R:The space of representation values (or rep values for short)consists of the values of the actual implementation entities.(表示值构成的空间:实现者看到和使用的值)
A:The space of abstract values consists of the values that the type is designed to support. ( 抽象值构成的空间:client看到和使用的值)These are a figment of our imaginations.
public class CharSet {
private String s;
1.抽象函数(abstraction function)它将REP值映射到它们所代表的抽象值:
2.REP不变量(rep invariant)将代表价值映射到booleans:
For a rep value r, RI(r) is true if and only if r is mapped(映射) by AF.换句话说,RI告诉我们给定的REP值是否格式良好。或者,你可以把RI想为一个集合:它是定义AF的rep值得子集.
public class CharSet {
private String s;
// Rep invariant:
// s contains no repeated characters
// Abstraction function:
// AF(s) = {s[i] | 0 <= i < s.length()}
The essential point is that implementing an abstract type means not only choosing the two spaces – the abstract value space for the specification and the rep value space for the implementation – but also deciding which rep values are legal, and how to interpret them as abstract values.(决定哪些代表价值是合法的,以及如何将它们解释为抽象值)
Example: rational numbers(有理数)
Here’s an example of an abstract data type for rational numbers. Look closely at its rep invariant and abstraction function. It would be completely reasonable to design another implementation of this same ADT with a more permissive RI.
public class RatNum {
private final int numerator;
private final int denominator;
// Rep invariant:
// denominator > 0
// numerator/denominator is in reduced form,
// i.e. gcd(|numerator|,denominator) = 1
// Abstraction function:
// AF(numerator, denominator) = numerator/denominator
/** Make a new RatNum == n.
* @param n value
public RatNum(int n) {
numerator = n;
denominator = 1;
/** Make a new RatNum == (n / d).
* @param n numerator
* @param d denominator
* @throws ArithmeticException if d == 0 */
public RatNum(int n, int d) throws ArithmeticException {
// reduce ratio to lowest terms
int g = gcd(n, d);
n = n / g;
d = d / g;
// make denominator positive
if (d < 0) {
numerator = -n;
denominator = -d;
} else {
numerator = n;
denominator = d;
// Check that the rep invariant is true
// *** Warning: this does nothing unless you turn on assertion checking
// by running Java with -enableassertions (or -ea)
private void checkRep() {
assert denominator > 0;
assert gcd(Math.abs(numerator), denominator) == 1;
Observer methods通常不需要调用checkRep(),但这样做是很好的防守练习。为什么?呼叫checkRep()在每种方法中,包括观察者,意味着我们将更有可能捕获REP暴露导致的REP不变违规行为。
public class RatNum {
private int numerator;
private int denominator;
// Rep invariant:
// denominator != 0
// Abstraction function:
// AF(numerator, denominator) = numerator/denominator
* Make a new RatNum == (n / d).
* @param n numerator
* @param d denominator
* @throws ArithmeticException if d == 0
public RatNum(int n, int d) throws ArithmeticException {
if (d == 0) throw new ArithmeticException();
numerator = n;
denominator = d;
* @return a string representation of this rational number
public String toString() {
int g = gcd(numerator, denominator);
numerator /= g;
denominator /= g;
if (denominator < 0) {
numerator = -numerator;
denominator = -denominator;
return (denominator > 1) ? (numerator + "/" + denominator) : (numerator + "");
注意这个toString实现重新分配私有字段numerator和denominator,对表示进行变异–即使它是不可变类型上的观察者方法!但是,关键的是,突变并没有改变抽象的价值。将分子和分母除以相同的公共因子,或将两者乘以-1,对抽象函数的结果没有影响,AF(numerator, denominator) = numerator/denominator。另一种思考它的方法是AF是一个多对一的函数,并且REP值已经改变为另一个仍然映射到相同抽象值的函数。所以突变是无害的,或者有益的.
// Immutable type representing a tweet.
public class Tweet {
private final String author;
private final String text;
private final Date timestamp;
// Rep invariant:
// author is a Twitter username (a nonempty string of letters, digits, underscores)
// text.length <= 280
// Abstraction function:
// AF(author, text, timestamp) = a tweet posted by author, with content text,
// at time timestamp
// Safety from rep exposure:
// All fields are private;
// author and text are Strings, so are guaranteed immutable;
// timestamp is a mutable Date, so Tweet() constructor and getTimestamp()
// make defensive copies to avoid sharing the rep's Date object with clients.
// Operations (specs and method bodies omitted to save space)
public Tweet(String author, String text, Date timestamp) { ... }
public String getAuthor() { ... }
public String getText() { ... }
public Date getTimestamp() { ... }
// Immutable type representing a rational number.
public class RatNum {
private final int numerator;
private final int denominator;
// Rep invariant:
// denominator > 0
// numerator/denominator is in reduced form, i.e. gcd(|numerator|,denominator) = 1
// Abstraction function:
// AF(numerator, denominator) = numerator/denominator
// Safety from rep exposure:
// All fields are private, and all types in the rep are immutable.
// Operations (specs and method bodies omitted to save space)
public RatNum(int n) { ... }
public RatNum(int n, int d) throws ArithmeticException { ... }