



1、  配置

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shadow

2、  安装

makemake install

3、  启动

ln -s /usr/etc/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd.conf

/usr/sbin/proftpd -c /etc/proftpd.conf





    AllowStoreRestart                   on



      IgnoreHidden                      on




TimesGMT off




A User's Guide

Mark Lowes

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the ProFTPD User Guide and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies.

The copyright holders make no representation about the suitability of this document for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.


This book is dedicated to Lady Kayla.

Table of Contents


This Book's Audience

Why Read This Book?

Request for Comments

Organisation of This Book


Copyrights and Trademarks

I. Introduction

1. Background

What is Proftpd

Who codes/maintains Proftpd?

Website & documentation

Bug reporting?

Mailing lists

Copyright Issues

The FTP protocol

2. Compilation and installing


Installing packaged versions

Compiling from source

Compatibility Issues



How do I get debug output


Using non-default modules

Plans for next version (1.3.x)

Longer term development

NT Support

New features/modules

3. Security Issues

Securing ftp servers

Daemon security

Password Issues

Server attacks

Firewall issues

Security by obscurity and warnings

How can I control what commands the server accepts?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

4. Day to day issues

Starting and stopping your server

Timezone issues

Log management


II. Configuration

5. Getting ready

What do you want from your server?

Config file

Scoreboard file

Standalone or inetd?


6. Generic issues

File permissions and UMASK


Setting the Umask

7. Virtual Hosting

What is virtual hosting

IP address space considerations

VirtualHost directive

Setting up a basic virtual host

Anonymous only servers

vhost notes

DNS issues

Reloading the config

8. Authentication

Password files

Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)



Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Normal users can't login, only anon.

Other authentication methods

9. DefaultRoot and other issues

Locking users into a directory (chroot)

Finer grained control

Symlinks and chroot()

10. Anonymous Servers

How do I create individual anonymous FTP sites for my users?

I want to support normal login and Anonymous under a particular user

I only want to allow anonymous access to a virtual server.

Why doesn't Anonymous ftp work

Additional anonymous accounts

Secure upload facilities

11. Using AuthUserFiles


Choice of IDs

Shadow passwords


ID-to-name mapping

12. Configuration for NAT

Basic information

Configuring ProFTPD

Configuring Linux


13. Configuring ProFTPD for FTP over SSH

Basic premise

Client Configuration

Server Configuration

III. Advanced configuration

14. Access controls

Access limitation

Bandwidth control

Quota controls

Access controls



Controlling permission changes

.ftpaccess files

15. Debugging Problems

Know the version

Know the modules

Perform syntax checks

Common problems

Locate log files

Collect debug information

16. Common Problems

17. More complex Configuration Issues

How can I stop my users from using their space as a warez repository

Can I rotate files out of an upload directory after upload?

How can I hide a directory from anonymous clients.

File/Directory hiding isn't working for me!

I want to prevent users from accessing a hidden directory

How do I setup a virtual FTP server?

How does work, and where should I use it?

18. Running ProFTPD As A Nonroot User

IV. WorkShop

19. Cleaned sections

Cleaned - part A


20. Initial ponderings from the list








21. Compatibility and Integration




Regular expressions

22. Cookbook

V. References

I. Configuration Directives

AccessDenyMsg -- Customise the response on failed authentication

AccessGrantMsg -- Customise the response on successful authentication

Allow -- Access control directive

AllowAll -- Allow all clients

AllowChmod -- Enable the CHMOD command (deprecated)

AllowFilter -- Regular expression of command arguments to be accepted

AllowForeignAddress -- Control the use of the PORT command

AllowGroup -- Group based allow rules

Allow -- Permit logging to symlinked files

AllowOverride -- FIXFIXFIX

AllowOverwrite -- Enable files to be overwritten

AllowRetrieveRestart -- Allow clients to resume downloads

AllowStoreRestart -- Allow clients to resume uploads

AllowUser -- User based allow rules

AnonRatio -- Ratio directive

AnonRequirePassword -- Make anonymous users supply a valid password

Anonymous -- Define an anonymous server

AnonymousGroup -- Treat group members as anonymous users

AuthAliasOnly -- Allow only aliased login names

AuthGroupFile -- Specify alternate group file

AuthPAM -- Enable/Disable PAM authentication

AuthPAMAuthoritative -- Set whether PAM is the authoritive authentication scheme

AuthPAMConfig -- Select PAM service name

AuthUserFile -- Specify alternate passwd file

AuthUsingAlias -- Authenticate via Alias-name instead of mapped username

Bind -- Bind the server or Virtualhost to a specific IP address

ByteRatioErrMsg -- Ratio directive

CDPath -- Sets "search paths" for the cd command

Class -- Definition statements for class based tracking

Classes -- Enable Class based connection tracking

CommandBufferSize -- Limit the maximum command length

CwdRatioMsg -- Ratio directive

DefaultAddress -- Set the address for the server to listen on

DefaultChdir -- Set starting directory for FTP sessions

DefaultRoot -- Sets default chroot directory

DefaultServer -- Set the default server

DefaultTransferMode -- Set the default method of data transfer

DeferWelcome -- Don't show welcome message until user has authenticated

Define -- Initialises Defines for IfDefine

DeleteAbortedStores -- Enable automatic deletion of partially uploaded files

Deny -- Access control directive

DenyAll -- Deny all clients

DenyFilter -- Regular expression of command arguments to be blocked

DenyGroup -- Group based deny rules

DenyUser -- User based deny rules

DirFakeGroup -- Hide real file/directory group

DirFakeMode -- Hide real file/directory permissions

DirFakeUser -- Hide real file/directory owner

Directory -- FIXME FIXME

DisplayConnect -- Sets connect banner file

DisplayFirstChdir -- Set the file to display when first entering a directory

DisplayGoAway -- Set the file to display to a rejected connection

DisplayLogin -- Set the file to display on login

DisplayQuit -- Set the file to display on quit

DisplayReadme -- Enable display of file modification times on a file pattern

ExtendedLog -- FIXME FIXME

FileRatioErrMsg -- FIXME FIXME

FooBarDirective -- Dummy directive

Global -- Set some directives to apply across the entire daemon

Group -- Set the group the server normally runs as

GroupOwner -- FIXME FIXME

GroupPassword -- FIXME FIXME

GroupRatio -- Ratio directive

HiddenStor -- Enables more safe file uploads

HiddenStores -- FIXFIXFIX

HideFiles -- FIXFIXFIX

HideGroup -- Enable hiding of files based on group owner

HideNoAccess -- Block the listing of directory entries to which the user has no access permissions


HostRatio -- Ratio directive

IdentLookups -- Toggle ident lookups

IfDefine -- To control the use of sections of the configuration

IfModule -- Parse a section of config based on module name

IgnoreHidden -- Treat 'hidden' files as if they don't exist

Include -- Load additional configuration directives from a file


LDAPDNInfo -- Set DN information to be used for initial bind

LDAPDefaultAuthScheme --  Set the authentication scheme/hash that is used when no leading {hashname} is present.

LDAPDefaultGID --  Set the default GID to be assigned to users when no uidNumber attribute is found.

LDAPDefaultUID --  Set the default GID to be assigned to users when no uidNumber attribute is found.

LDAPDoAuth -- Enable LDAP authentication

LDAPDoGIDLookups --  Enable LDAP lookups for user group membership and GIDs in directory listings

LDAPDoUIDLookups --  Enable LDAP lookups for UIDs in directory listings

LDAPForceDefaultGID -- Force all LDAP-authenticated users to use the same GID.

LDAPForceDefaultUID -- Force all LDAP-authenticated users to use the same UID.

LDAPHomedirOnDemand --  Enable the creation of user home directories on demand

LDAPHomedirOnDemandPrefix --  Enable the creation of user home directories on demand

LDAPHomedirOnDemandPrefixNoUsername -- FIXFIXFIX

LDAPHomedirOnDemandSuffix --  Specify an additional directory to be created inside a user's home directory on demand.

LDAPNegativeCache -- Enable negative caching for LDAP lookups

LDAPQueryTimeout -- Set a timeout for LDAP queries

LDAPSearchScope -- Specify the search scope used in LDAP queries

LDAPServer -- Specify the LDAP server to use for lookups

LDAPUseTLS -- Enable TLS/SSL connections to the LDAP server.

LeechRatioMsg -- Sets the 'over ratio' error message

Limit -- Set the commands/actions to be controlled

LogFormat -- Specify a logging format

LoginPasswordPrompt -- FIXME FIXME

LsDefaultOptions -- FIXME FIXME

MasqueradeAddress -- Configure the server address presented to clients

MaxClients -- Limits the number of users that can connect

MaxClientsPerHost -- Limits the connections per client machine

MaxClientsPerUser -- Limit the number of connections per userid

MaxConnectionRate -- Maximum TCP socket connection rate

MaxHostsPerUser -- Limit the number of connections per userid

MaxInstances -- Sets the maximum number of child processes to be spawned

MaxLoginAttempts -- Sets how many password attempts are allowed before disconnection

MaxRetrieveFileSize -- FIXFIXFIX

MaxStoreFileSize -- FIXFIXFIX

MultilineRFC2228 -- Enable RFC2228 multiline response mode

MySQLInfo -- Configures the MySQL driver

Order -- Configures the precedence of the Limit directives

PassivePorts -- Specify the ftp-data port range to be used

PathAllowFilter -- FIXME FIXME

PathDenyFilter -- FIXME FIXME

PersistentPasswd -- FIXME FIXME

PidFile -- Set the filepath to hold the pid of the master server

Port -- Set the port for the control socket

PostgresInfo -- Postgres backend configuration (Deprecated)

PostgresPort -- Sets the port postgres is listening on

RLimitCPU -- Configure the maximum CPU time in seconds used by a process

RLimitMemory -- Configure the maximum memory in bytes used by a process

RLimitOpenFiles -- Configure the maximum number of open files used by a process

RadiusAcctServer -- Setup RADIUS accounting details

RadiusAuthServer -- Setup RADIUS authenticator details

RadiusEngine -- Enable RADIUS support

RadiusLog -- Specify the logfile for reporting / debugging

RadiusRealm -- Setup the authentication realm

RadiusUserInfo -- Configure login information via RADIUS


RateReadFreeBytes -- FIXME FIXME



RateWriteFreeBytes -- FIXME FIXME


RatioFile -- Ratio directive

RatioTempFile -- Ratio directive


RequireValidShell -- Allow connections based on /etc/shells

RootLogin -- Permit root user logins


SQLAuthenticate --  Specify authentication methods and what to authenticate

SQLAuthoritative -- Deprecated



SQLDefaultHomedir -- FIXFIXFIX


SQLDoAuth -- Deprecated

SQLDoGroupAuth -- Deprecated

SQLEmptyPasswords -- Allow zero length passwords (DEPRECATED)

SQLEncryptedPasswords -- Assume SQL passwords are encrypted (DEPRECATED)

SQLGidField -- Set the field holding gid information (deprecated)

SQLGroupGIDField -- Deprecated


SQLGroupMembersField -- Deprecated

SQLGroupTable -- Deprecated

SQLGroupWhereClause -- FIXFIXFIX

SQLGroupnameField -- Deprecated

SQLHomedir -- Deprecated

SQLHomedirField -- Deprecated

SQLHomedirOnDemand -- FIXME FIXME


SQLLogDirs -- Deprecated

SQLLogHits -- Deprecated

SQLLogHosts -- Deprecated

SQLLogStats -- Deprecated

SQLLoginCountField -- Deprecated





SQLNegativeCache -- Enable negative caching for SQL lookups

SQLPasswordField -- Deprecated

SQLProcessGrEnt -- Deprecated

SQLProcessPwEnt -- Deprecated



SQLSSLHashedPasswords -- FIXME FIXME

SQLScrambledPasswords -- FIXME FIXME

SQLShellField -- Deprecated


SQLUidField -- Set the field holding uid information (deprecated)


SQLUserTable -- Deprecated

SQLUserWhereClause -- FIXFIXFIX

SQLUsernameField -- Deprecated


SaveRatios -- FIXME FIXME

ScoreboardFile -- Sets the name and path of the scoreboard file

ServerAdmin -- Set the address for the server admin

ServerIdent -- Set the message displayed on connect

ServerName -- Configure the name displayed to connecting users

ServerType -- Set the mode proftpd runs in

ShowDotFiles -- Toggle display of 'dotfiles'

ShowSymlinks -- Toggle the display of symlinks

SocketBindTight -- Controls how TCP/IP sockets are created

StoreUniquePrefix -- Set the prefix to be added to uniquely generated filenames

SyslogFacility -- Set the facility level used for logging

SyslogLevel -- Set the verbosity level of system logging

SystemLog -- Redirect syslogging to a file

TCPAccessFiles -- Sets the access files to use

TCPAccessSyslogLevels -- Sets the logging levels for mod_wrap

TCPGroupAccessFiles -- Sets the access files to use

TCPServiceName -- Configures the name proftpd will use with mod_wrap

TCPUserAccessFiles -- Sets the access files to use

TimeoutIdle -- Sets the idle connection timeout

TimeoutLogin -- Sets the login timeout

TimeoutNoTransfer -- Sets the connection without transfer timeout

TimeoutSession -- Sets a timeout for an entire session

TimeoutStalled -- Sets the timeout on stalled downloads

TimesGMT -- Toggle time display between GMT and local

TransferLog -- Specify the path to the transfer log

Umask -- Set the default Umask

UseFtpUsers -- Block based on /etc/ftpusers

UseGlobbing -- Toggles use of glob() functionality

UseReverseDNS -- Toggle rDNS lookups

User -- Set the user the daemon will run as

UserAlias -- Alias a username to a system user

UserDirRoot -- Set the chroot directory to a subdirectory of the anonymous server

UserOwner -- Set the user ownership of new files / directories

UserPassword -- Creates a hardcoded username/password pair

UserRatio -- Ratio directive

VirtualHost -- Define a virtual ftp server

WtmpLog -- Toggle logging to wtmp

tcpBackLog -- Control the tcp backlog in standalone mode

tcpNoDelay -- Control the use of TCP_NODELAY

tcpReceiveWindow -- Set the size of the tcp receive window

tcpSendWindow -- Set the size of the tcp send window

II. Configuration by Module

mod_auth -- Authentication module

mod_core -- Core module

mod_ldap -- LDAP authentication support

mod_log -- Logging support

mod_ls -- file listing functionality

mod_pam -- Pluggable authentication modules support

mod_radius -- RADIUS based authentication support

mod_ratio -- FIX ME FIX ME

mod_readme -- "README" file support

mod_sample -- Example module

mod_site -- FIX ME FIX ME

mod_sql -- SQL support module

mod_unixpw -- UNIX style authentication methods

mod_wrap -- Interface to libwrap

mod_xfer -- FIX ME FIX ME

III. Configuration by Context

server config -- server config

Global -- Global

VirtualHost -- VirtualHost

Anonymous -- Anonymous

Limit -- Limit

.ftpaccess -- .ftpaccess

VI. Appendices

A. Resources

Latest Versions of DocBook

Resources for Resources

Introductory Material on the Web

References and Technical Noteson the Web

Internet RFCs


Books and Printed Resources


B. Cookbook examples



List of Examples

2-1. Configuring for additional modules

3-1. Other approaches

4-1. logrotate configuration

4-2. logrotate configuration

4-3. logrotate configuration

4-4. Configuration fragment

8-1. Generic Linux PAM config

8-2. Redhat 6.* configuration

8-3. SuSe configuration

8-4. FreeBSD configuration

8-5. ...

8-6. A typical configuration fragment

9-1. Simple DefaultRoot setup

9-2. Sample svc.conf file

9-3. DefaultRoot, modified by system group

10-1. Access control using LIMIT

14-1. Configuration using classes

14-2. Simple throttling config

14-3. Rate limiting

14-4. .ftpaccess file

16-1. xinetd configuration

19-1. Filter example


21-2. Contents

21-3. SQL database layout

21-4. Configuration fragment for SQL


21-6. Contents

21-7. proftpd.conf

21-8. Updated authentication table

21-9. File tracking table

21-10. proftpd.conf

B-1. Basic Configuration

B-2. VirtualHost Config

B-3. Complex Configuration

