

msf > db_autopwn -h
[*] Usage: db_autopwn [options]
        -h          Display this help text
        -t          Show all matching exploit modules
        -x          Select modules based on vulnerability references
        -p          Select modules based on open ports
        -e          Launch exploits against all matched targets
        -r          Use a reverse connect shell
        -b          Use a bind shell on a random port (default)
        -q          Disable exploit module output
        -R  [rank]  Only run modules with a minimal rank
        -I  [range] Only exploit hosts inside this range
        -X  [range] Always exclude hosts inside this range
        -PI [range] Only exploit hosts with these ports open
        -PX [range] Always exclude hosts with these ports open
        -m  [regex] Only run modules whose name matches the regex
        -T  [secs]  Maximum runtime for any exploit in seconds

msf >
