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UVC : USB video device class,是一种USB设备类,这种设备用于通过USB总线传输视频流,例如网络摄像头(webcam)等,这些年随着监控和网络直播的兴起,webcam类的设备大量出现,而这些设备与上位机的数据传输,必然绕不开uvc协议。








UVC Descriptor Hierarchy(来自UVC1.1规范)

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术语 解释
Configuration A collection of one or more interfaces that may be selected on a USB device.
Descriptor Data structure used to describe a USB device capability or characteristic.
Device USB peripheral.
Endpoint Source or sink of data on a USB device.
Interface An Entity representing a collection of zero or more endpoints that present functionality to a Host.
IAD Interface Association Descriptor. This is used to describe that two or more interfaces are associated to the same function. An ‘association’ includes two or more interfaces and all of their alternate setting interfaces.


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根据上文描述,USB设备的视频相关的功能是由设备层级架构中的interface层来具体实现的。每个video function(此处应该理解为configuration)均是由一个VC interface和若干个VS interface共同组成的,事实上,我接触的摄像头设备中,大多只有一个VS interface。


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units可以理解为UVC相关子功能的具体实现单元,这种模块单元由多个输入和一个输出构成。terminal可以理解为数据流的端节点,分为input terminal (IT)和 output terminal(OT),分别代码视频数据流的输入起始点和输出终点。当然了,IT和OT之间少不了还有一些units,用于对数据进行相应处理。注意,unit和terminal都有对应的descriptor。

• Input Terminal
• Output Terminal
• Selector Unit
• Processing Unit
• Extension Unit

这些unit和terminal可以实现绝大部分的功能。除此之外,还有一些特殊的terminal,比如Media Transport Terminal和Camera Terminal,用于实现一些特殊的功能。当然了,对于初级玩家来说,上面5个unit和terminal已经足够使用了。

每一个unit或者terminal中又包含了若干个setting,用于实现不同的video controls,比如,在processing unit中,相机的亮度(brightness)信息包含在current setting中,如果主机侧想读取现在的亮度值,可以向这个setting发起request来获得。主要的setting分为:
• Current setting
• Minimum setting
• Maximum setting
• Resolution
• Size
• Default

对主机侧来说,通过 unit descriptor,terminal descriptor和video control,就可以完整获取到该UVC设备的控制信息。


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这段话也再次确认了,一个设备可以有多个configuration,每个configuration可以有多个interface。同一个设备中可以同时存在多个独立的视频功能(我个人理解为这指的就是configuration),每个视频功能是由多个interface去支撑的,因此隶属于同一个功能的interface就形成了一个组,这个组就叫video interface collection,其描述符就叫IAD。如果一个设备有多个独立的视频功能,则它必然拥有多个video interface collection。

如前所述,一个video interface collection含有一个(且是唯一一个)video control interface和若干个video streaming interface。 这个VC interface是由两个endpoint组成的:
• A control endpoint for manipulating Unit and Terminal settings and retrieving the state of the video function. This endpoint is mandatory, and the default endpoint 0 is used for this purpose.
• An interrupt endpoint for status returns. This endpoint is optional, but may be mandatory under certain conditions. See section, "Status Interrupt Endpoint" for further information.


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下面是video streaming interface相关的内容:

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A video (or still image) sample refers to an encoded block of video 
data that the format-specific decoder is able to accept and interpret in 
a single transmission. 

Sample Bulk Transfers

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2.4.4 Control Transfer and Request Processing
Control transfers minimally have two transaction stages: Setup and Status. A control transfer 
may optionally contain a Data stage between the Setup and Status stages. The Setup stage 
contains all information necessary to address a particular entity, specify the desired 
operation, and prepare for an optional Data stage. A Data stage can be host-to-device (OUT 
transactions), or device-to-host (IN transactions), depending on the direction and operation 
specified in the Setup stage via the bmRequestType and bRequest fields.

In the context of the Video Class specification, SET_CUR requests will always involve a 
Data stage from host to device, and GET_* requests will always involve a Data stage from 
device to host. Although none are defined currently, an exception to this rule would be a 
SET_CUR request where the bRequest field contains all information necessary to place the 
device into a known state. However, “toggle” requests without a Data stage are explicitly 
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