
! /usr/bin/env python coding=utf-8 Created on 2013-3-31 将info_fight_monster.xls转换为XML格式。转换分为以下几步: step1: 读取xml文件,info_fight_monster.xls step2: 解析出怪物基本信息,在base这个sheet里面,并放到一个xml文件中 step3: 解析出怪物的技能信息,并将技能信息插入到对应的xml中 step4:解析出怪物的奖励信息,并插入到对应XML中 step5:保存xml文件 @author: tylerzhu''' from lxml import etree import xlrd3, codecs attrib = ["monsterSID", "classId", "type", "level", "attrib", # "attack", "skill", "define", "speed", "strength", # "luck", "name", "desc", "icon", "url", "frameRate"]; prize = ["monsterSID", "prizeSID", "type", "infoType", "gameID", "itemType", # "itemSID", "num", "plusSID", "level", "name", "desc", "icon"]; skill = ["monsterSID", "skillSID", "skillLevel"]; info_fight_monster_xml = etree.ElementTree(etree.Element("data")); def openxls(): excel = xlrd3.open_workbook("xls/info_fight_monster.xls"); base = excel.sheet_by_name("base"); monster = excel.sheet_by_name("skill"); prize = excel.sheet_by_name("prize"); return (base, monster, prize); def buildMonsterBase(xls): sheet = xls[0]; for row in range(1, sheet.nrows): monsterAttr = {}; for col in range(0, sheet.ncols): if sheet.cell(row, col).value != None and col < len(attrib): monsterAttr[attrib[col]] = sheet.cell(row, col).value; if type(monsterAttr[attrib[col]]) == float: print(str(round(monsterAttr[attrib[col]]))) monsterAttr[attrib[col]] = str(round(monsterAttr[attrib[col]])); sub = etree.SubElement(info_fight_monster_xml.getroot(), "monster", monsterAttr); sub.tail = "\n" input() def buildMonsterSkill(xls): sheet = xls[1]; for row in range(1, sheet.nrows): skillAttr = {}; for col in range(1, sheet.ncols): if sheet.cell(row, col).value != None and col < len(attrib): skillAttr[skill[col]] = sheet.cell(row, col).value; if type(skillAttr[skill[col]]) == float: skillAttr[skill[col]] = str(round(skillAttr[skill[col]])); monsterSID = str(int(sheet.cell(row, 0).value)); monster = info_fight_monster_xml.find("*[@monsterSID='" + monsterSID + "']"); monster.text = ("\n\t"); sub = etree.SubElement(monster, "skill", skillAttr); sub.tail = "\n\t" def buildMonsterPrize(xls): sheet = xls[2]; for row in range(1, sheet.nrows): prizeAttr = {}; for col in range(1, sheet.ncols): if sheet.cell(row, col).value != None and col < len(attrib): prizeAttr[prize[col]] = sheet.cell(row, col).value; if type(prizeAttr[prize[col]]) == float: prizeAttr[prize[col]] = str(round(prizeAttr[prize[col]])); monsterSID = str(int(sheet.cell(row, 0).value)); monster = info_fight_monster_xml.find("*[@monsterSID='" + monsterSID + "']"); monster.text = ("\n\t"); sub = etree.SubElement(monster, "prize", prizeAttr); sub.tail = "\n\t" def build(): xls = openxls(); buildMonsterBase(xls); buildMonsterSkill(xls); buildMonsterPrize(xls); 输出合并之后的配置 ouput = codecs.open('output/info_fight_monster.xml', 'w', 'utf-8'); ouput.write(etree.tounicode(info_fight_monster_xml.getroot())) ouput.close(); if __name__ == '__main__': build();
