

1、2.1性能,APP完整性 出现WiFi 连接ipv6被拒绝问题

解决方法:首先确认一下是否是网络请求方式问题,请求接口是否有问题,请求时间是否充足,然后搭建ipv6环境、首先看一下我们自己的问题,服务器(阿里云)是否兼容ipv4和ipv6配置,如果支持,自己搭建本地ipv6测试,如果自测成功后截图(mac共享中截图、手机连接mac搭建ipv6环境截图、手机支付截图、支付成功后截图),然后写出申诉陈述(中文:我们严格审查项目。根据官方文档配置本地ipv6环境,严格测试已经支持ipv6。附件请见下图。如有疑问我们随时沟通。感谢。 英文:We have reviewed the project strictly. Configurate the local IPV6 environment according to local documents. Strictly tested and has been support ipv6. Please find the picture attached. Contact us anytime please, Thank you)----------归根揭底,其实我碰见这问题,基本是需要服务器端口那边完全配置,才能彻底解决ipv6问题。

2、Other-Other 3.2(f)欺诈协议(We have determined that your Apple Developer Program membership, or another membership associated with your developer account, has been used for dishonest or fraudulent activity. This is prohibited by Section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement:)


解决方法:不能重复提交,应该在首次提交的账号上提交 Please check our new version and move to the App Store ASAP!Thank u so much!

3、1. 5 Safety: Developer Information 安全:开发者信息(The support URL specified in your app’s metadata, http://www.***.com, does not properly navigate to the intended destination. You did not specify a support URL in your app's metadata, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.)


解决方法:如果是账号1上的应用包(ind结尾的作品)可以用https://www.***.com, 如果是账号2上的独立包,应该用介绍应用包的URL。

4、4. 1 Design: Copycats 模仿行为 (Your app or its metadata contains misleading content. Specifically, your metadata leverages ***.Please see attached screenshots for details.Next Steps.Please remove or revise any misleading content in your app and its metadata.Information Needed)




原因:应用的icon图标跟itunes 上图标出现不相同


6、2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification,at iPhone resolution,and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution(iPhone应用必须可以无条件运行在iPad上,支持普通iPhone分辨率和2倍iPhone 3GS分辨率。)



7、Performance - 2.5.1/Performance - 2.5.2

Your app contains features which abuse private APIs to enable the installation of 3rd party apps.

For these reasons, your app will be removed from sale on the App Store at this time.


解决方法:删除第三方收费机制、和第三方的广告代码 (When we got letter,we do review the project to determine that it does not include the abuse of the private API to enable third-party application installation.But it may make the consumer to misunderstand our message,It is old app package bug,we will fix it and update our new version and make sure it is ok,as soon as possible please check our new version and move to the App Store ASAP!Thank u so much!)



9、4. 3 Design: Spam

Guideline 4.3 - Design

Your app duplicates the content and functionality of apps currently available on the App Store.

Please see attached screenshots for details.


解决方法:1、We will fix it and update our new version and make sure it is ok ,as soon as possible please check our new version and move to the App Store ASAP!Thank u so much!(重新上传)2、更换宣传图
