1、拟南芥基因组:TAIR - Home Page http://www.arabidopsis.org/
2、水稻基因组1 Nipponbare:Rice Genome Annotation Project http://rice.plantbiology.msu.edu/
This website provides genome sequence from the Nipponbare subspecies of rice and annotation of the 12 rice chromosomes. These data are available through search pages and our Genome Browser that provides an integrated display of annotation data.
3、水稻基因组2 ZS97 and MH63:Rice Information GateWay (RIGW) http://rice.hzau.edu.cn/rice/
The Rice Information GateWay (RIGW) was constructed in 2016 upon the completion of the Oryza sativa ssp. indica cv. Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63 genomes sequenced by Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) and Arizona Genomics Institute (AGI) with the aim of providing accurate and timely annotation of indica rice genome sequences.
4、玉米基因组:Welcome to MaizeGDB https://www.maizegdb.org/
蔷薇科基因组:GDR https://www.rosaceae.org/
The Genome Database for Rosaceae is a curated and integrated web-based relational database providing data mining tools and publicly available genomics, genetics and breeding data for Rosaceae (almond, apple, blackberry, cherry, peach, pear, plum, raspberry, rose, and strawberry), to aid basic, translational and applied research in this economically important family.
芸薹属作物:Brassica Database | Brassica genome sequence http://brassicadb.org/brad/index.php
The Brassica database (BRAD) is a web-based database of genetic data at the whole genome scale for important Brassica crops. It now provides several datasets, including the complete Brassica A genome sequence from B. rapa (Chiifu-401), derived from de novo assembly of sequence scaffolds using second-generation sequencing technologies. Also included are predicted genes and associated annotations (InterPro, KEGG2, SwissProt), B. rapa genes orthologous to those in Arabidopsis thaliana, as well as genetic markers and maps of B. rapa. BRAD is continuo
葫芦科基因组:Cucurbit Genomics Database | Cucurbit Genomics Database http://cucurbitgenomics.org/
药用植物基因组(多组学):Chinese Herbal Plant Genome Database
Herbal Medicine Omics Database is a public database aims to promote the communication of medicine plants and related synthetic biology research. The Database contains three sections: herbal plant genome, herbal plant transcriptome and herbal plant effective components pathway. There are both local and online data here, registered scientists users can also upload their data here. This is a open platform and we can provide technical services based on Agri-biotech Lab Company. Welcome communication, cooperation, and valuable opinions.
比较基因组数据库:CoGe: Comparative Genomics https://genomevolution.org/coge/
CoGe is a platform for performing Comparative Genomics research. It provides an open-ended network of interconnected tools to manage, analyze, and visualize next-gen data.
Organisms: 18,131 Genomes: 33,748 Features: 1,733,099,822 Experiments: 9,467
这是该网站的介绍:FAQs - CoGepedia https://genomevolution.org/wiki/index.php/FAQs#What_is_CoGe.3F
莴苣(生菜)基因组:Lettuce Genome Resource http://lgr.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/Home.php
The Lettuce Genome Resource (LGR) was developed as a portal to provide access to genetic and genomic resources for cultivated lettuce and its relatives. 下载数据需要注册,但是提供的NCBI Bioproject PRJNA173551可以直接下载
甘薯基因组(六倍体):public-genomes-ngs.molgen.mpg.de/SweetPotato/ http://public-genomes-ngs.molgen.mpg.de/SweetPotato/ 这个可以直接下载
ipomoea-genome https://www.ipomoea-genome.org/ 这个不可以直接下载需要注册密码,但是好像注册不了
The Ipomoea Genome Hub is an integrated web-based database for all the people who love Ipomoea species. The haplotype-resolved genome sequence of hexaploid Ipomoea batatas (cv. Taizhong6) is available here. The hub also provides tools for easy sharing of research data and ideas.
农作物和模式植物基因组:Gramene: A comparative resource for plants http://www.gramene.org/
Gramene is a curated, open-source, integrated data resource for comparative functional genomics in crops and model plant species
植物基因组:PlantGDB - Resources for Plant Comparative Genomics http://www.plantgdb.org/
Update, 01-July-2015: Theplantgdb.org web resource was managed most recently under NSF-funded project (IOS-1221984). This grant has now ended, and the PlantGDB website is no longer being updated. However, you can check out another Brendel Lab project, xGDBvm, a virtual environment for genome annotation. xGDBvm instances are currently available to registered users of iPlant Atmosphere