【双语】Glide — 高级加载(Glide — Advanced Loading)

作者: weiyf
时间: 2016-10-31 12:32:26


Last week, we've looked at reasons for using Glide and a simple example request to load an image from an Internet source. But this is not the only possible image source for Glide. Glide can also load images from the Android resources, files and Uri's. In this blog post, we'll cover all three options.

Glide系列提纲概况(Glide Series Overview):

  1. 【双语】Glide — 入门(Glide — Getting Started)
  2. 【双语】Glide — 高级加载(Glide — Advanced Loading)
  3. 【双语】Glide — 列表适配器(ListView, GridView)(Glide — ListAdapter (ListView, GridView))
  4. Glide — Placeholders & Fade Animations
  5. Glide — Image Resizing & Scaling
  6. Glide — Displaying Gifs & Videos
  7. Glide — Caching Basics
  8. Glide — Request Priorities
  9. Glide — Thumbnails
  10. Glide — Callbacks: SimpleTarget and ViewTarget for Custom View Classes
  11. Glide — Loading Images into Notifications and AppWidgets
  12. Glide — Exceptions: Debugging and Error Handling
  13. Glide — Custom Transformations
  14. Glide — Custom Animations with animate()
  15. Glide — Integrating Networking Stacks
  16. Glide — Customize Glide with Modules
  17. Glide Module Example: Accepting Self-Signed HTTPS Certificates
  18. Glide Module Example: Customize Caching
  19. Glide Module Example: Optimizing By Loading Images In Custom Sizes
  20. Glide — Dynamically Use Model Loaders
  21. Glide — How to Rotate Images
  22. Glide — Series Roundup

从资源中加载(Loading from Resources)


First up is loading from Android resources. Instead of giving a String pointing to an Internet URL, you give a resource int.

int resourceId = R.mipmap.ic_launcher;



If you're confused by the R.mipmap., it's Android's new way of handling icons.


Of course, you can set a resource directly by using the methods of the ImageView class. However, this can be interesting if you're using more advanced topics like dynamic transformations.

从文件中加载(Loading from File)


Second up is loading from a file. This can be useful when you let the user select a photo to display an image (similar to a gallery). The parameter is just a File object. In an example, we look:

// this file probably does not exist on your device. However, you can use any file path, which points to an image file

File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), "Running.jpg");


从Uri加载(Loading from Uri)


Lastly, you can also load images defined by an Uri. The request is no different from the previous options:

// this could be any Uri. for demonstration purposes we're just creating an Uri pointing to a launcher icon

Uri uri = resourceIdToUri(context, R.mipmap.future_studio_launcher);



The small helper function is a simple conversion from the resourceId to an Uri.

public static final String ANDROID_RESOURCE = "android.resource://";  
public static final String FOREWARD_SLASH = "/";

private static Uri resourceIdToUri(Context context, int resourceId) {  
    return Uri.parse(ANDROID_RESOURCE + context.getPackageName() + FOREWARD_SLASH + resourceId);


However, the Uri does not have to be generated from a resourceId. It can be any Uri.



The basic loading principles are done, now we can finally look at more interesting stuff. Next week we'll cover adapter use and Glide's caching in ListViews and GridViews.


你可能感兴趣的:(【双语】Glide — 高级加载(Glide — Advanced Loading))