spring cache在4.0以上版本正式对guava cache进行集成,相应的 CacheManager实现类:
要求google guava 12.0 或以上版本.
在spring 的xml文件中进行如下配置:
然后就可以使用spring cache 注解@cacheable @cacheput @cacheEvict 等进行方法级的缓存操作。
默认的实现方式对于缓存的内容是没有过期限制的,这个实现结果与使用ConcurrentMapCache没有什么质的区别。这种使用方式将guava cache的优势全都抹杀了。所以我们需要个性化实例化CacheBuilder,设置我们需要属性值,比如写入5秒过期等特性。
在GuavaCacheManager中有三个方法可供我们使用(copy自spring 4.2.x版本)
public void setCacheBuilder(CacheBuilder
关于CacheBuilderSpecr的文档说明(copy自guava 18.0版本):
{@code CacheBuilderSpec} supports parsing configuration off of a string, which makes it
especially useful for command-line configuration of a {@code CacheBuilder}.
The string syntax is a series of comma-separated keys or key-value pairs, each corresponding
to a {@code CacheBuilder} method.
- {@code concurrencyLevel=[integer]}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#concurrencyLevel}.
- {@code initialCapacity=[integer]}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#initialCapacity}.
- {@code maximumSize=[long]}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#maximumSize}.
- {@code maximumWeight=[long]}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#maximumWeight}.
- {@code expireAfterAccess=[duration]}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#expireAfterAccess}.
- {@code expireAfterWrite=[duration]}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#expireAfterWrite}.
- {@code refreshAfterWrite=[duration]}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#refreshAfterWrite}.
- {@code weakKeys}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#weakKeys}.
- {@code softValues}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#softValues}.
- {@code weakValues}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#weakValues}.
- {@code recordStats}: sets {@link CacheBuilder#recordStats}.
The set of supported keys will grow as {@code CacheBuilder} evolves, but existing keys will
never be removed.
Durations are represented by an integer, followed by one of "d", "h", "m", or "s",
representing days, hours, minutes, or seconds respectively. (There is currently no syntax to
request expiration in milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds.)
Whitespace before and after commas and equal signs is ignored. Keys may not be repeated; it is
also illegal to use the following pairs of keys in a single value:
- {@code maximumSize} and {@code maximumWeight}
- {@code softValues} and {@code weakValues}
{@code CacheBuilderSpec} does not support configuring {@code CacheBuilder} methods with
non-value parameters. These must be configured in code.
单位现在只支持 "d", "h", "m", or "s" 分别为天,小时,分,秒,目前只支持这四个单位,其他暂不支持;
多个属性用英文逗号(,) 分隔;
在spring 的xml文件中配置如下bean