
Quote is a short set of data describing trades briefly. Charting Library supports watch-lists (in Trading Terminal configuration) and uses quotes to show some info about symbols.

Charting Library uses the same data structures for quotes in both [[JS API|JS Api]] and [[UDF]]. Here is the description of response object:

Symbol Quote Data

  • s: Status code for symbol. Expected values: ok | error
  • n: Symbol name. This value must be exactly the same as in the request
  • v: object, symbol quotes itself
    • ch: price change (usually counts from day's open price)
    • chp: price change percent
    • short_name: symbol's short name
    • exchange: exchange name.
    • description: short description of symbol.
    • lp: last deal price
    • ask: ask price
    • bid: bid price
    • spread: spread
    • open_price: today's open
    • high_price: today's high
    • low_price: today's low
    • prev_close_price: yesterday's close
    • volume: today's volume
