

文件 功能
Huffman 哈夫曼编码
compress 解压
#ifndef COMPRESS_H
#define COMPRESS_H
typedef unsigned char * buffer;
int Compress(const char *pFilename);
unsigned char Str2byte(const char *pBinStr);
int Encode(const char*pFilename, const HuffmanCode pHC,buffer &pBuffer, const int nSize);

struct HEAD
    char type[4];//文件类型
    int length;//原文件长度
    int weight[256];//权值数值
int WriteFile(const char*pFilename, const HEAD sHead, unsigned char * pBuffer, const int nSize);
int InitHead(const char *pFilename, HEAD &sHead);
int UnCompress(const char*pFilename);
#ifndef HUFFMAN_H
#define HUFFMAN_H
#define OK 1
#define SIZE 256
struct HTNode {
    int weight;//权值
    int parent;//父节点
    int lchild;//左孩子
    int rchild;//右孩子
typedef HTNode *HuffmanTree;//动态分配数组存储Huffman树
typedef char **HuffmanCode;//动态分配哈夫曼编码表

//void PreorderTraverse(int root, HuffmanTree pHT);
int HuffmanCoding(HuffmanCode &pHC, HuffmanTree &pHT);
int Select(HuffmanTree pHT, int nSize);
void TestHufTree(HuffmanTree pHT);
void TestHufCode(int root, HuffmanTree pHT, HuffmanCode pHC);
void TestHufTreeN(int root, HuffmanTree pHT);

int HfmTree(HuffmanTree &pHT, int *w, int n);

#pragma warning( disable : 4996)
using namespace std;
void PreorderTraverse(int root, HuffmanTree pHT)
    cout << pHT[root].weight << " ";//访问节点
    if (pHT[root].lchild)//左孩子
        PreorderTraverse(pHT[root].lchild, pHT);
    if (pHT[root].rchild)//右孩子
        PreorderTraverse(pHT[root].rchild, pHT);
int HuffmanCoding(HuffmanCode &pHC, HuffmanTree &pHT)
    pHC = (HuffmanCode)malloc((SIZE + 1) * sizeof(char*));
    char cd[SIZE] = { '\0' };//记录访问路径
    int cdlen = 0;//记录当前路径长度
    for (int i = 1; i < 512; i++)
        pHT[i].weight = 0;//遍历 Huffman树时用作节点的状态标志

    int p = 2*SIZE-1;//根节点
    while (p != 0)
        if (pHT[p].weight == 0)//向左
            pHT[p].weight = 1;
            if (pHT[p].lchild != 0)
                p = pHT[p].lchild;
                cd[cdlen++] = '0';
            else if (pHT[p].rchild == 0)//登记叶子节点的字符编码
                pHC[p] = (char*)malloc((cdlen+1) * sizeof(char));
                cd[cdlen] = '\0';
                strcpy(pHC[p], cd);//复制编码
        else if (pHT[p].weight == 1)//向右
            pHT[p].weight = 2;
            if (pHT[p].rchild != 0)//右孩子为叶子节点
                p = pHT[p].rchild;
                cd[cdlen++] = '1';
            pHT[p].weight = 0;
            p = pHT[p].parent;
//      printf("*");
    return OK;

int Select(HuffmanTree pHT, int nSize)
    int minValue = 0x7FFFFFFF;//最小值
    int min = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= nSize; i++)
        if (pHT[i].parent == 0 && pHT[i].weight < minValue)
            minValue = pHT[i].weight;
            min = i;
    return min;

void TestHufTree(HuffmanTree pHT)
    for (int i = 1; i < 2*SIZE; i++)
        printf("pHT[%d]\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", i, pHT[i].weight, pHT[i].parent,pHT[i].lchild,pHT[i].rchild);

int HfmTree(HuffmanTree &pHT, int *w, int n)
    int m = 2 * n - 1;
    pHT = (HuffmanTree)malloc((m + 1) * sizeof(HTNode));
    if (!pHT)
        cerr << "内存分配失败! " << endl;
        return -1;
    HuffmanTree p = pHT + 1;//0号单元不使用
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        p->weight = (i < n) ? w[i] : 0;
        p->parent = 0;
        p->lchild = 0;
        p->rchild = 0;
    for (int i = n + 1; i <= m; i++)
        int s1 = Select(pHT, i - 1);//找出前i-1个中最小元素
        pHT[s1].parent = i;

        int s2 = Select(pHT, i - 1);
        pHT[s2].parent = i;

        pHT[i].weight = pHT[s1].weight + pHT[s2].weight;
        pHT[i].lchild = s1;
        pHT[i].rchild = s2;
    return 0;

void TestHufCode(int root, HuffmanTree pHT, HuffmanCode pHC)
    if (pHT[root].lchild == 0 && pHT[root].rchild == 0)
        printf("0x%02X %s\n", root - 1, pHC[root]);
    if (pHT[root].lchild)//访问左孩子
        TestHufCode(pHT[root].lchild, pHT, pHC);
    if (pHT[root].rchild)
        TestHufCode(pHT[root].rchild, pHT, pHC);

void TestHufTreeN(int root, HuffmanTree pHT)
    cout << pHT[root].weight << "\t"<
#pragma warning( disable : 4996)
using namespace std;
unsigned char Str2byte(const char *pBinStr)
    unsigned char b = 0x00;
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        b = b << 1;
        if (pBinStr[i] == '1')
            b = b | 0x01;
    return b;

int Compress(const char *pFilename)
    int weight[256] = { 0 };
    FILE* in = fopen(pFilename, "rb");
    if (in == NULL)
        cout << "Failed to open the file!" << endl;
    cout << "成功打开文件 " << pFilename << endl;
    int ch;
    while ((ch = getc(in)) != EOF)
    //cout << "Byte Weight" << endl;
    //for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
    //  printf("0x%02X %d\n", i, weight[i]);

    HuffmanTree hfmt;
    HfmTree(hfmt, weight, SIZE);
    cout << "成功生成哈夫曼树" << endl;
//  TestHufTree(hfmt);
    //  TestHufTreeN(511, hfmt);
    HuffmanCode hfmc=(HuffmanCode)malloc((SIZE+1)*sizeof(char*));
//  for (int i = 1; i <= SIZE; i++)
//      hfmt[i].weight = weight[i - 1]
    HuffmanCoding(hfmc, hfmt);
    cout << "成功完成哈夫曼编码" << endl;
//  cout << "先序遍历哈夫曼树输出编码信息:" << endl;
//  TestHufCode(2 * SIZE - 1, hfmt, hfmc);//测试哈夫曼编码
//  cout << "压缩后的文件编码:" << endl;

    int nSize = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        nSize += weight[i] * strlen(hfmc[i+1]);
    nSize = (nSize % 8) ? nSize / 8 + 1 : nSize / 8;

//  cout <<"nSize = "<> n;
    Encode(pFilename, hfmc, pBuffer, nSize);
//  cout << "after: " << strlen(pBuffer) << endl;
//  cout << "len of puf  = " << strlen(pBuffer) << endl;
//  cout << "!pBuffer = " << !pBuffer << endl;
    if (!pBuffer)
        cout << "!pBuffer = " << !pBuffer << endl;
        return -1;
    cout << "\n压缩完毕" << endl;
    //for (int i = 1; i < nSize; i++)
    //  printf("%X\n", pBuffer[i]);

    HEAD sHead;
    InitHead(pFilename, sHead);
    cout <<"原文件"<< pFilename<<"大小为:" << sHead.length << "Byte" << endl;
    int len_after = WriteFile(pFilename, sHead, pBuffer, nSize);
    cout << "大小为:" << len_after << "Byte \n头文件sHead大小为:" << sizeof(sHead)<<"Byte"<= 8)
            pBuffer[pos++] = Str2byte(cd);
            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE - 8; i++)
                cd[i] = cd[i + 8];
    if (strlen(cd) > 0)
        pBuffer[pos++] = Str2byte(cd);
//  printf("%", pBuffer);
    return OK;

int InitHead(const char *pFilename, HEAD &sHead)
    strcpy(sHead.type, "HUF");//文件类型
    sHead.length = 0;//原文件长度
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        sHead.weight[i] = 0;
    FILE *in = fopen(pFilename, "rb");
    int ch;
    while ((ch = fgetc(in)) != EOF)
    in = NULL;
    return OK;

int WriteFile(const char*pFilename, const HEAD sHead, unsigned char * pBuffer, const int nSize)
    char filename[256] = { 0 };
    strcpy(filename, pFilename);
    strcat(filename, ".huf");
    FILE *out = fopen(filename, "wb");
    fwrite(&sHead, sizeof(sHead), 1, out);
    fwrite(pBuffer, sizeof(char), nSize, out);
    out = NULL;
    cout << "生成压缩文件:" << filename << endl;
    int len = sizeof(HEAD) + strlen(pFilename) + 1 + nSize;
    return len;
int UnCompress(const char*pFilename)
    char outputfile[255];
    FILE *ifp, *ofp;
    ifp = fopen(pFilename, "rb");//打开.huf文件
    if (!ifp)
        cerr << "Failed to open this file!" << endl;
        return -1;
    cout << "输入解压后的文件名,(原文件名为" << pFilename << "): " << endl;
    cin >> outputfile;
//  strcpy(outputfile, "d:\\aaa.png");
    ofp = fopen(outputfile, "wb");
    if (!ofp)
        cerr << "Failed to open this file!" << endl;
        return -1;
    HEAD sHead;
    fread(&sHead, sizeof(HEAD), 1, ifp);
    HuffmanTree hfmt = NULL;
    HfmTree(hfmt, sHead.weight, 256);
    HuffmanCode hfmc = NULL;
    HuffmanCoding(hfmc, hfmt);
    int max = 0;
    for (int k = 1; k <= 256; k++) {
        if (strlen(hfmc[k]) > max) {
            max = strlen(hfmc[k]);
    int nSize = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        nSize += sHead.weight[i] * strlen(hfmc[i + 1]);
    nSize = (nSize % 8) ? nSize / 8 + 1 : nSize / 8;
    cout << "nsize =  " << nSize << endl;
//  unsigned char *pBuffer = NULL;
    unsigned char* pBuffer = NULL;
    pBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(nSize * sizeof(unsigned char));
    memset(pBuffer, 0, (nSize) * sizeof(unsigned char));
//  pBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(nSize*sizeof(unsigned char));
    fread(pBuffer, sizeof(unsigned char), nSize, ifp);
    //for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
    //  printf("%x\n", pBuffer[i]);
    char ch[SIZE] = { 0 };
    unsigned char c;
    for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
//      printf("%x\n", pBuffer[i]);
        char s[SIZE] = { 0 };
        char buf[SIZE] = { 0 };
        _itoa(pBuffer[i], buf, 2);

        for (int k = 8; k > strlen(buf); k--)
            strcat(s, "0");
        strcat(s, buf);
        strcat(ch, s);
//      cout << "ch = " << ch << endl;
        int m = 2 * SIZE - 1;
        while (strlen(ch) >= max)
//          cout << "**";
            int j = 0;
            while (ch[j] != '\0')
//              cout << "....";
                int t = m;
                while (hfmt[t].lchild != 0 && hfmt[t].rchild != 0)
                    if (ch[j] == '0')
                        t = hfmt[t].lchild;
                        t = hfmt[t].rchild;
                c = (unsigned char)(t - 1);
//              cout << (t - 1) << endl;
                fwrite(&c, 1, 1, ofp);

                for (int b = 0; b < SIZE - j; b++)
                    ch[b] = ch[b + j];
//          cout << "::::";
    cout << "解压成功" << endl;

    return OK;
using namespace std;
#pragma warning( disable : 4996)

int main()
    cout << "= = = = = = = =Huffman 文件压缩= = = = = = = =" << endl;
    cout << "**1.压缩文件" << endl;
    cout << "**2.解压文件" << endl;
    cout << "= = = = = = = = = =  = = = = = = = = = = = = =" << endl;
    int choose = 0;
    cout << "----选择功能:";
    cin >> choose;
    while (choose == 1 || choose == 2)
        if (choose == 1)
            cout << "请输入文件名:";
            char filename[256];
            cin >> filename;
        else if (choose == 2)
            cout << "输入你要解压的文件名(.huf后缀): ";
            char newfilename[SIZE] = { 0 };
            cin >> newfilename;
            //  strcpy(newfilename, "d:\\t.png.huf");
        cout << "----选择功能:";
        cin >> choose;

//  system("pause");
    return 0;

