class DistinctError(Exception):
class DistinctDict(dict):
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
value_index = self.values().index(value)
# keys() and values() will return
# corresponding lists
# as long as the dict is not changed
# between the two calls
# otherwise the dict type does not guaranteen the ordering.
existing_key = self.keys()[value_index]
if existing_key != key:
raise DistinctError("This value already exists for '%s'" % str(self[existing_key]))
except ValueError:
super(DistinctDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
class Mama(object):
def says(self):
print 'do your homework'
class Sister(Mama):
def says(self):
super(Sister, self).says()
print 'and clean your bedroom'
Method Resolution Order (MRO): my_mro.py
class BaseBase(object):
class Base1(BaseBase):
class Base2(BaseBase):
class MyClass(Base1, Base2):
def L(klass):
return [k.__name__ for k in klass.__mro__]
print L(MyClass) # ['MyClass', 'Base1', 'Base2', 'BaseBase', 'object']
class UpperString(object):
def __init__(self):
self._value = ''
def __get__(self, instance, klass):
return self._value
def __set__(self, instance, value):
self._value = value.upper()
class MyClass(object):
attribute = UpperString()
instance_of = MyClass()
instance_of.attribute = 'my value'
print instance_of.attribute # MY VALUE
# Now if we add a new attribute in the instance, it will be stored in its __dict__ mapping:
instance_of.new_att = 1
print instance_of.__dict__ # {'new_att': 1}
# But if a new data descriptor is added in the class, it will take precedence over the instance __dict__:
MyClass.new_att = 2
print instance_of.__dict__ # {'new_att': 1}
instance_of.new_att = 'other value'
print instance_of.new_att # other value
print instance_of.__dict__ # {'new_att': 'other value'}
class Whatever(object):
def __get__(self, instance, klass):
return 'whatever'
MyClass.whatever = Whatever()
print instance_of.__dict__ # {'new_att': 'other value'}
print instance_of.whatever # whatever
instance_of.whatever = 1
print instance_of.__dict__ # {'new_att': 'other value', 'whatever': 1}
class API(object):
def _print_values(self, obj):
def _print_value(key):
if key.startswith('_'):
return ''
value = getattr(obj, key)
if not hasattr(value, 'im_func'):
doc = type(value).__name__
if value.__doc__ is None:
doc = 'no docstring'
doc = value.__doc__
return ' %s : %s' % (key, doc)
res = [_print_value(el) for el in dir(obj)]
return '\n'.join([el for el in res if el != ''])
def __get__(self, instance, klass):
if instance is not None:
return self._print_values(instance)
return self._print_values(klass)
class MyClass(object):
__doc__ = API()
def __init__(self):
self.a = 2
def meth(self):
"""my method"""
return 1
print MyClass.__doc__ # meth : my method
instance = MyClass()
print instance.__doc__
# a : int
# meth : my method
class Chainer(object):
def __init__(self, methods, callback=None):
self._methods = methods
self._callback = callback
def __get__(self, instance, klass):
if instance is None:
# only for instances
return self
results = []
for method in self._methods:
if self._callback is not None:
if not self._callback(instance, method, results):
return results
class TextProcessor(object):
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text
def normalize(self):
if isinstance(self.text, list):
self.text = [t.lower() for t in self.text]
self.text = self.text.lower()
def split(self):
if not isinstance(self.text, list):
self.text = self.text.split()
def treshold(self):
if not isinstance(self.text, list):
if len(self.text) < 2:
self.text = ''
self.text = [w for w in self.text if len(w) > 2]
def logger(instance, method, results):
print 'calling %s' % method.__name__
return True
def add_sequence(name, sequence):
setattr(TextProcessor, name, Chainer([getattr(TextProcessor, n) for n in sequence], logger))
add_sequence('simple_clean', ('split', 'treshold'))
my = TextProcessor(' My Taylor is Rich ')
# calling split
# calling treshold
print my.text # ['Taylor', 'Rich']
# let's perform another sequence
add_sequence('full_work', ('normalize', 'split', 'treshold'))
# calling normalize
# calling split
# calling treshold
print my.text # ['taylor', 'rich']
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self):
self._my_secret_thing = 1
def _i_get(self):
return self._my_secret_thing
def _i_set(self, value):
self._my_secret_thing = value
def _i_delete(self):
print 'neh!'
my_thing = property(_i_get, _i_set, _i_delete, 'the thing')
instance_of = MyClass()
print instance_of.my_thing # 1
instance_of.my_thing = 3
print instance_of.my_thing # 3
del instance_of.my_thing # neh!
Help on MyClass in module __main__ object:
class MyClass(__builtin__.object)
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| my_thing
| the thing
class FirstClass(object):
def get_price(self):
return '$ 500'
price = property(get_price)
class SecondClass(FirstClass):
def get_price(self):
return '$ 20'
plane_ticket = SecondClass()
print plane_ticket.get_price() # $ 20
class Frozen(object):
__slots__ = ['ice', 'cream']
print '__dict__' in dir(Frozen) # False
print 'ice' in dir(Frozen) # True
glagla = Frozen()
glagla.ice = 1
glagla.cream = 1
glagla.aha = 1 # AttributeError: 'Frozen' object has no attribute 'aha'
class MyClass(object):
def __new__(cls):
print '__new__ called'
return object.__new__(cls) # default factory
def __init__(self):
print '__init__ called'
self.a = 1
instance = MyClass()
# __new__ called
# __init__ called
class MyOtherClassWithoutAConstructor(MyClass):
instance = MyOtherClassWithoutAConstructor()
# __new__ called
# __init__ called
class MyOtherClass(MyClass):
def __init__(self):
print 'MyOther class __init__ called'
super(MyOtherClass, self).__init__()
self.b = 1
instance = MyOtherClass()
# __new__ called
# MyOther class __init__ called
# __init__ called
def my_method(self):
return 1
klass = type('MyClass', (object,), {'method': my_method})
instance = klass()
print instance.method() # 1
# This is similar to an explicit definition of the class:
class MyClass2(object):
def my_method(self):
return 1
from ch3.api import API
def equip(classname, base_types, dict):
if '__doc__' not in dict:
dict['__doc__'] = API()
return type(classname, base_types, dict)
class MyClass2(object):
__metaclass__ = equip
def alright(self):
"""the ok method"""
return 'okay'
ma = MyClass2()
ma.y = 6
print ma.__doc__
# alright : the ok method
# y : int
def enhancer_1(klass):
c = [l for l in klass.__name__ if l.isupper()]
klass.contracted_name = ''.join(c)
def enhancer_2(klass):
def logger(function):
def wrap(*args, **kw):
print 'I log everything !'
return function(*args, **kw)
return wrap
for el in dir(klass):
if el.startswith('_'):
value = getattr(klass, el)
if not hasattr(value, 'im_func'):
setattr(klass, el, logger(value))
def enhance(klass, *enhancers):
for enhancer in enhancers:
class MySimpleClass(object):
def ok(self):
"""I return ok"""
return 'I lied'
enhance(MySimpleClass, enhancer_1, enhancer_2)
thats = MySimpleClass()
print thats.ok()
# I log everything !
# I lied
print thats.contracted_name # MSC