Resample Methods for Training Error & Test Error

Why use resample methods

Resampling methods are an indispensable tool in modern statistics. They involve repeatedly drawing samples from a training set and refitting a model of interest on each sample in order to obtain additional information about the fitted model. 
Resample methods often used to get the test error.

Resample methods:
cross-validation can be used to estimate the test error associated with a given statistical learning method in order to evaluate its performance, or to select the appropriate level of flexibility. 
The bootstrap is used in several contexts, most commonly model to provide a measure of accuracy of a parameter estimate or of a given selection statistical learning method.

k-Fold Cross-Validation

k-fold CV involves randomly k-fold CV dividing the set of observations into k groups, or folds, of approximately equal size. The first fold is treated as a validation set, and the method is fit on 
the remaining k − 1 folds.
This procedure is repeated k times; each time, a different group of observations is treated as a validation set. This process results in k estimates of the test error.

Resample Methods for Training Error & Test Error_第1张图片

2)R implement 
rnorm: The rnorm() function generates a vector of random normal variables, rnorm() with first argument n the sample size.
set.seed: Sometimes we want our code to reproduce the exact same set of random numbers; we can use the set.seed() function to do this. 
set.seed(parm), 是一个标记啦,下次你还想取这个随机序列就启用set.seed(100),后面随机函数会和上次一样生成样本。
cv.glm: This function calculates the estimated K-fold cross-validation prediction error for generalized linear models.

//prepare data source
> library (boot ) //The cv.glm() function is part of the boot library
>names(Auto)  //see the data source predictors(field)
>fix(Auto) //see the detail of the data source data
//output cross-validation estimate for the test error is approximately 24.23.
> set . seed (17)
> glm . fit =glm (mpg~horsepower , data= Auto)
> cv.err = cv.glm (Auto ,glm .fit ,K =10)
> cv. err$delta
[1] 24.20520 24.19133

2 bootstrap
The bootstrap is used in several contexts, most commonly model to provide a measure of accuracy of a parameter estimate or of a given selection statistical learning method.

