Guava 中 Strings 对字符串的连接

参考: Guava API


 * 字符串的连接
 * @param separator 连接符
 * @param first
 * @param second
 * @param rest
 * @return
public static String strJoiner(String separator, Object first, Object second, Object... rest) {
    // Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(separator).useForNull("null");
    Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(separator).skipNulls();
    return joiner.join(first, second, rest);
  • 使用 静态方法 on(String) 构造 Joiner 对象;
    • useForNull(String) 方法可以替换连接中的 Null 对象;
    • skipNulls() 方法直接忽略 NULL值;
  • 使用 join(Object… rest) 方法进行连接;


String m = "Hello";
String n = "World";

System.out.println(StringUtils.strJoiner(";", m, null, n)); 
// Hello;World or Hello;null;World

Warning: joiner instances are always immutable; a configuration method such as useForNull has no effect on the instance it is invoked on! You must store and use the new joiner instance returned by the method. This makes joiners thread-safe, and safe to store as static final constants.

警告:joiner 实例总是不可变的;用来定义 joiner 目标语义的配置方法总会返回一个新的 joiner 实例。这使得joiner实例都是线程安全的,你可以将其定义为 static final 常量。

如何处理 null 值?

Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(separator).useForNull("null");
Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(separator).skipNulls();
  • usrForNull() 方法 使用参数字符替代 null 值;
  • skipNulls() 方法 直接忽略 null 值;
