public AbstractQueryRunner() {
ds = null;
* Constructor to control the use of ParameterMetaData
* @param pmdKnownBroken
* Some drivers don't support
* {@link ParameterMetaData#getParameterType(int) }; if
* pmdKnownBroken
is set to true, we won't even try
* it; if false, we'll try it, and if it breaks, we'll remember
* not to use it again.
public AbstractQueryRunner(boolean pmdKnownBroken) {
this.pmdKnownBroken = pmdKnownBroken;
ds = null;
* Constructor to provide a DataSource
. Methods that do not
* take a Connection
parameter will retrieve connections from
* this DataSource
* @param ds
* The DataSource
to retrieve connections from.
public AbstractQueryRunner(DataSource ds) {
this.ds = ds;
* Constructor to provide a DataSource
and control the use of
* ParameterMetaData
. Methods that do not take a
* Connection
parameter will retrieve connections from this
* DataSource
* @param ds
* The DataSource
to retrieve connections from.
* @param pmdKnownBroken
* Some drivers don't support
* {@link ParameterMetaData#getParameterType(int) }; if
* pmdKnownBroken
is set to true, we won't even try
* it; if false, we'll try it, and if it breaks, we'll remember
* not to use it again.
public AbstractQueryRunner(DataSource ds, boolean pmdKnownBroken) {
this.pmdKnownBroken = pmdKnownBroken;
this.ds = ds;
有些情况下,你需要在PreparedStatement中设置空值,这个时候如果你还使用设置具体类型的方法,如setInt(1,null),程序会毫不留情的报出空指针异常,所以你需要做的是使用setNull(index, type)方法来代替你原来的方法。例如
pmdKnownBroken这个变量,源码的解释是这样的:有些数据库驱动程序不支持ParameterMetaData.getParameterType方法,如果pmdKnownBroken设置为false,在调用fillStatement进行SQL参数填充的时候,如果某个参数值为NULL,我们则会尝试着使用ParameterMetaData.getParameterType方法来获取参数类型,如果有异常抛出,则将pmdKnownBroken值置为 true,以后不再使用。如果pmdKnownBroken设置为true,不进行getParameterType尝试处理。
private volatile boolean pmdKnownBroken = false;
* Fill the PreparedStatement
replacement parameters with the
* given objects.
* @param stmt
* PreparedStatement to fill
* @param params
* Query replacement parameters; null
is a valid
* value to pass in.
* @throws SQLException
* if a database access error occurs
public void fillStatement(PreparedStatement stmt, Object... params)
throws SQLException {
// check the parameter count, if we can
ParameterMetaData pmd = null;
if (!pmdKnownBroken) {
pmd = stmt.getParameterMetaData();
int stmtCount = pmd.getParameterCount();
int paramsCount = params == null ? 0 : params.length;
if (stmtCount != paramsCount) {
throw new SQLException("Wrong number of parameters: expected "
+ stmtCount + ", was given " + paramsCount);
// nothing to do here
if (params == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if (params[i] != null) {
stmt.setObject(i + 1, params[i]);
} else {
// VARCHAR works with many drivers regardless
// of the actual column type. Oddly, NULL and
// OTHER don't work with Oracle's drivers.
int sqlType = Types.VARCHAR;
if (!pmdKnownBroken) {
try {
* It's not possible for pmdKnownBroken to change from
* true to false, (once true, always true) so pmd cannot
* be null here.
sqlType = pmd.getParameterType(i + 1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pmdKnownBroken = true;
stmt.setNull(i + 1, sqlType);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.addBatch("insert into testdb.book (kind, name) values ('java', 'java in aciton')");
stmt.addBatch("insert into testdb.book (kind, name) values ('c', 'c in aciton')");
stmt.addBatch("delete from testdb.book where kind ='C#'");
stmt.addBatch("update testdb.book set kind = 'JAVA' where kind='java'");
// stmt.addBatch("select count(*) from testdb.book"); //批量执行不支持Select语句
String sql = "insert into testdb.book (kind, name) values (?,?)";
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
pstmt.setString(1, "java");
pstmt.setString(2, "java in action");
pstmt.addBatch(); //添加一次预定义参数
pstmt.setString(1, "c");
pstmt.setString(2, "c in action");
pstmt.addBatch(); //再添加一次预定义参数
* Calls update after checking the parameters to ensure nothing is null.
* @param conn The connection to use for the batch call.
* @param closeConn True if the connection should be closed, false otherwise.
* @param sql The SQL statement to execute.
* @param params An array of query replacement parameters. Each row in
* this array is one set of batch replacement values.
* @return The number of rows updated in the batch.
* @throws SQLException If there are database or parameter errors.
private int[] batch(Connection conn, boolean closeConn, String sql, Object[][] params) throws SQLException {
if (conn == null) {
throw new SQLException("Null connection");
if (sql == null) {
if (closeConn) {
throw new SQLException("Null SQL statement");
if (params == null) {
if (closeConn) {
throw new SQLException("Null parameters. If parameters aren't need, pass an empty array.");
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
int[] rows = null;
try {
stmt = this.prepareStatement(conn, sql);
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
this.fillStatement(stmt, params[i]);
rows = stmt.executeBatch();
} catch (SQLException e) {
this.rethrow(e, sql, (Object[])params);
} finally {
if (closeConn) {
return rows;
* Fill the PreparedStatement
replacement parameters with the
* given object's bean property values.
* @param stmt
* PreparedStatement to fill
* @param bean
* A JavaBean object
* @param propertyNames
* An ordered array of property names (these should match the
* getters/setters); this gives the order to insert values in the
* statement
* @throws SQLException
* If a database access error occurs
public void fillStatementWithBean(PreparedStatement stmt, Object bean,
String... propertyNames) throws SQLException {
PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors;
try {
descriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(bean.getClass())
} catch (IntrospectionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't introspect bean "
+ bean.getClass().toString(), e);
PropertyDescriptor[] sorted = new PropertyDescriptor[propertyNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) {
String propertyName = propertyNames[i];
if (propertyName == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("propertyName can't be null: "
+ i);
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < descriptors.length; j++) {
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = descriptors[j];
if (propertyName.equals(descriptor.getName())) {
sorted[i] = descriptor;
found = true;
if (!found) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find bean property: "
+ bean.getClass() + " " + propertyName);
fillStatementWithBean(stmt, bean, sorted);
1. 通过内省机制获取指定bean实例的PropertyDescriptor[]数组,这样呢,就有了对bean属性的直接操作能力了;
2. 根据指定的参数名数组propertyNames,实例化一个PropertyDescriptor[]数组,这个数组,主要的呢,就是存储PreparedStatement指定的参数名对应bean实例中的属性的PropertyDescriptor对象;
3. 将propertyNames与Bean的属性进行比较,确保为每个属性名找到在bean中对应的PropertyDescriptor实例 。
4. 执行fillStatementWithBean的重载方法通过指定stmt中参数的bean实例对应的属性描述数组,进行参数填充。
* Fill the PreparedStatement
replacement parameters with the
* given object's bean property values.
* @param stmt
* PreparedStatement to fill
* @param bean
* a JavaBean object
* @param properties
* an ordered array of properties; this gives the order to insert
* values in the statement
* @throws SQLException
* if a database access error occurs
public void fillStatementWithBean(PreparedStatement stmt, Object bean,
PropertyDescriptor[] properties) throws SQLException {
Object[] params = new Object[properties.length];
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
PropertyDescriptor property = properties[i];
Object value = null;
Method method = property.getReadMethod();
if (method == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("No read method for bean property "
+ bean.getClass() + " " + property.getName());
try {
value = method.invoke(bean, new Object[0]);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't invoke method: " + method,
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Couldn't invoke method with 0 arguments: " + method, e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't invoke method: " + method,
params[i] = value;
fillStatement(stmt, params);
Method method = property.getReadMethod();
通过反射调用getter方法获取属性值 。
value = method.invoke(bean, new Object[0]);
将获取到的属相值保存到 Object[] 数组中,
params[i] = value;
最后调用fillStatement(stmt, params)填充参数。
fillStatement(stmt, params);