Java Retrofit2使用

本文使用eclipse编辑器,gradle依赖jar,如若未配置此环境,请转Java Eclipse配置gradle编译项目配置好环境后再查看此文

  1. 在build.gradle文件中添加一下依赖
    compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava:2.3.0'
    compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.3.0'
    compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.3.0'
  1. 定义java bean,bean中的变量名要与返回的json数据中的key保持一致,否则会匹配不上。
// 1. 定义java bean
     * Java Bean
    public class Info {
        int error_code; // 状态码
        String reason; // 返回状态文字
        Result result; // 页面URL

        public String toString() {
            return "Info [error_code=" + error_code + ", reason=" + reason + ", result=" + result.toString() + "]";

     * Java Bean
    public class Result {
        String h5url;
        String h5weixin;

        public String toString() {
            return "Result [h5url=" + h5url + ", h5weixin=" + h5weixin + "]";
  1. 定义接口。
    static String url = ""; // 请求链接
    static String KEY = "9488373060c8483a3ef6333353fdc7fe"; // 请求参数
    // 2. 定义接口
    public interface InfoService{
        Call getInfo(
                @Query(value = "key")
                String key


        // 3. 获取实例
        Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
                // 设置OKHttpClient,如果不设置会提供一个默认的
                .client(new OkHttpClient())
  1. 执行retrofit.create方法
        // 4. 执行retrofit.create方法
        InfoService infoService = retrofit.create(InfoService.class);
  1. 执行同步请求
        // 5. 执行请求
        Call call = infoService.getInfo(KEY);
        Response response = call.execute();
        // 6. 判断是否成功,成功则打印出数据
        if (response.isSuccessful()) {
            Info info = response.body();
  1. 执行异步请求
        // 5. 执行请求
        Call call = infoService.getInfo(KEY);
        call.enqueue(new Callback() {
            public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) {
                Info info = response.body();
            public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable t) {



     * method 表示请的方法,不区分大小写
     * path表示路径
     * hasBody表示是否有请求体
    @HTTP(method = "get", path = "users/{user}", hasBody = false)
    Call getFirstBlog(@Path("user") String user);


    Call v3(@Url String url);


    Call downloadFileWithDynamicUrlAsync(@Url String fileUrl);
    ResponseBody body = response.body();
    long fileSize = body.contentLength();
    InputStream inputStream = body.byteStream();


    Call> groupList(@Path("id") int groupId);
    //--> http://baseurl/group/groupId/users

    Call> groupListUrl(
          @Url String url


    Call> groupList(@Query("id") int groupId);
    //--> http://baseurl/group/users?id=groupId
    Call> getNews((@QueryMap(encoded=true) Map options);


     Call> addUser(@Body User user);


    Call updateUser(@Field("first_name") String first, @Field("last_name") String last);

其中@Part MultipartBody.Part代表文件,@Part("key") RequestBody代表参数
需要添加@Multipart表示支持文件上传的表单,Content-Type: multipart/form-data.

    Call upload(@Part("description") RequestBody description, @Part MultipartBody.Part file);
    // use the FileUtils to get the actual file by uri
    File file = FileUtils.getFile(this, fileUri);

    // create RequestBody instance from file
    RequestBody requestFile =
            RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("multipart/form-data"), file);

    // MultipartBody.Part is used to send also the actual file name
    MultipartBody.Part body =
            MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("picture", file.getName(), requestFile);

    // add another part within the multipart request
    String descriptionString = "hello, this is description speaking";
    RequestBody description =
                    MediaType.parse("multipart/form-data"), descriptionString);


    Call getUser(@Header("Authorization") String authorization)


    @Headers("Authorization: authorization")//这里authorization就是上面方法里传进来变量的值
    Call getUser()

@Headers 用于修饰方法,用于设置多个Header值

        "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.full+json",
        "User-Agent: Retrofit-Sample-App"
    Call getUser(@Path("username") String username);

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