本地安装jar 文件

It's not just the jar only to make a Maven repository, there are a bunch of other stuffs required to be regarded as Maven repository. From the URL I think it is not a standard Maven repository layout.

So you have at least 2 options:

  1. Setup your own local network Maven repository, either using Artifactory, Nexus or other similar software systems.
  2. Download the file and add it to your local machine repository.

For option 2, just download the file, and then run the Maven mvn command as follow (assuming the file is at your current directory):




mvn install:install-file -Dfile=simple-syslog-5424-0.0.7.jar -DgroupId=com.github.palindromicity -DartifactId=simple-syslog-5424 -Dversion=0.0.7 -Dpackaging=jar

本地安装jar 文件_第1张图片


