6 5
(0, 0) (5, 4)
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
Got a map from file:maze_map.in
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
Find the end point:
0 0 4 5 6
1 2 3 0 7
2 0 4 0 8
0 0 0 10 9
0 0 12 11 10
0 0 0 12 11
The path is :
{0 0} {1 0} {1 1} {1 2} {0 2} {0 3} {0 4} {1 4} {2 4} {3 4} {4 4} {5 4}
* 0 * * *
* * * 0 *
2 0 4 0 *
0 0 0 10 *
0 0 12 11 *
0 0 0 12 *
Process finished with exit code 0
package main
import (
//struct of point
type Point struct {
i, j int
//struct of maze
type Maze struct {
root [][]int
row, col int
//direction of a point
var dir = [...]Point{
{-1,0}, //up
{0, -1}, //left
{1, 0}, //down
{0, 1}, //right
var (
startPoint Point = Point{i:0, j:0}
endPoint Point = Point{i:0, j:0}
// map information read from filename
const filename = "maze_map.in"
func main() {
// read maze map from filename
maze := readMazeFromFile(filename)
footPrint, err := walkMaze( maze, startPoint, endPoint )
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Find the end point:")
footPrint.printThePath(startPoint, endPoint)
/** method of Point *****/
func (p Point)add(point Point) Point {
return Point{p.i + point.i, p.j + point.j}
/** method of Maze *****/
func (maze * Maze)Visitable(tryPoint Point, targetValue int ) bool {
if tryPoint.i < 0 || tryPoint.j < 0 || tryPoint.i >= maze.row || tryPoint.j >= maze.col {
return false
if maze.root[tryPoint.i][tryPoint.j] == targetValue {
return true
} else {
return false
func (maze * Maze)Show() {
for i := range maze.root {
for j := range maze.root[i] {
fmt.Printf("%3d", maze.root[i][j])
func (maze * Maze)printThePath(start, end Point) {
var steps []Point
//find from end point
steps = append(steps, end)
//start point is the target point
var ok bool
if steps, ok = maze.dfsMaze(steps, start); !ok {
fmt.Println("cannot found the path from the start point")
fmt.Println("The path is :")
sLen := len(steps)
var cur Point
for i := sLen - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
cur = steps[i]
fmt.Printf("%v ", cur)
maze.root[cur.i][cur.j] = -1
for i := range maze.root {
for j := range maze.root[i] {
if maze.root[i][j] == -1 {
fmt.Printf(" *", )
} else {
fmt.Printf("%3d", maze.root[i][j])
func (maze * Maze)dfsMaze(steps []Point, end Point) ([]Point, bool) {
var tryPoint, cur Point
stepsLen := len(steps)
//peak last Point
cur = steps[stepsLen-1]
if cur == end {
//the end point
return steps, true
for _, tmpPoint := range dir {
tryPoint = cur.add(tmpPoint)
if maze.Visitable(tryPoint, maze.root[cur.i][cur.j] - 1) {
steps = append(steps, tryPoint)
var ok bool
if steps ,ok = maze.dfsMaze(steps, end); ok {
return steps, true
} else {//pop this point
steps = steps[0:len(steps)-1]
return steps, false
func (maze * Maze)setVisited(tryPoint Point ) {
maze.root[tryPoint.i][tryPoint.j] = 2
func (maze * Maze)stepMark(cur, tryPoint Point) (int, error) {
curStep,err := maze.stepAt(cur)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Got an bad point in maze.stepAt: %v, %s", cur, err.Error())
return 0, err
maze.root[tryPoint.i][tryPoint.j] = curStep + 1
return curStep + 1, nil
func (maze * Maze)stepAt(dstPoint Point ) (int, error) {
if dstPoint.i < 0 || dstPoint.j < 0 || dstPoint.i >= maze.row || dstPoint.j >= maze.col {
return 0, errors.New("point out of maze range")
return maze.root[dstPoint.i][dstPoint.j], nil
func walkMaze(maze * Maze, start, end Point ) (* Maze, error) {
var footPrint Maze
footPrint.row = maze.row
footPrint.col = maze.col
footPrint.root = make([][]int, footPrint.row)
for i := range footPrint.root {
footPrint.root[i] = make([]int, footPrint.col)
step := make([]Point, 0)
step = append(step, start)
var tryPoint Point
for len(step) != 0 {
me := step[0]
if me == end {
//me is the end point
return &footPrint, nil
//find and append the visitable point into Q
for _, tmpPoint := range dir {
tryPoint = me.add(tmpPoint)
if maze.Visitable(tryPoint, 0) {
// appen this tryPoint to Q
step = append(step, tryPoint)
//reject double add to Q
maze.root[tryPoint.i][tryPoint.j] = 3
// mark this point in footPrint base cur stepNum
footPrint.stepMark(me, tryPoint)
step = step[1:]
return &footPrint, errors.New("can not get to the target point")
func readMazeFromFile(filename string) * Maze {
var (
err error
maze Maze
file *os.File
file, err = os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Open file failed:",filename )
defer file.Close()
_, err = fmt.Fscanf(file, "%d %d\n", &maze.row, &maze.col)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Read row and col form %s failed\n",filename )
//get start and end point
_, err = fmt.Fscanf(file, "(%d, %d) (%d, %d)",
&startPoint.i, &startPoint.j,
&endPoint.i, &endPoint.j)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Read start and end point from %s failed\n",filename )
fmt.Fscanln(file) //eat the '\n'
maze.root = make([][]int, maze.row)
for i := range maze.root {
maze.root[i] = make([]int, maze.col)
for j := range maze.root[i] {
fmt.Fscanf(file, "%d", &maze.root[i][j] )
fmt.Fscanln(file) //eat the '\n'
fmt.Printf("Got a map from file:%s\n", filename)
return &maze