Centos setting password for user, but still can‘t log in on it

Refer to : Centos setting password for user, but still can’t log in on it

Use another to check the log by with sudo tail -f /var/log/secure
It shows something like this,

Jul  4 16:24:06 iz2ze86eplnjdk8exdjimjz sshd[17288]: pam_tally2(sshd:auth): user lv (1002) tally 31, deny 5

From the output it shows the reason, then solve it.

For the above case, the user is locked for enter too many uncorrect passwd before.

Check it with pam_tally2 -u lv

Login           Failures 	Latest failure     From
lv             		32    	07/04/20 16:24:59

Reset it with pam_tally2 -u lvi -r --reset

Login           Failures Latest failure     From
lv                 32    07/04/20 16:24:59

Check it again pam_tally2 -u lv

Login           Failures Latest failure     From
lv`		              0

After reset on lv, lv can login successful.

Here is the login strategy

cat /etc/pam.d/sshd
1 #%PAM-1.0
2 auth required pam_tally2.so deny=5 unlock_time=600 even_deny_root root_unlock_time=60

refer to:
