
MacBook-Pro:Downloads sunyifeng$ brew install nginx
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 3 taps (homebrew/core, pivotal/tap, caskroom/cask).
==> New Formulae
angle-grinder                                      deark
==> Updated Formulae
erlang ✔                          gjs                               oniguruma
gradle ✔                          glslang                           opencv
perl ✔                            gmt                               opencv@2
vim ✔                             gmt@4                             openforti
abcmidi                           gnuradio                          openimageio
adplug                            gpgme                             osquery
akamai                            gphoto2                           osrm-backend
amazon-ecs-cli                    gr-osmosdr                        packetbeat
annie                             grails                            pam-u2f
ansible                           grib-api                          pam_yubico
apache-arrow                      gtk+3                             pcl
apache-drill                      hadolint                          pcre2
apm-server                        haproxy                           pdal
armadillo                         hcloud                            pdftoedn
artifactory                       hdf5                              pdftoipe
aspectj                           heartbeat                         percona-toolkit
atari800                          heroku                            pgpool-ii
atlassian-cli                     hlint                             phpunit
auditbeat                         jenkins-job-builder               pivotal/tap/git-together
aws-shell                         jpegoptim                         planck
bacula-fd                         json-fortran                      poppler
baresip                           juju                              povray
bdw-gc                            kallisto                          presto
bento4                            kedge                             pyexiv2
bitcoin                           kibana                            qmmp
blueutil                          kompose                           radare2
boost                             kotlin                            rhash
boost-bcp                         kubeless                          [email protected]
boost-build                       ledger                            scrcpy
boost-mpi                         lgogdownloader                    scw
boost-python                      libbi                             sdcc
boost-python3                     libbitcoin                        shml
caddy                             libetonyek                        shogun
caffe                             libfaketime                       silk
cake                              libgphoto2                        siril
calicoctl                         libgsf                            skafos
camlp5                            libmatio                          snapcraft
chronograf                        libphonenumber                    sonarqube
clac                              libre                             source-highlight
cmake                             librealsense                      spotbugs
convox                            librem                            sratoolkit
cpanminus                         libtorrent-rasterbar              subversion
dartsim                           libuv                             swiftformat
diamond                           liquibase                         telegraf
diff-pdf                          logstash                          tgui
dockviz                           lolcat                            tile38
dynare                            macvim                            tippecanoe
elasticsearch                     metaproxy                         tmuxinator-completion
[email protected]                 metricbeat                        trafficserver
[email protected]                 mg                                travis
etsh                              mgba                              twarc
exim                              mikutter                          txr
feh                               minidlna                          typescript
ffmpeg                            mkvtoolnix                        uhd
ffmpeg2theora                     monero                            unpaper
ffmpegthumbnailer                 mongo-orchestration               unrar
ffms2                             mongodb                           upscaledb
field3d                           mpd                               vagrant-completion
filebeat                          mpv                               valabind
fio                               mysql                             [email protected]
flann                             mysql-sandbox                     vtk
fluent-bit                        [email protected]                         webp
fn                                [email protected]                         webpack
fobis                             ncmpcpp                           wesnoth
folly                             nco                               widelands
freeling                          ncview                            wireguard-tools
freeradius-server                 netcdf                            wla-dx
freetds                           node-build                        wp-cli
fuego                             nomad                             wpcli-completion
gegl                              nudoku                            xmrig
ghc                               ocrmypdf                          xxhash
gifski                            octave                            zsh
==> Renamed Formulae
geth -> ethereum
==> Deleted Formulae

==> Installing dependencies for nginx: pcre
==> Installing nginx dependency: pcre
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring pcre-8.42.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
/usr/local/Cellar/pcre/8.42: 204 files, 5.3MB
==> Installing nginx
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring nginx-1.13.12.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
Docroot is: /usr/local/var/www

The default port has been set in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf to 8080 so that
nginx can run without sudo.

nginx will load all files in /usr/local/etc/nginx/servers/.

To have launchd start nginx now and restart at login:
  brew services start nginx
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.13.12: 23 files, 1.4MB
