
For me 2016 was a wildly-growing year.In that year. I completed my CC&CL titles, I took the roles as PR team member of MOT program, committee member of ADDCG and AADCG. And another brave thing I did in that year was I fired my boss. How dared I? Just read on.


One day, an Impromtu chance appeared.I got a chance to travel to Shanghai where my toastmaster dream started and the place I really treasure to go to different clubs.With no hesitation I set out!

首先拜访的是Smart Speaker TMC,温馨的俱乐部环境让我难忘。当时的主席欧阳斌有着和我非常相似的做官员经历,我们聊的非常投机。同时我知道了他竟然还曾经是一位DTM(disappeared toastmaster),做了三年的僵尸会员(只交会费人不出现),后来是一位老主席发现了他的亮点,激励他去做官员,去参加其他俱乐部的活动。现在的他正在往真正的DTM努力。

The first club I visited was Smart Speakers TMC, unforgettable of its warm atmosphere.The president then was Bin Ouyang, whose officer experience was really similar to mine, so that we shared a lot.Then he told me that he used to be a DTM(disappeared toastmaster),which is called a zombie member(member who just  renew fees without appearing in meetings). Years ago, an old member found his talents and enlighten him.Now he is on the way to the really DTM(distinguished toastmaster).

后来在拜访CAT(China Advanced Toastmasters Club)和BBMMtmc时见到了几位真正的DTM,其中包括低调的Vicky张沁, 朴实的老田,还有谦虚的吕兰斌大哥。其中兰斌大哥的一句话让我记忆尤新:我这个DTM啊,不过是比别人在头马多待了几年而已。当时我只是觉得他比较谦虚,现在的我才体会到这里面的坚持与努力到底有多少。

Afterwards, i visited CAT&BBMM TMC in where I met several real DTMs, such as low-keyed Vicky Zhang,unadorned Old Tian,and very modest big brother Lanbin Lv. One of Brother Lanbin's sentences impressed me a lot - As for my DTM, just means several little years more than others in toastmasters. Looking back on it, I have a lot to say for his persistence and efforts paid in the hidden part of the sentence instead of just felt his modesty at that time. 

现在我们D88G中区也有了两位名符其实的DTM, Sophie女神和Taro芋头大哥。接下来LEAD项目完成后,还会有几位现任小区长达到DTM的标准,让我们试目以待吧。

Up to now, there are 2 real DTMs in our District 88 Division G, Goddess Sophie and Big brother Taro. And by outlook for the future, the 4 Area Directors, after they finish their LEAD project for HPL, there will be more DTMs. Let's just look forward.

至于我自己,我的计划是努力争取下一任小区长,并完成教育头衔。我一直走在成为DTM的路上,以DTM的标准来要求自己,即便现在才刚刚完成CC和CL。但我决对不会成为disappeared toastmaster,而成为一名真正distinguished toastmaster!我的头马小伙伴,你呢?

As for myself, my plan is to compete for the next area director to finish my educational titles. Although I have just finished my CC&CL, I will definitely set up the standard of DTM for myself. A real distinguished toastmaster instead of the disappered one!How about you, my dear fellow toastmaster?
