解决VC安装提示couldn`t find acme setup的问题(zz)

今天安装VS6.0,出现怪毛病,提示couldn`t find acme setup
H:/SETUP/ACMSETUP.EXE /T VS98ENT.STF /S H:/ /n "" /o "" /k "1111111111" /b1


Setup does not succeed at the Windows NT Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM)
level as installation is handed off to Acmsetup. This is caused by a corrupt
16-bit subsystem.
On Windows 2000 platforms, boot into Safe Mode by pressing F8 when
prompted at the startup of the system and selecting Safe Mode. Then
attempt installation again.

If the installation does not succeed and returns one of the errors listed in
the "Symptoms" section of this article, continue with the following steps: 1.
Clear the Temp folder by removing any previous incomplete installations. ?
The default location for the Temp folder on Windows 2000 is C:/Documents
and Settings/Profile/Local Settings/Temp C:/Winnt/Temp or, if upgraded
from Windows 98, C:/Windows/Temp.
? The default location for the Temp folder on Windows NT 4 is C:/Temp
NOTE: To discover the location of your Temp folder: on the Start menu, click
Run, type %temp%, and then click OK.

2. Try to manually start Acmsetup by typing the following command line:
E:/SETUP/ACMSETUP.EXE /T *.STF /S E:/ /n "" /o "" /k "YYYYYYYYYY" /b1
where E is the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive letter, and YYYYYYYYYY is the CD
key for the product (the /k options and its argument should be omitted for
Service Pack installations).

NOTE:The specific *.stf file that is required for the manual command line will
vary depending on the specific product you are installing. Search the
/Setup folder on the CD-ROM of the product you are installing for the *.stf
to use. For example, for Visual Basic 6.0 Professional, use VB98Pro.stf.  
If you still cannot install the product by passing the command line
manually, continue with the following to repair the NTVDM process.

Nullify any nonstandard settings in the Config.nt and Autoexec.nt files in
the system root/System32 folder. To do so, use an REM statement to
remark out each entry except the following default entries:

dos=high, umb


lh %SystemRoot%/system32/mscdexnt.exe
lh %SystemRoot%/system32/redir
lh %SystemRoot%/system32/dosx
lh %SystemRoot%/system32/nw16 (only if CSNW is installed)*
lh %SystemRoot%/system32/vwipxspx (only if CSNW is installed)*

* CSNW is Client Services for NetWare

NOTE: Another way to accomplish this is to expand Autoexec.nt_ and
Config.nt_ from the Windows NT or Windows 2000 CD-ROM to the
SystemRoot/System32 folder: ? To expand a single compressed file, use
the Expand.exe program. This program is located on the Windows CD-ROM
in the I386 folder.
? To expand the required files: 1. Insert the Windows CD-ROM into the CD-
ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
2. At the command prompt, type the following, and then press ENTER:
3. At the command prompt, type the following, and then press ENTER:
EXPAND X:/i386/Config.NT_ C:/WINDOWS/System32/Config.nt
4. Restart the computer and try to install the product again.

Setup.exe passes the following to Acmsetup.exe:
E:/ /n "" /o "" /k "YYYYYYYYYY" /b 1

where: ? X is your path to Acmsetup.exe
? E is the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive letter
? YYYYYYYYYY is the CD key
You can verify the command line switches by running Setup on a computer
that you know is operating correctly, thereby creating a setup log.

Your specific *.stf file will vary depending on the specific product you are
installing. Search the /Setup folder of the product you are installing for the
*.stf to use. For example, for Visual Basic 6.0 Professional, it is VB98Pro.stf
Generating a Log File
You can tell the Acme part of Setup to generate a log file. To do this, start
Setup with the following command:
X:/setup /gc path/file name
where X is the location of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and path/file
name is the path and file name for the log file. The path and file name must
be in 8.3 short name format and must not be in quotation marks.
