package ledger
import (
commonledger ""
type PeerLedgerProvider interface {
Create(genesisBlock *common.Block) (PeerLedger, error)
Open(ledgerID string) (PeerLedger, error)
Exists(ledgerID string) (bool, error)
List() ([]string, error)
type PeerLedger interface {
GetTransactionByID(txID string) (*peer.ProcessedTransaction, error)
GetBlockByHash(blockHash []byte) (*common.Block, error)
GetBlockByTxID(txID string) (*common.Block, error)
GetTxValidationCodeByTxID(txID string) (peer.TxValidationCode, error)
NewTxSimulator() (TxSimulator, error)
NewQueryExecutor() (QueryExecutor, error)
NewHistoryQueryExecutor() (HistoryQueryExecutor, error)
Prune(policy commonledger.PrunePolicy) error
type ValidatedLedger interface {
type QueryExecutor interface {
GetState(namespace string, key string) ([]byte, error)
GetStateMultipleKeys(namespace string, keys []string) ([][]byte, error)
GetStateRangeScanIterator(namespace string, startKey string, endKey string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
ExecuteQuery(namespace, query string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
type HistoryQueryExecutor interface {
GetHistoryForKey(namespace string, key string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
type TxSimulator interface {
SetState(namespace string, key string, value []byte) error
DeleteState(namespace string, key string) error
SetStateMultipleKeys(namespace string, kvs map[string][]byte) error
ExecuteUpdate(query string) error
GetTxSimulationResults() ([]byte, error)
type lockBasedTxSimulator struct {
rwsetBuilder *rwsetutil.RWSetBuilder
type RWSetBuilder struct {
rwMap map[string]*nsRWs
func (rws *RWSetBuilder) GetTxReadWriteSet() *TxRwSet {
txRWSet := &TxRwSet{}
sortedNamespaces := util.GetSortedKeys(rws.rwMap)
for _, ns := range sortedNamespaces {
nsReadWriteMap := rws.rwMap[ns]
func NewValidator(db statedb.VersionedDB) *Validator {
return &Validator{db}
func (v *Validator) validateEndorserTX(envBytes []byte, doMVCCValidation bool, updates *statedb.UpdateBatch) (*rwsetutil.TxRwSet, peer.TxValidationCode, error) {
respPayload, err := putils.GetActionFromEnvelope(envBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, peer.TxValidationCode_NIL_TXACTION, nil
txRWSet := &rwsetutil.TxRwSet{}
if err = txRWSet.FromProtoBytes(respPayload.Results); err != nil {
return nil, peer.TxValidationCode_INVALID_OTHER_REASON, nil
func (v *Validator) validateTx(txRWSet *rwsetutil.TxRwSet, updates *statedb.UpdateBatch) (peer.TxValidationCode, error) {
for _, nsRWSet := range txRWSet.NsRwSets {
ns := nsRWSet.NameSpace
if valid, err := v.validateReadSet(ns, nsRWSet.KvRwSet.Reads, updates); !valid || err != nil {
if err != nil {
return peer.TxValidationCode(-1), err
return peer.TxValidationCode_MVCC_READ_CONFLICT, nil
if valid, err := v.validateRangeQueries(ns, nsRWSet.KvRwSet.RangeQueriesInfo, updates); !valid || err != nil {
if err != nil {
return peer.TxValidationCode(-1), err
return peer.TxValidationCode_PHANTOM_READ_CONFLICT, nil
return peer.TxValidationCode_VALID, nil
func (v *Validator) validateReadSet(ns string, kvReads []*kvrwset.KVRead, updates *statedb.UpdateBatch) (bool, error) {
for _, kvRead := range kvReads {
if valid, err := v.validateKVRead(ns, kvRead, updates); !valid || err != nil {
return valid, err
return true, nil
func (v *Validator) validateKVRead(ns string, kvRead *kvrwset.KVRead, updates *statedb.UpdateBatch) (bool, error) {
//(k1,1,v1) (k2 ,2,v2)
//Write(k1,2,v1') Read(k1)
if updates.Exists(ns, kvRead.Key) {
return false, nil
versionedValue, err := v.db.GetState(ns, kvRead.Key)
if err != nil {
return false, err
var committedVersion *version.Height
if versionedValue != nil {
committedVersion = versionedValue.Version
if !version.AreSame(committedVersion, rwsetutil.NewVersion(kvRead.Version)) {
logger.Debugf("Version mismatch for key [%s:%s]. Committed version = [%s], Version in readSet [%s]",
ns, kvRead.Key, committedVersion, kvRead.Version)
return false, nil
return true, nil
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("stateleveldb")
var compositeKeySep = []byte{0x00}
var lastKeyIndicator = byte(0x01)
var savePointKey = []byte{0x00}
type VersionedDBProvider struct {
dbProvider *leveldbhelper.Provider
func (vdb *versionedDB) GetState(namespace string, key string) (*statedb.VersionedValue, error) {
logger.Debugf("GetState(). ns=%s, key=%s", namespace, key)
compositeKey := constructCompositeKey(namespace, key)
dbVal, err := vdb.db.Get(compositeKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if dbVal == nil {
return nil, nil
val, ver := statedb.DecodeValue(dbVal)
return &statedb.VersionedValue{Value: val, Version: ver}, nil
func (vdb *versionedDB) GetStateMultipleKeys(namespace string, keys []string) ([]*statedb.VersionedValue, error) {
vals := make([]*statedb.VersionedValue, len(keys))
for i, key := range keys {
val, err := vdb.GetState(namespace, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vals[i] = val
return vals, nil
func (vdb *versionedDB) GetStateRangeScanIterator(namespace string, startKey string, endKey string) (statedb.ResultsIterator, error) {
compositeStartKey := constructCompositeKey(namespace, startKey)
compositeEndKey := constructCompositeKey(namespace, endKey)
if endKey == "" {
compositeEndKey[len(compositeEndKey)-1] = lastKeyIndicator
dbItr := vdb.db.GetIterator(compositeStartKey, compositeEndKey)
return newKVScanner(namespace, dbItr), nil
func (vdb *versionedDB) ExecuteQuery(namespace, query string) (statedb.ResultsIterator, error) {
return nil, errors.New("ExecuteQuery not supported for leveldb")
func (vdb *versionedDB) ApplyUpdates(batch *statedb.UpdateBatch, height *version.Height) error {
dbBatch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
namespaces := batch.GetUpdatedNamespaces()
for _, ns := range namespaces {
updates := batch.GetUpdates(ns)
for k, vv := range updates {
compositeKey := constructCompositeKey(ns, k)
logger.Debugf("Channel [%s]: Applying key=[%#v]", vdb.dbName, compositeKey)
if vv.Value == nil {
} else {
dbBatch.Put(compositeKey, statedb.EncodeValue(vv.Value, vv.Version))
dbBatch.Put(savePointKey, height.ToBytes())
if err := vdb.db.WriteBatch(dbBatch, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (vdb *versionedDB) GetLatestSavePoint() (*version.Height, error) {
versionBytes, err := vdb.db.Get(savePointKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if versionBytes == nil {
return nil, nil
version, _ := version.NewHeightFromBytes(versionBytes)
return version, nil
func constructCompositeKey(ns string, key string) []byte {
return append(append([]byte(ns), compositeKeySep...), []byte(key)...)
func splitCompositeKey(compositeKey []byte) (string, string) {
split := bytes.SplitN(compositeKey, compositeKeySep, 2)
return string(split[0]), string(split[1])
func (historyDB *historyDB) Commit(block *common.Block) error {
for _, nsRWSet := range txRWSet.NsRwSets {
ns := nsRWSet.NameSpace
for _, kvWrite := range nsRWSet.KvRwSet.Writes {
writeKey := kvWrite.Key
//composite key for history records is in the form ns~key~blockNo~tranNo
compositeHistoryKey := historydb.ConstructCompositeHistoryKey(ns, writeKey, blockNo, tranNo)
// No value is required, write an empty byte array (emptyValue) since Put() of nil is not allowed
dbBatch.Put(compositeHistoryKey, emptyValue)
func ConstructCompositeHistoryKey(ns string, key string, blocknum uint64, trannum uint64) []byte {
var compositeKey []byte
compositeKey = append(compositeKey, []byte(ns)...)
compositeKey = append(compositeKey, compositeKeySep...)
compositeKey = append(compositeKey, []byte(key)...)
compositeKey = append(compositeKey, compositeKeySep...)
compositeKey = append(compositeKey, util.EncodeOrderPreservingVarUint64(blocknum)...)
compositeKey = append(compositeKey, util.EncodeOrderPreservingVarUint64(trannum)...)
return compositeKey
var ErrUnexpectedEndOfBlockfile = errors.New("unexpected end of blockfile")
func newBlockfileStream(rootDir string, fileNum int, startOffset int64) (*blockfileStream, error) {
func (s *blockfileStream) nextBlockBytes() ([]byte, error) {