

  • 从远程仓库clone代码
  • 执行git常用命令
    • 我的示例


repo = Repo.clone_from(r'https://gitlab-ci-token:{0}@{1}'.format(git_token, git_host), r'./ldap-backup')

该方式使用personal token来拉取代码。拉取到ldap-backup目录。


You can’t commit against a bare repository. You can only push/pull to them. By parallel think about how you would do this locally. Try cloning a bare repo and doing the actions, they won’t work.

I’m not intimately familiar with the pythonic git bindings, but would imagine that you would need to clone a working repository, optionally checkout a given branch instead of master, do your work, call git add against just that stuff, and then commit.

Also, repo.untracked_files is a no op that simply lists them, it doesn’t add them.

Honestly it looks like you blindly copy pasted from without actually reading what it had to say.

you’ll need to manipulate the Index Object for example

index = repo.index
for ( path, stage ), entry in index.entries.iteritems: pass
new_commit = index.commit("YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE")
#do somethign with new commit

Another example I found

import git
repo = git.Repo( '/home/me/repodir' )
print repo.git.status()
# checkout and track a remote branch
print repo.git.checkout( 'origin/somebranch', b='somebranch' )
# add a file
print repo.git.add( 'somefile' )
# commit
print repo.git.commit( m='my commit message' )
# now we are one commit ahead
print repo.git.status()
# now push



repo = Repo(r"./ldap-backup") #如果本地仓库已建立,则使用Repo('local_reposity'),使用Repo.clone_from()则从远程仓库拉取到本地。
index = repo.index
changes = [ item.a_path for item in repo.index.diff(None) ] #将modified的文件组成list对象,元素为修改文件的文件名。
rq = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time()))
repo.git.commit(m="backup at {0}".format(rq)) #提交commit命令,实际git命令为:git commit -m "backup at time"
repo.git.push() #push代码到远程仓库,可指定本地分支和远程分支名。
