Android patch后重启问题分析

在合入Android patch过程中会遇到Crash重启的情况,在logcat日志也只会打印一些崩溃的堆栈,这些信息很难



952 5555-5583/? I/OMX-VDEC-1080P: Capabilities: driver_name = msm_vidc_driver, card = msm_vdec_8974, bus_info = , version = 1, capabilities = 4003000
11-07 16:09:19.968 5555-5583/? I/OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=42
11-07 16:09:19.968 5555-5583/? E/OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(22:qcom.decoder.vp8, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
11-07 16:09:19.969 5555-5583/? E/OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(22:qcom.decoder.vp8, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
11-07 16:09:19.969 5555-5583/? I/OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
11-07 16:09:19.977 5555-5583/? I/OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=42
11-07 16:09:19.985 5555-5583/? E/OMX-VDEC-1080P: HEVC Full SW mode
11-07 16:09:19.986 243-243/? I/SurfaceFlinger: FPS: 12
11-07 16:09:19.999 5555-5583/? E/OMX-VDEC-1080P: NOTE: enable_extradata: actual[0] requested[20000] enable[1], is_internal: 1 swvdec mode 0
11-07 16:09:19.999 5555-5583/? E/OMX-VDEC-1080P: swvdec input buf size 0 count 0
11-07 16:09:20.000 5555-5583/? E/OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(23:qcom.decoder.hevcswvdec, ??(0x7f000044)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
11-07 16:09:20.013 5555-5583/? W/OMXNodeInstance: [24:google.mpeg4.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-07 16:09:20.020 5555-5583/? W/OMXNodeInstance: [25:google.mpeg4.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-07 16:09:20.024 5555-5583/? W/MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
11-07 16:09:20.024 5555-5583/? W/MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
11-07 16:09:20.024 5555-5583/? W/MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
11-07 16:09:20.024 5555-5583/? W/MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
11-07 16:09:20.025 5555-5583/? W/MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
11-07 16:09:20.025 5555-5583/? W/MediaCodecList: ignoring Feature specified outside of a Type
11-07 16:09:20.028 5555-5583/? W/OMXNodeInstance: [26:google.h263.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-07 16:09:20.034 5555-5583/? W/OMXNodeInstance: [27:google.h264.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-07 16:09:20.042 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Number of CPU cores: 4
11-07 16:09:20.044 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Initializing decoder
11-07 16:09:20.045 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Set number of cores to 4
11-07 16:09:20.045 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Ittiam decoder version number: @(#)Id:HEVCDEC_production Ver:04.01 Released by ITTIAM Build: Nov  6 2018 @ 16:07:43
11-07 16:09:20.046 5555-5583/? W/OMXNodeInstance: [28:google.hevc.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-07 16:09:20.047 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Freeing codec memory
11-07 16:09:20.053 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Number of CPU cores: 4
11-07 16:09:20.055 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Initializing decoder
11-07 16:09:20.057 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Set number of cores to 4
11-07 16:09:20.057 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Ittiam decoder version number: @(#)Id:HEVCDEC_production Ver:04.01 Released by ITTIAM Build: Nov  6 2018 @ 16:07:43
11-07 16:09:20.057 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: In SoftHEVC::~SoftHEVC
11-07 16:09:20.057 5555-5583/? D/SoftHEVC: Freeing codec memory
11-07 16:09:20.064 5555-5583/? W/OMXNodeInstance: [29:google.vp8.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-07 16:09:20.074 5555-5583/? W/OMXNodeInstance: [2a:google.vp9.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-07 16:09:20.080 5555-5583/? I/SoftMPEG4Encoder: Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
11-07 16:09:20.081 5555-5583/? W/ACodec: do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
11-07 16:09:20.085 5555-5583/? I/SoftAVCEncoder: Construct SoftAVCEncoder
11-07 16:09:20.086 5555-5583/? W/ACodec: do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
11-07 16:09:20.091 5555-5583/? I/SoftMPEG4Encoder: Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
11-07 16:09:20.092 5555-5583/? W/ACodec: do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
11-07 16:09:20.102 5555-5583/? W/ACodec: do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
11-07 16:09:20.143 5555-5706/? A/libc: invalid address or address of corrupt block 0xb45fea48 passed to dlfree
11-07 16:09:20.152 5555-5706/? A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0xdeadbaad in tid 5706 (.vorbis.decoder)
11-07 16:09:20.265 1455-2605/system_process W/NativeCrashListener: Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 5555
11-07 16:09:20.267 260-260/? I/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
11-07 16:09:20.267 260-260/? E/DEBUG: AM write failure (32 / Broken pipe)
11-07 16:09:20.268 260-260/? I/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'Android/msm8916_32/msm8916_32:5.1.1/LMY47V/36:userdebug/test-keys'
11-07 16:09:20.268 260-260/? I/DEBUG: Revision: '0'
11-07 16:09:20.269 260-260/? I/DEBUG: ABI: 'arm'
11-07 16:09:20.270 2665-2665/ D/StatusBar.NetworkController: hasService: mServiceState=3 3 home null null null  Unknown Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false retVal=false
11-07 16:09:20.270 2665-2665/ D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no data type icon / Roaming
11-07 16:09:20.271 2665-2665/ D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews connected={ wifi } level=0 combinedSignalIconId=0x7f020342/ combinedActivityIconId=0x0 mobileLabel= wifiLabel="paywavetest"xxxxXXXXxxxxXXXX emergencyOnly=false combinedLabel="paywavetest"xxxxXXXXxxxxXXXX mAirplaneMode=false mDataActivity=0 mPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f02032a/ mQSPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f0200aa/ mDataDirectionIconId=0x0/(null) mDataSignalIconId=0x7f02032a/ mDataTypeIconId=0x0/(null) mQSDataTypeIconId=0x0/(null) mNoSimIconId=0x7f02008b/ mWifiIconId=0x7f020342/ mQSWifiIconId=0x7f0200b3/ mWifiActivityIconId=0x0/(null) mBluetoothTetherIconId=0x108069b/android:drawable/stat_sys_tether_bluetooth
11-07 16:09:20.273 2665-2665/ D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshSignalCluster - setMobileDataIndicators:  mHasMobileDataFeature = true mPhoneSignalIconId = mDataSignalIconId = mMobileActivityIconId = (null) mDataTypeIconId = (null) mNoSimIconId =
11-07 16:09:20.274 2665-2665/ D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshSignalCluster - setMobileDataIndicators:  mHasMobileDataFeature = true mPhoneSignalIconId = mDataSignalIconId = mMobileActivityIconId = (null) mDataTypeIconId = (null) mNoSimIconId =
11-07 16:09:20.275 2665-2665/ D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshSignalCluster - setMobileDataIndicators:  mHasMobileDataFeature = true mPhoneSignalIconId = mDataSignalIconId = mMobileActivityIconId = (null) mDataTypeIconId = (null) mNoSimIconId =
11-07 16:09:20.275 2665-2665/ D/StatusBar.NetworkController: changing data overlay icon id to 0
11-07 16:09:20.279 260-260/? I/DEBUG: pid: 5555, tid: 5706, name: .vorbis.decoder  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
11-07 16:09:20.280 260-260/? I/DEBUG: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xdeadbaad
11-07 16:09:20.306 260-260/? I/DEBUG: Abort message: 'invalid address or address of corrupt block 0xb45fea48 passed to dlfree'
11-07 16:09:20.306 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     r0 00000000  r1 b6e75dec  r2 deadbaad  r3 00000000
11-07 16:09:20.307 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     r4 b45fea48  r5 b6e770f8  r6 b0e92000  r7 b45fea50
11-07 16:09:20.307 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     r8 00000003  r9 00000020  sl 00000020  fp b45fead4
11-07 16:09:20.307 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     ip 00000000  sp b45fea20  lr b6e47de7  pc b6e47de8  cpsr 600d0030
11-07 16:09:20.309 260-260/? I/DEBUG: backtrace:
11-07 16:09:20.309 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #00 pc 00028de8  /system/lib/ (dlfree+1239)
11-07 16:09:20.310 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #01 pc 0000f2ab  /system/lib/ (free+10)
11-07 16:09:20.310 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #02 pc 00009458  /system/lib/ (res_inverse+1708)
11-07 16:09:20.310 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #03 pc 000080fc  /system/lib/ (mapping_inverse+712)
11-07 16:09:20.310 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #04 pc 00004d00  /system/lib/ (vorbis_dsp_synthesis+536)

11-07 16:09:20.310 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #05 pc 00002d6b  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android10SoftVorbis13onQueueFilledEj+438)
11-07 16:09:20.311 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #06 pc 00016059  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android22SimpleSoftOMXComponent17onMessageReceivedERKNS_2spINS_8AMessageEEE+220)
11-07 16:09:20.311 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #07 pc 0001619f  /system/lib/
11-07 16:09:20.311 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #08 pc 0000b423  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android13ALooperRoster14deliverMessageERKNS_2spINS_8AMessageEEE+166)
11-07 16:09:20.311 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #09 pc 0000ada5  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android7ALooper4loopEv+220)
11-07 16:09:20.311 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #10 pc 0000ef55  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+112)
11-07 16:09:20.312 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #11 pc 0000eac5  /system/lib/
11-07 16:09:20.312 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #12 pc 00013413  /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
11-07 16:09:20.312 260-260/? I/DEBUG:     #13 pc 0001133f  /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
11-07 16:09:20.999 243-243/? I/SurfaceFlinger: FPS: 8
11-07 16:09:21.372 260-260/? I/DEBUG: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_04
11-07 16:09:21.374 1455-1737/system_process I/BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
11-07 16:09:21.434 1455-5384/system_process E/SoundPool: Unable to load sample: (null)
11-07 16:09:21.435 1455-2712/system_process W/IMediaDeathNotifier: media server died
11-07 16:09:21.438 241-241/? I/ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_flinger' died
11-07 16:09:21.438 241-241/? I/ServiceManager: service 'media.player' died
11-07 16:09:21.438 241-241/? I/ServiceManager: service '' died
11-07 16:09:21.439 241-241/? I/ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_policy' died
11-07 16:09:21.439 241-241/? I/ServiceManager: service 'media.sound_trigger_hw' died
11-07 16:09:21.455 1455-5715/system_process I/ServiceManager: Waiting for service media.player...
11-07 16:09:21.692 5717-5717/? W/linker: has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
11-07 16:09:21.761 5717-5717/? D/SRS_Spools_V2: DSEC_DMO_Token ERR: Unable to open key file. - /system/etc/srs/dts.lic
11-07 16:09:21.762 5717-5717/? D/SRS_Spools_V2: DSEC_RET_Token ERR: Unable to open key file. - /system/etc/srs/dts.lic
11-07 16:09:21.762 5717-5717/? D/SRS_Spools_V2: DSEC_DMO_Token ERR: Unable to open key file. - /system/etc/srs/dts.lic
11-07 16:09:21.762 5717-5717/? D/SRS_Spools_V2: DSEC_RET_Token ERR: Unable to open key file. - /system/etc/srs/dts.lic
11-07 16:09:21.762 5717-5717/? V/SRS_ProcT: TRUMEDIA_DSP_VERSION_STRING = v3.1.2.0
11-07 16:09:21.779 5717-5717/? D/SRS_QDSP_Adapter: Control used - SRS TruMedia MI2S
11-07 16:09:21.779 5717-5717/? W/SRS_QDSP_Adapter: Mixer opened 0xb84b8430
11-07 16:09:21.779 5717-5717/? W/SRS_QDSP_Adapter: SRS TruMedia ctl opened 0xb84ba708
11-07 16:09:21.779 5717-5717/? W/SRS_QDSP_Adapter: Not creating SRS DSP thread.
11-07 16:09:21.781 5717-5717/? I/mediaserver: ServiceManager: 0xb84bb048
11-07 16:09:21.782 5717-5717/? I/AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
11-07 16:09:21.787 5717-5717/? E/MediaPlayerFactory: calling dlopen on FACTORY_LIB
11-07 16:09:21.801 5717-5717/? E/MediaPlayerFactory: calling dlsym on pFactoryLib for FACTORY_CREATE_FN 
11-07 16:09:21.801 5717-5717/? E/MediaPlayerFactory: registering DASH Player factory...
11-07 16:09:21.803 5717-5717/? I/CameraService: CameraService started (pid=5717)
11-07 16:09:21.815 5717-5717/? D/mm-camera-intf: get_num_of_cameras gMmCameraIntfLogLevel=1




1、  Fatal代表出现了错误。

2、  backtrack 中可以查找pc

3、  查找pc 00009458  

4、  到out路径下,查找libstagefright.so文件所在的路径




prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/bin/arm-eabi-addr2line  -e out/target/product/msm8916_32/symbols/system/lib/   00009458   即可找到该文件在哪行出错。

7、 同样的,也可以用lr   pc  在模块中查找
