oracle10g 默认用户说明





创建脚本:?/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq and various cat*.sql


All of the base tables and views for the database's data dictionary are stored in the schema SYS. These base tables and views are critical for the operation of Oracle. To maintain the integrity of the data dictionary, tables in the SYS schema are manipulated only by Oracle; they should never be modified by any user or database administrator, and no one should create any tables in the schema of the user SYS.

The DBA should change the password for SYS immediately after database creation!






manager The SYSTEM username creates additional tables and views that display administrative information, and internal tables and views used by Oracle tools. Never create in the SYSTEM schema tables of interest to individual users.

SYSTEM is a little bit "weaker" user than SYS, for example, it has no access to so called X$ tables (the very internal structure tables of Oracle).

Although in real life you may be in a situation when some product or whatever you want to create objects in above mentioned user's schemas. Be flexible, don't sacriface a product only because it will create some objects in SYS or SYSTEM schema

The DBA should change the password for SYSTEM immediately after database creation!






Oracle8i adds the OUTLN user schema to support Plan Stability. The OUTLN user acts as a place to centrally manage metadata associated with stored outlines.

This user has DBA role. It is used for plan stability ie. to keep the same execution plans for the same queries even if your system configuration or statistics changes. Execution plans will be the same in different Oracle releases with different optimizers.

The DBA should either lock the user account or change the password for the OUTLN user immediately after database creation!









·HR/HR (Human Resources), OE/OE (Order Entry), SH/SH (Sales History).






Oracle Intelligent agent,具有CONNECT\RESOUCEHE\SNMPAGENT 权限的角色,可用CATNSMP.SQL脚本删除此用户和角色

创建脚本:?/rdbms/admin/catsnmp.sql, called from catalog.sql

可以改变密码,需要放置新密码到snmp_rw.ora文件,如果不需要Intelligent Agents,可以删除。

The Oracle Intelligent Agent requires a database logon for each SID that it manages. By default this account is called "DBSNMP" and the password is "DBSNMP". The account name and/or password SHOULD be changed from the default but you will need to make a few additional modifications. In the examples below, you will need to replace any information with brackets < > with the information from your system.








ctxsys Supports Oracle ConText Cartridge. Oracle8 ConText Cartridge provides powerful search, retrieval, and viewing capabilities for text stored in an Oracle8 database. In addition, ConText provides advanced linguistic processing of English-language text.

The DBA should either lock the user account or change the password for the CTXSYS user immediately after database creation!



Oracle Trace server






ordplugins Supports Oracle interMedia. Oracle interMedia is a single product that enables Oracle8i to store, manage, and retrieve text, documents, geographic location information, images, audio, and video in an integrated fashion with other enterprise information. Oracle interMedia extends Oracle8i reliability, availability, and data management to text and multimedia content in Internet, electronic commerce, and media-rich applications as well as online Internet-based geocoding services for locator applications.

The DBA should either lock the user account or change the password for the ORDPLUGINS user immediately after database creation!





ordsys Supports Oracle8i Time Series. Oracle8i Time Series (in previous releases called the Oracle8 Time Series Cartridge) is an extension to Oracle8i that provides storage and retrieval of timestamped data through object types. Oracle8i Time Series is a building block for applications rather than being an end-user application in itself. It consists of data types along with related functions for managing and processing time series data.

The DBA should either lock the user account or change the password for the ORDSYS user immediately after database creation!



Oracle Dynamic Services and Syndication Server


dssys Dynamic Services Secured Web Service. Dynamic Services Engine (DS Engine) allows creation, aggregation and deployment of services from a variety of content sources. At the moment, Dynamic Services supports content access from databases (SQL/PLSQL) as well as Internet applications (HTTP/HTTPS). DS Engine can interpret XML and HTML content along with the result sets returned from database access. DS Engine is integrated with Oracle Portal via a Web Provider mechanism. This integration allows all the services registered with DS Engine to be accessible as portlets.

The DBA should either lock the user account or change the password for the DSSYS user immediately after database creation!



Oracle Spatial administrator user,空间数据(SPATIAL)\媒介 (INTERMEDIA)\音频(AUDIO)\视频(VIDEO)和图像管理员帐户


mdsys Supports Oracle Spatial. Oracle Spatial is an integrated set of functions and procedures that enables spatial data to be stored, accessed, and analyzed quickly and efficiently in an Oracle8i database.

[..] The spatial attribute of a spatial feature is the geometric representation of its shape in some coordinate space. This is referred to as its geometry.

The DBA should either lock the user account or change the password for the MDSYS user immediately after database creation!



Used for users who do not authenticate in Aurora/ORB

创建脚本:?/javavm/install/init_orb.sql called from ?/javavm/install/initjvm.sql



Oracle Statistics Package (STATSPACK) that supersedes UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT

创建脚本:?/rdbms/admin/statscre.sql  ?/rdbms/admin/spcusr.sql

perfstat Oracle Statistics Package (STATSPACK) user that supersedes UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT. The PERFSTAT user will hold all of the tables and packages for the performance diagnostic tool STATSPACK.



ORACLE 10g与代理服务器有关的帐户

 Used to support Oracle's Ultrasearch option. This feature (and user) was introduced in Oracle9i. The user account IS NOT locked by default is only assigned the "CREATE SESSION" privilege. None the less, this account is not locked by default and Oracle highly recommends that this default password be changed.

创建脚本: ?/ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql




Used to support Oracle's Ultrasearch option. This feature (and user) was introduced in Oracle9i. The user account IS NOT locked by default and as you can see below, is granted the highly privileged role of DBA. Given that this user is granted the DBA role and is not locked by default, Oracle highly recommends that this default password be changed.

The default tablespace for this user will be "DRSYS" while its temporary tablespace will be "TEMP".

创建脚本: ?/ultrasearch/admin/wk0install.sql




wmsys Used to store all the metadata information for Oracle Workspace Manager. This user was introduced in Oracle9i and (like most Oracle9i supporting accounts) is locked by default. The user account is locked because we want the password to be public but restrict access to the account to the SYS schema. So, to unlock the account, DBA privileges are required.

创建脚本: ?/rdbms/admin/owmctab.plb




 Used to support SQL XML management: XML DB. This user is granted two roles: "RESOURCE" and "JAVAUSERPRIV". Oracle recommends changing the password for this user after creation. This user is configured with a default tablespace of "XDB" and a temporary tablespace of "TEMP".

创建脚本: $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catqm.sql



用于访问ORACLE XML DB知识库的帐户。

...IDENTIFIED BY VALUES 'anonymous' Used to support SQL XML management: XML DB. Allows HTTP access to Oracle XML DB. This user should only be used for HTTP logins. The account is locked near the end of the catqm.sql script.

创建脚本: $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catqm.sql



 Used to support Oracle Data Mining. In Oracle9i, this user is granted the roles: "SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE", "HS_ADMIN_ROLE", "AQ_USER_ROLE". Oracle recommends changing the default password as the account IS NOT locked after creation. The default tablespace for this user is "ODM" with temporary tablespace "TEMP". The "ODM" tablespace is populated with segments from users ODM and ODM_MTR.

创建脚本: $ORACLE_HOME/dm/admin/dmcrt.sql



Used to support Oracle Data Mining. In Oracle9i, this user is granted "SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE" and "HS_ADMIN_ROLE". Oracle recommends changing the default password as the account IS NOT locked after creation. The default tablespace for this user is "ODM" with temporary tablespace "TEMP". The "ODM" tablespace is populated with segments from users ODM and ODM_MTR.

创建脚本: $ORACLE_HOME/dm/admin/dmcrt.sql




This user is create if OLAP option is installed and is used to create OLAP metadata structures. In Oracle9i, this user is granted "SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE" and "HS_ADMIN_ROLE". Oracle recommends changing the default password. The default tablespace for this user is "ODM" with temporary tablespace "TEMP". The "ODM" tablespace is populated with segments from users ODM and ODM_MTR.

创建脚本: $ORACLE_HOME/dm/admin/dmcrt.sql








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