Why most of Chinese do not speaking Fluent English?

Why most of Chinese do not speaking Fluent English?

(at least 600 words for CC2)

Most of us have learned English for almost at least 10years. But still lots of us can’t speak English. During the next few minutes, I want to talk about why most of Chinese do not speaking fluent English? I think that there are 4 psychological reason for poor speaking English. All of the three points are related with my experience or from my opinion, maybe the title is some kind of too big.

1. Fear of ridicule or too shy

In the English class of my high-school, English teacher sometimes pick someone to answer the question in public, but when one of my friend had to answer the question, he just stood up and kept silence. When I asked him why not answer the question in private, he said 'I know the answer but I am fear of being laughed at'.

It is not your problem to be laughed at. It is the defect of some not so nice audience. Just be tough and forget about it.

Fear of ridicule you will make no progress. In English countries, kids could speak quite good English, don't fear of making mistake and living in the English environment having lot of chance to practice is the main reason.

2. Willing to be perfect

when I saw the speech such as TED. I also have the willing to tell a story or share my experience in pubic. I admire the speaking English of the speaker. but look at myself, usually forget what to say on stage, murky mind, pronunciation not good, wooden gesture, feeling pressure of the eyes of the audience. I cannot deliver a perfect speech in public. So the dream of give a speech in English delayed year after year.

I tell you a story. Mike came to xiaoming’s home when xiaoming was at school, xiaoming’s dad who is not good at English said ‘xiaoming go school’. But mike still got the meaning of the sentence even there are two mistake in it. In the beginning, the grammar is not important, the key issue is open your mouth to say English. You can get your pronunciation and grammar revise in the later process.

3. Weak competence of listening English

Until now I can only get about 60%-80% meaning of our Toastmaster regular meeting, especially the open topic. When you cannot get the point of foreigner speaking, it is hard to keep the conversation going on. And at that time you can’t look at dictionary to find help. Sometimes I have to guess the meaning of what I heard, and sometimes I ask him to change to easier sentence.

Vocabulary is not enough and at the same time not familiar with the word’s pronunciation make us have a delay for response when hear something in English.

4. English skill could become better step by step

When I first start to learn in school, I mind was totally murky about how to learn it. To remember the pronunciation, I used to find the similar pronunciation in Chinese character to denotes the English word pronunciation, and when I go to college, and get some foreign friends who is learning Chinese. It is amazing to find that they did the same thing. I pay more of my efforts to my study of English, and my English skill get better and better day by day.

Don’t be afraid to make mistake. You never learn swimming until you get into the water, so is the speaking English. Toast-Master club is really a good place to practice English. Here you can practice your speaking English and presentation. No need to be afraid to make mistakes. Evaluator also give effective comments on your speech, from the feedback you can make progress more quickly.

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