关于The Bulk House的介绍

关于The Bulk House的介绍_第1张图片

The Bulk House is a Zero Waste Lifestyle brand | 一个推行零浪费生活方式的品牌

The Bulk House是一个重视自然环境良性循环,主张环保可持续的生活理念综合平台,在这里我们将提供有利于环境的产品和对社会有影响的环保教育活动。我们希望能够唤醒并正确引导更多的人参与到垃圾减排,环境保护,以及节约资源能源的行动中来。

The Bulk House believes we should now all be placing an emphasis on environmental protection and sustainable development within our daily lives. We are excited to share this consciousness and bring more people together to value and love the things they own and ensure that nothing is wasted.

The Bulk House 的品牌理念非常简单,即为零浪费+极简=快乐 

The Bulk House philosophy is simple, zero waste + minimalism = happiness.

1. 我们正在提供对环境友好的绿色产品

We are making environmentally friendly products available for all!

2. 我们正在组织有关零浪费和极简主义的相关绿色环保活动,倡导人们与自然环境和平相处的一个关系。

We are organising events about the environment and minimalism to help make our planet a more beautiful, happy and healthy place to live.A relationship that promotes the peaceful coexistence of man and nature.


Zero Waste: the very achievable of goal of not producing any waste that could or will end up in landfills, incinerators or oceans.


Minimalism is about keeping the things in your life that you use, need and love. Remove all other things from your life, by selling them, giving them away or up-cycling/recycling them.

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