skipfish -o test #-o指定存放,目标192.168.1.101
skipfish -o test @url.txt #指定目标IP列表文件
skipfish -o test -S complet.wl -W abc.wl #字典
-I:只检查包含'string'的 URL
-K:不对指定参数进行 Fuzz 测试
root@kali: skipfish -o test1
skipfish web application scanner - version 2.10b
[!] WARNING: Wordlist '/dev/null' contained no valid entries.
Welcome to skipfish. Here are some useful tips:
1) To abort the scan at any time, press Ctrl-C. A partial report will be written
to the specified location. To view a list of currently scanned URLs, you can
press space at any time during the scan.
2) Watch the number requests per second shown on the main screen. If this figure
drops below 100-200, the scan will likely take a very long time.
3) The scanner does not auto-limit the scope of the scan; on complex sites, you
may need to specify locations to exclude, or limit brute-force steps.
4) There are several new releases of the scanner every month. If you run into
trouble, check for a newer version first, let the author know next.
More info:
Press any key to continue (or wait 60 seconds)...
skipfish version 2.10b by [email protected]
- -
Scan statistics:
Scan time : 0:05:25.024
HTTP requests : 6954 (22.3/s), 162897 kB in, 4840 kB out (516.1 kB/s)
Compression : 0 kB in, 0 kB out (0.0% gain)
HTTP faults : 2 net errors, 0 proto errors, 0 retried, 0 drops
TCP handshakes : 79 total (115.6 req/conn)
TCP faults : 0 failures, 2 timeouts, 1 purged
External links : 136747 skipped
Reqs pending : 2181
Database statistics:
Pivots : 315 total, 7 done (2.22%)
In progress : 169 pending, 56 init, 77 attacks, 6 dict
Missing nodes : 6 spotted
Node types : 1 serv, 80 dir, 12 file, 3 pinfo, 107 unkn, 112 par, 0 val
Issues found : 33 info, 1 warn, 80 low, 12 medium, 0 high impact
Dict size : 219 words (219 new), 14 extensions, 256 candidates
Signatures : 77 total
[!] Scan aborted by user, bailing out!
[+] Copying static resources...
[+] Sorting and annotating crawl nodes: 315
[+] Looking for duplicate entries: 315
[+] Counting unique nodes: 314
[+] Saving pivot data for third-party tools...
[+] Writing scan description...
[+] Writing crawl tree: 315^[[A
[+] Generating summary views...
[+] Report saved to 'test1/index.html' [0x1d859466].
[+] This was a great day for science!
root@kali: skipfish -o test1 -l 2000 -S /usr/share/skipfish/dictionaries/minimal.wl #-l指定最大连接数
root@kali: skipfish -o test1 -m 200 -S /usr/share/skipfish/dictionaries/minimal.wl #-m指定并发连接数
skipfish -A user:pass -o test
skipfish -C “name=val” -o test
root@kali: skipfish -A admin:password -I /dvwa/ -o test1
root@kali: skipfish -C "PHPSESSID=a5b1d5b679e934f24bf6ae172dfbf8e0" -C "security=low" -X logout.php -I /dvwa/ -o test1
root@kali: man skipfish #有很多要填写的内容用man来查看
-A/--auth <username:password>
For sites requiring basic HTTP authentication, you can use this flag to specify your credentials.
--auth-form <URL>
The login form to use with form authentication. By default skipfish will use the form's action URL to sub‐
mit the credentials. If this is missing than the login data is send to the form URL. In case that is wrong,
you can set the form handler URL with --auth-form-target <URL> .
--auth-user <username>
The username to be used during form authentication. Skipfish will try to detect the correct form field to
use but if it fails to do so (and gives an error), then you can specify the form field name with --auth-
--auth-pass <password>
The password to be used during form authentication. Similar to auth-user, the form field name can (option‐
ally) be set with --auth-pass-field.
--auth-verify-url <URL>
This URL allows skipfish to verify whether authentication was successful. This requires a URL where anony‐
mous and authenticated requests are answered with a different response.
root@kali: skipfish -o test1 --auth-form --auth-form-target --auth-user-field username --auth-user admin --auth-pass-field password --auth-pass password --auth-verify-url -I /dvwa/ -X logout.php