - originalBottom;} }


  /// This sub simply use recursivity to print child controls and print
  /// the parent control (height may grow depending of child controls).
  /// Extension is push up to the previous parent.

  public void PrintControl(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   out Single extendedHeight)
   extendedHeight = 0;
   //if (c.Visible == true)
   if(c.Tag != null)
    bool scanForChildControls;
     // Print my header
     PrintOneControl(c, ParentControlPrinting.BeforeChilds, mp, x, y, ref extendedHeight, out scanForChildControls);

     // Print Contained controls
     if (scanForChildControls)
      y += extendedHeight;

      _indent += 1;
      Single ChildControlsExtendedHeight;
      PrintControls(c, mp, x, y, out ChildControlsExtendedHeight);
      _indent -= 1;

      // Print my bottom (habitually a frame arround child controls)
      PrintOneControl(c, ParentControlPrinting.AfterChilds, mp, x, y, ref ChildControlsExtendedHeight, out scanForChildControls);
      extendedHeight += ChildControlsExtendedHeight;
    catch (Exception ex)
     MessageBox.Show("Error printing control of type " +
      System.Environment.NewLine +
      System.Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString());


  /// Print a control (not is children). Call the print function depending of the type of the control

  public void PrintOneControl(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   // Silver color if disable
   if (c.Enabled || !DisabledControlsInGray)
    _Pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
    _Brush = Brushes.Black;
    _Pen = new Pen(Color.Silver);
    _Brush = Brushes.Silver;

   ScanForChildControls = true;
   string s = c.GetType().ToString();
   bool founded = false;
   //First check if it's a text box like control
   if (!founded)
    foreach (string sType in _TextBoxLikeControl)
     if (s.IndexOf(sType) >= 0)
      Single h;
      h = mp.FontHeight(new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size));
      extendedHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, h);
      PrintText(c, mp, x, y, TextBoxBoxed, false, TextBoxBoxed, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
      founded = true;
      ScanForChildControls = false;

   //Process other type of control, beginning at the end of the list (use last add for a type)
   if (!founded)
    for (int i = _DelegatesforControls.Count-1; i>=0; i--)  // from end to the beginning
     _DelegateforControls d = (_DelegateforControls) _DelegatesforControls[i];
     if (s.EndsWith(d.typ))
      d.PrintFunction(c, typePrint, mp, x, y, ref extendedHeight, out ScanForChildControls);
   _traceLog.Append(_indent.ToString() + " - " + typePrint.ToString() + "  " + s + " (" + c.Text + ":" + c.Name + ")  X=" + x.ToString() +  "   Y=" + y.ToString() + "   H=" + c.Height.ToString() + "   + " + extendedHeight.ToString()+ System.Environment.NewLine);

 #region "Text printing"

  /// Print a single line text for many controls. Do some formatting

  /// Control to print (must have these properties :font, text, width and height)
  /// Graphics object (printed page)
  /// X position
  /// Y position
  /// Draw a box arround text
  /// use bold font
  /// Adjust vertical to obtain precise alignment from different type of control
  /// Horizontal alignment of text in control print area
  public void PrintText(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
       MultiPageManagement mp,
       Single x, Single y,
       bool tbBoxed, bool inBold, bool verticalCentering,
       HorizontalAlignment hAlignment)
   Single yAdjusted = y;
   if (tbBoxed)
    mp.DrawRectangle(_Pen, x, y, c.Width, c.Height);

   Font printFont;
   if (inBold)
    printFont = new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);
    printFont = new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size);

   if (verticalCentering)
    Single fontHeight = printFont.GetHeight(mp.Graphics());
    Single deltaHeight = (c.Height - fontHeight) / 2;
    yAdjusted += deltaHeight;
    yAdjusted += 2;
   mp.DrawString(c.Text, printFont, _Brush, x, yAdjusted, c.Width, c.Height, BuildFormat(hAlignment));

  public StringFormat BuildFormat(HorizontalAlignment hAlignment)
   StringFormat drawFormat = new StringFormat();
   switch (hAlignment)
    case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
     drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
    case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
     drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
    case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
     drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
   return drawFormat;

  public string TrimBlankLines(string s)
   if (s == null)
    return s;
    for (int i = s.Length; i==1; i--)
     if ((s[i].ToString() != Keys.Enter.ToString()) && (s[i].ToString() != Keys.LineFeed.ToString())  && (s[i].ToString() != " "))
      return s.Substring(0, i);
    return s;

 #region "Controls printing"

  /// Print single line or multi lines TextBox.

  public void PrintTextBox(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = false;

   TextBox tb = (System.Windows.Forms.TextBox) c;
   Single h = mp.FontHeight(new Font(tb.Font.Name, tb.Font.Size));
   if (!tb.Multiline)
    extendedHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, h);
    PrintText(c, mp, x, y, TextBoxBoxed, tb.Font.Bold, TextBoxBoxed, tb.TextAlign);
   else  //multiline
    // cut text into lines that fit in printed textBox width
    // Define an area of one line height and call MeasureString on it
    // This method return charactersFitted for the line
    ArrayList lines = new ArrayList();
    System.Drawing.Graphics g = mp.Graphics();
    SizeF areaForOneLineOfText = new SizeF();
    areaForOneLineOfText.Height = h;
    areaForOneLineOfText.Width = tb.Width;
    int charactersFitted;
    int linesFilled;
    int separatorCharPos;
    Font printFont = new Font(tb.Font.Name, tb.Font.Size);

    int pos = 0;
         new StringFormat(),
         out charactersFitted,
         out linesFilled);
     // this method with one line cut the last word....
     // So, I have to go bak in the string to find a separator
     // Happyly, MeasureString count separator character in charactersFitted
     // For example, return "this is the first line " with space at the end
     // even if there is not room for last space
     separatorCharPos = charactersFitted;
     if (charactersFitted < tb.Text.Substring(pos).Length) //le restant n'entre pas au complet sur la ligne
      { separatorCharPos --; }
      while ((separatorCharPos > pos) && !System.Char.IsSeparator(tb.Text, pos + separatorCharPos));
      if (separatorCharPos == pos)   // no separator
       separatorCharPos = charactersFitted;
       separatorCharPos ++;
     lines.Add(tb.Text.Substring(pos, separatorCharPos));
     pos += separatorCharPos;
    while ((pos < tb.Text.Length) && (charactersFitted > 0));

    // Print lines one by one
    Single yItem = y;
    Single extraHeight;
    Single extraHeightFirstLine = 0; //Remenber if first line is pull down
    for (int i=0; i < lines.Count; i++)
     extraHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(yItem, h);   //Space required for tab page caption
     if (i == 0)
      extraHeightFirstLine = extraHeight;
     mp.DrawString((string) lines[i], printFont, _Brush, x, yItem, tb.Width, h);
     yItem += h + extraHeight;

    if ((yItem - y) > tb.Height)
     extendedHeight = (yItem - y) - tb.Height;

    if (TextBoxBoxed)
     _Pen = new Pen(Color.Gray);
     //Draw a rectangle arround list box. Start downer if first line pulled down
     mp.DrawFrame(_Pen, x, y + extraHeightFirstLine, tb.Width, tb.Height + extendedHeight - extraHeightFirstLine);
  public void PrintLabel(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = false;
   // Convert ContentAlignment (property of labels) to HorizontalAlignment (Left, center, Right)
   HorizontalAlignment ha ;
   string ss = c.Text;
   ContentAlignment ha2 = ((Label) c).TextAlign;
   switch (ha2)
    case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
    case ContentAlignment.TopLeft:
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
    case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Left;  

    case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
    case ContentAlignment.TopCenter:
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
    case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

    case ContentAlignment.BottomRight:
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
    case ContentAlignment.TopRight:
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
    case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
     ha = HorizontalAlignment.Left;  
   Single h = mp.FontHeight(new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size));
   if (c.Height > h)
    h = c.Height;
   extendedHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, h);
   PrintText(c, mp, x, y, false, LabelInBold, false, ha);

  public void PrintCheckBox(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = false;
   Single h = mp.FontHeight(new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size));
   extendedHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, h);

   mp.DrawRectangle(_Pen, x, y, h, h);
   if ( ((CheckBox) c).Checked )
    Single d = 3;
    mp.DrawLines(_Pen, x + d, y + d, x + h - d, y + h - d);
    PointF[] points2 = new PointF[] {new PointF(x + h - d, y + d), new PointF(x + d, y + h - d)};
    mp.DrawLines(_Pen, x + h - d, y + d, x + d, y + h - d);
   PrintText(c, mp, (float) (x + (h * 1.4)), (float) y - 2, false, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

  public void PrintRadioButton(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = false;
   Single h = mp.FontHeight(new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size));
   extendedHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, h);
   mp.DrawEllipse(_Pen, x, y, h, h);
   if ( ((RadioButton) c).Checked)
    Single d = 3;
    mp.FillEllipse(_Brush, x + d, y + d, h - d - d, h - d - d);
   PrintText(c, mp, (float) (x + (h * 1.4)), y - 2, false, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

  public void PrintPanel(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = true;
   if (typePrint == ParentControlPrinting.AfterChilds)
    if ( ((System.Windows.Forms.Panel) c).BorderStyle != BorderStyle.None)
     if (((System.Windows.Forms.Panel) c).BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D)
      _Pen = new Pen(Color.Silver);
     // if height less than 10, just print an horizontal line
     if ((c.Height < 10) && (c.Controls.Count == 0))
      extendedHeight += mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, 1);
      mp.DrawLines(_Pen, x, y, x + c.Width, y);
      mp.DrawFrame(_Pen, x, y, c.Width, c.Height + extendedHeight);

  public void PrintGroupBox(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = true;
   Font printFont = new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size);
   Single h = mp.FontHeight(printFont);
   _Pen = new Pen(Color.Silver);
   switch (typePrint)
    case ParentControlPrinting.BeforeChilds :
     // if height less than 10, just print an horizontal line
     if ((c.Height < 10) && (c.Controls.Count == 0))
      extendedHeight += mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, 1);
      mp.DrawLines(_Pen, x, y, x + c.Width, y);
      Single extraHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, h);   //Space required for group caption
      //PrintText(c, mp, x + h, y, false, true, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
      mp.DrawString(c.Text, printFont, Brushes.Black, x + h, y, c.Width - h - h, h);
      extendedHeight += extraHeight;
    case ParentControlPrinting.AfterChilds :
     mp.DrawFrame(_Pen, x, y, c.Width, c.Height + extendedHeight);

  public void PrintTabControl(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = true;
   System.Windows.Forms.TabControl tc = (TabControl) c;
   _Pen = new Pen(Color.Gray);
   switch (typePrint)
    case ParentControlPrinting.BeforeChilds :
     //Nom du TabPage
     Single extraHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, tc.ItemSize.Height);   //Space required for tab page caption
     System.Windows.Forms.TabPage tp = tc.SelectedTab;
     Font printFont = new Font(tp.Font.Name, tp.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);
     Single h = mp.FontHeight(printFont);
     if (h > tc.ItemSize.Height)
      h = tc.ItemSize.Height;
     mp.DrawString(tp.Text, printFont, Brushes.Black, x, y + (tc.ItemSize.Height - h) / 2, tp.Width, h);
     mp.DrawLines(_Pen, x, y + tc.ItemSize.Height, x + tc.Width, y + tc.ItemSize.Height);
     extendedHeight += extraHeight;
    case ParentControlPrinting.AfterChilds :
     if (TabControlBoxed)
      mp.DrawFrame(_Pen, x, y, c.Width, c.Height + extendedHeight);

  public void PrintPictureBox(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = false;
   extendedHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, c.Height);
   PictureBox pic = (PictureBox) c;
   mp.DrawImage(pic.Image, x, y, c.Width, c.Height);

  public void PrintListBox(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = false;
   ListBox lb = (ListBox) c;
   Single yItem = y;
   Single extraHeight;
   Single extraHeightFirstLine = 0; //Remenber if first line is pull down
   Font printFont = new Font(lb.Font.Name, lb.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);

   int oldPos = lb.SelectedIndex; //save position
   for (int i = 0; i < lb.Items.Count; i++)
    extraHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(yItem, lb.ItemHeight);   //Space required for tab page caption
    if (i == 0)
     extraHeightFirstLine = extraHeight;
    lb.SelectedIndex = i; // set position to obtain Text of current item
    mp.DrawString(lb.Text, printFont, _Brush, x, yItem, lb.Width, lb.ItemHeight);
    yItem += lb.ItemHeight + extraHeight;
   lb.SelectedIndex = oldPos; //restore position

   if ((yItem - y) > lb.Height)
    extendedHeight = (yItem - y) - lb.Height;

   _Pen = new Pen(Color.Gray);
   //Draw a rectangle arround list box. Start downer if first line pulled down
   mp.DrawFrame(_Pen, x, y + extraHeightFirstLine, c.Width, c.Height + extendedHeight - extraHeightFirstLine);

  public void PrintDataGrid(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
   MultiPageManagement mp,
   Single x, Single y,
   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
   ScanForChildControls = false;

   DataGrid dg = (DataGrid) c;
   Single extraHeight = 0;
   Single extraHeightHeaderLine = 0;
   Font printFont = new Font(dg.Font.Name, dg.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);
   Single h = mp.FontHeight(printFont);

   // Column header
   DataGridTableStyle myGridTableStyle;
   if (dg.TableStyles.Count == 0)
    myGridTableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle();

   // Header of each column
   Single xPos = x;
   Single yPos = y;
   Single w;
   extraHeightHeaderLine = mp.BeginPrintUnit(yPos, h+1);  //Space required for header text
   for (int i = 0; i < dg.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles.Count; i++)
    string caption = dg.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles[i].HeaderText;
    w = dg.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles[i].Width;
    if (xPos+w > x + dg.Width)
     w = x + dg.Width - xPos;
    if (xPos < x + dg.Width)
     mp.DrawString(caption, printFont, _Brush, xPos, yPos, w, h);
    if (i == 0)  // Draw horizontal line below header
     mp.DrawLines(_Pen, x, yPos+h, x+dg.Width, yPos+h);
    xPos += w;
   yPos += h + 1 + extraHeightHeaderLine;

   // Get dataTable displayed in DataGrid
   // This function only support DataGrid with DataTable as DataSource
   // This is the only case I code to obtain data in DataGrid
   DataTable dt = null;
   if (dg.DataSource is System.Data.DataTable)
    dt = (DataTable) dg.DataSource;
    if ((dg.DataSource is System.Data.DataSet) && (dg.DataMember != null))
     DataSet ds = (DataSet) dg.DataSource;
     if (ds.Tables.Contains(dg.DataMember))
      dt = ds.Tables[dg.DataMember];

   // Loop on DataRow, with embed loop on columns
   if (dt != null)
    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
     extraHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(yPos, h);  //Space required for header text
     xPos = x;
     for (int i = 0; i < dg.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles.Count; i++)
      string caption = dr[i].ToString();
      w = dg.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles[i].Width;
      if (xPos+w > x + dg.Width)
       w = x + dg.Width - xPos;
      if (xPos < x + dg.Width)
       mp.DrawString(caption, printFont, _Brush, xPos, yPos, w, h);
      xPos += w;
     yPos += h + extraHeight;

   // Draw horizontal line at the bottom of DataGrid
   if (yPos < y + dg.Height + extraHeightHeaderLine)
    yPos = y + dg.Height + extraHeightHeaderLine;
   mp.BeginPrintUnit(yPos, 1);
   mp.DrawLines(_Pen, x, yPos, x+dg.Width, yPos);
   // Finally, Compute extendedHeight
   if ((yPos - y) > dg.Height)
    extendedHeight = (yPos - y) - dg.Height;

//  public void PrintFlexGrid(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
//   ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
//   MultiPageManagement mp,
//   Single x, Single y,
//   ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
//  {
//   ScanForChildControls = false;
  //   C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid g = (C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid) c;
  //   // print rows and column header (row[0])
  //   RectangleF r = new RectangleF();
  //   PointF[] points;
  //   r.Y = y; //+ r.Height + _Pen.Width ;
  //   r.Height = g.Font.GetHeight(ev.Graphics);
  //   for (int i = 0; i < g.Rows.Count; i++) // each row
  //   {
  //    r.X = x;
  //    for (int j = 0; j  //     if ((g.Cols[j].Visible) && (r.X < x + g.Width)) //if not out of grid
  //     {
  //      r.Width = g.Cols[j].Width;
  //      if ((r.X + r.Width) > (x + g.Width)) //overtaking
  //       r.Width = (x + g.Width) - r.X;
  //      ev.Graphics.DrawString(g.GetDataDisplay(i,j), g.Font, _Brush, r, new StringFormat());
  //      r.X += r.Width;
  //     }
  //    r.Y += r.Height;
  //    if (i == 0) //Columns header, Add an horizontal line below
  //    {
  //     r.Y += 1;
  //     points = new PointF[] {new PointF(x, r.Y), new PointF(x + g.Width, r.Y)};
  //     ev.Graphics.DrawLines(_Pen, points);
  //     r.Y += _Pen.Width ;
  //    }
  //   }
  //   // Add a bottom line
  //   points = new PointF[] {new PointF(x, r.Y), new PointF(x + g.Width, r.Y)};
  //   ev.Graphics.DrawLines(_Pen, points);
  //   r.Y += _Pen.Width ;
  //   // Compute extendedHeight
  //   if (r.Y > y + g.Height)
  //    extendedHeight = r.Y - (y + g.Height);
//  }
//  StringFormat _StringFormatFromFlexGridAlign(C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.TextAlignEnum fg)
//  {
//   StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
//   string s = fg.ToString().ToUpper();
//   if (s.IndexOf("LEFT") == 0)
//    sf.Alignment = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Near;
//   if (s.IndexOf("RIGHT") == 0)
//    sf.Alignment = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Far;
//   if (s.IndexOf("CENTER") == 0)
//    sf.Alignment = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Center;
//   return sf;
//  }


 #region "Multi page class"
  public class MultiPageManagement
   private bool _PageOverflow;
   private Single _realPageTop, _realPageHeight, _UsablePageHeight;
   private Single _realPageLeft, _realPageRight;
   private Single _CurrentPageTop, _CurrentPageBottom;
   private int _PageNumber = 0;
   //private PrintPageEventArgs _Ev;
   private Graphics _G;
   private bool _PrintUnit;
   private bool _PrintInCurrentPage;
   private Single _PrintUnitPullDown;
   private bool _pageNumbering;
   private Font _FontForPageNumering;
   private string _PageNumberingFormat;

   public System.Drawing.Graphics Graphics()
    return _G;

   // Constructor
   public MultiPageManagement(Single pageTop, Single pageBottom, Single pageLeft, Single pageRight, Font formFont, bool pageNumbering, string pageNumberingFormat)
    _realPageTop = pageTop;
    _realPageHeight = pageBottom - pageTop;
    _realPageLeft = pageLeft;
    _realPageRight = pageRight;
    _pageNumbering = pageNumbering;
    if (_pageNumbering)
     _PageNumberingFormat = pageNumberingFormat;
     _FontForPageNumering = new Font(formFont.Name, (Single) (formFont.Size * 0.8));


   /// Check if items printed below current page

   /// Return true if there is need for another page
   public bool LastPage()
    return (! _PageOverflow);


   /// Change page. Reset page properties

   /// Graphics object
   public void NewPage(Graphics g)
    _G = g;
    _PageNumber += 1;
    _UsablePageHeight = _realPageHeight;
    if (_pageNumbering)
     Single fontHeightForPageNumbering =  FontHeight(_FontForPageNumering);
     _UsablePageHeight -= (Single) (fontHeightForPageNumbering * 1.5);
     // Compute rectangular space for page number
     RectangleF _recForPageNumbering = new RectangleF();
     _recForPageNumbering.X = _realPageLeft;
     _recForPageNumbering.Y = _realPageTop + _realPageHeight - fontHeightForPageNumbering;
     _recForPageNumbering.Width = _realPageRight - _realPageLeft;
     _recForPageNumbering.Height = fontHeightForPageNumbering;
     // impression
     StringFormat drawFormat = new StringFormat();
     drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
     _G.DrawString(String.Format(_PageNumberingFormat, _PageNumber), _FontForPageNumering, Brushes.Black, _recForPageNumbering, drawFormat);
    _CurrentPageTop = _UsablePageHeight * (_PageNumber - 1);
    _CurrentPageBottom = _CurrentPageTop + _UsablePageHeight;
    _PageOverflow = false;

   public void ResetPage()
    _PageNumber = 0;

   public Single BeginPrintUnit(Single y, Single neededHeight)
    if (neededHeight > _UsablePageHeight)
     throw new Exception("Needed height cannot exceed 1 page. Page height = " + _UsablePageHeight);
    _PrintUnit = true;

    // Verify if unit goes accross a page break
    // if it's the case, calculate vertical push down height to place the
    // top of unit just below page break
    Single pageBreakPos;
    Single printingPos = y;
    for (pageBreakPos = _UsablePageHeight; pageBreakPos < (y + neededHeight); pageBreakPos += _UsablePageHeight)
     if( (y <= pageBreakPos) && ((y + neededHeight - 1) > pageBreakPos) ) //Accross
      printingPos = pageBreakPos;

    _PrintUnitPullDown = printingPos - y;

    // test if unit is in current page else if another page is needed
    _PrintInCurrentPage = false;
    if (printingPos + neededHeight - 1 > _CurrentPageBottom)
     _PageOverflow = true;
     if (printingPos >= _CurrentPageTop)
      _PrintInCurrentPage = true;

    return _PrintUnitPullDown;

   private Single _ConvertToPage(Single y)
    Single newY = y - _CurrentPageTop + _realPageTop;
    if (_PrintUnit)
     return newY += _PrintUnitPullDown;
    return newY;

   public void EndPrintUnit()
    _PrintUnit = false;

   private bool PrintUnitIsInCurrentPage()
    if (!_PrintUnit)
     throw new Exception("Must be in a print unit to print");
    return _PrintInCurrentPage;

   public Single FontHeight(Font font)
    return font.GetHeight(_G);

   public void DrawLines(Pen pen, Single x1, Single y1, Single x2, Single y2)
    if (PrintUnitIsInCurrentPage())
     Single y1page = _ConvertToPage(y1);
     Single y2page = _ConvertToPage(y2);
     PointF[] points = new PointF[2];
     points[0].X = x1;
     points[0].Y = y1page;
     points[1].X = x2;
     points[1].Y = y2page;
     _G.DrawLines(pen, points);

   public void DrawString(string s, Font printFont, Brush brush, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
    DrawString(s, printFont, brush, x, y, w, h, new StringFormat());

   public void DrawString(string s, Font printFont, Brush brush, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h, StringFormat sf)
    if (PrintUnitIsInCurrentPage())
     Single yPage = _ConvertToPage(y);
     RectangleF r = new RectangleF();
     r.X = x;
     r.Y = yPage;
     r.Width = w;
     r.Height = h;
     _G.DrawString(s, printFont, brush, r, sf);

   public void DrawRectangle(Pen pen, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
    if (PrintUnitIsInCurrentPage())
     Single yPage = _ConvertToPage(y);
     _G.DrawRectangle(pen, x, yPage, w, h);

   public void DrawEllipse(Pen pen, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
    if (PrintUnitIsInCurrentPage())
     Single yPage = _ConvertToPage(y);
     _G.DrawEllipse(pen, x, yPage, w, h);

   public void FillEllipse(Brush brush, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
    if (PrintUnitIsInCurrentPage())
     Single yPage = _ConvertToPage(y);
     _G.FillEllipse(brush, x, yPage, w, h);

   public void DrawImage(Image image, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
    if (PrintUnitIsInCurrentPage())
     Single yPage = _ConvertToPage(y);
     _G.DrawImage(image, x, yPage, w, h);

   public void DrawFrame(Pen pen, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
    PointF[] points = new PointF[2];
    Single yTop = _CurrentPageTop;
    Single yBottom = _CurrentPageBottom;

    if (y+h <= _CurrentPageTop ) //Bottom of Frame above current page
    if (y >= _CurrentPageBottom) //Top of Frame below current page
     _PageOverflow = true;

    // Assign X coordinate for horizontal lines
    points[0].X = x;
    points[1].X = x + w;

    // Draw top line
    if (y >= _CurrentPageTop) //Top in current page
     yTop = y;
     points[0].Y = _ConvertToPage(yTop);
     points[1].Y = _ConvertToPage(yTop);
     _G.DrawLines(pen, points);

    // Draw bottom line
    if (y+h <= _CurrentPageBottom) //Bottom in current page
     yBottom = y+h;
     points[0].Y = _ConvertToPage(yBottom);
     points[1].Y = _ConvertToPage(yBottom);
     _G.DrawLines(pen, points);
     _PageOverflow = true;

    // Assign Y coordinate for vertical lines
    points[0].Y = _ConvertToPage(yTop);
    points[1].Y = _ConvertToPage(yBottom);

    // Draw left line
    points[0].X = x;
    points[1].X = x;
    _G.DrawLines(pen, points);

    // Draw right line
    points[0].X = x + w;
    points[1].X = x + w;
    _G.DrawLines(pen, points);
