The PdfFileReader Class
The PdfFileMerger Class
The PageObject Class
The PdfFileWriter Class
pip install PyPDF2
PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(stream, strict=True, warndest=None, overwriteWarnings=True)
stream – A File object or an object that supports the standard read and seek methods similar to a File object. Could also be a string representing a path to a PDF file.
strict (bool) – Determines whether user should be warned of all problems and also causes some correctable problems to be fatal. Defaults to True.
warndest – Destination for logging warnings (defaults to sys.stderr).
overwriteWarnings (bool) – Determines whether to override Python’s module with a custom implementation (defaults to True).
Calculates the number of pages in this PDF file.
Returns: number of pages
Return type: int
Raises PdfReadError:
if file is encrypted and restrictions prevent this action.
Retrieves a page by number from this PDF file.
Parameters: pageNumber (int)
– The page number to retrieve (pages begin at zero)
Returns: a PageObject instance.
Return type: PageObject
class PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter
This class supports writing PDF files out, given pages produced by another class (typically PdfFileReader).
Adds a page to this PDF file. The page is usually acquired from a PdfFileReader instance.
Parameters: page (PageObject) – The page to add to the document. Should be an instance of PageObject
Writes the collection of pages added to this object out as a PDF file.
Parameters: stream – An object to write the file to. The object must support the write method and the tell method, similar to a file object.
Initializes a PdfFileMerger object. PdfFileMerger merges multiple PDFs into a single PDF. It can concatenate, slice, insert, or any combination of the above.
初始化一个PdfFileMerger对象,PdfFileMerger 用来将多个PDF合并为一个PDF,它能够连接,切割,插入或者以上的任意组合
See the functions merge() (or append()) and write() for usage information.
Parameters: strict (bool) – Determines whether user should be warned of all problems and also causes some correctable problems to be fatal. Defaults to True.
append(fileobj, bookmark=None, pages=None, import_bookmarks=True)
Identical to the merge() method, but assumes you want to concatenate all pages onto the end of the file instead of specifying a position.
fileobj – A File Object or an object that supports the standard read and seek methods similar to a File Object. Could also be a string representing a path to a PDF file.
bookmark (str) – Optionally, you may specify a bookmark to be applied at the beginning of the included file by supplying the text of the bookmark.
pages – can be a Page Range or a (start, stop[, step]) tuple to merge only the specified range of pages from the source document into the output document.
可以是一个页码序列或者一个(start, stop[, step])元组,用来合并指定范围的源文件页面到输出文件
import_bookmarks (bool) – You may prevent the source document’s bookmarks from being imported by specifying this as False.
merge(position, fileobj, bookmark=None, pages=None, import_bookmarks=True)
Merges the pages from the given file into the output file at the specified page number.
position (int) – The page number to insert this file. File will be inserted after the given number.
0口1 口2 口3
fileobj – A File Object or an object that supports the standard read and seek methods similar to a File Object. Could also be a string representing a path to a PDF file.
bookmark (str) – Optionally, you may specify a bookmark to be applied at the beginning of the included file by supplying the text of the bookmark.
pages – can be a Page Range or a (start, stop[, step]) tuple to merge only the specified range of pages from the source document into the output document.
import_bookmarks (bool) – You may prevent the source document’s bookmarks from being imported by specifying this as False.
Writes all data that has been merged to the given output file.
Parameters: fileobj – Output file. Can be a filename or any kind of file-like object.
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
def PDF_delete(index):
output = PdfFileWriter() # 声明一个用于输出PDF的实例
input1 = PdfFileReader(open("C:/Users/Yuanzheng/Desktop/Test1.pdf", "rb")) # 读取本地PDF文件
pages = input1.getNumPages() # 读取文档的页数
for i in range(pages):
if i + 1 in index:
continue # 待删除的页面
output.addPage(input1.getPage(i)) # 读取PDF的第i页,添加到输出Output实例中
outputStream = open("C:/Users/Yuanzheng/Desktop/Test-Output1.pdf", "wb")
output.write(outputStream) # 把编辑后的文档保存到本地
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger
merger = PdfFileMerger()
input1 =open("C:/Users/Yuanzheng/Desktop/Test1.pdf","rb")
input2 = open("C:/Users/Yuanzheng/Desktop/Test2.pdf","rb")
merger.append(fileobj= input1)
output = open("C:/Users/Yuanzheng/Desktop/PyPDF-Output2.pdf","wb")