

    网上常见的解决思路是“将密码框的密码和某一个缓冲区进行同步, 缓冲区在和后台进行绑定. 其中密码框与缓冲区之间的同步可采用事件进行通知, 并将缓冲区打造成依赖属性, 然后缓冲区就支持绑定了, 并给后台提供正确的密码”,这个方法确实可以达到绑定的功能,但是有一个问题“在更改了密码框的密码后, 需要手动更新密码框插入符(CaretIndex)的位置”,虽然也有相对应的解决方案,但效果不好。本思路的解决方案请参考周银辉的[WPF]实现密码框的密码绑定》http://www.cnblogs.com/zhouyinhui/archive/2009/08/27/1554943.html


Passwords in WPF: How to find yours and how to prevent it being found



    /// More secure PasswordBox based on TextBox control
    public class SecurePasswordBox : TextBox
        // Fake char to display in Visual Tree
        private char PWD_CHAR = '';

        /// Only copy of real password
        /// For more security use System.Security.SecureString type instead
        private string _password = string.Empty;

        /// TextChanged event handler for secure storing of password into Visual Tree,
        /// text is replaced with PWD_CHAR chars, clean text is keept into
        /// Text property (CLR property not snoopable without mod)   
        protected override void OnTextChanged(TextChangedEventArgs e)
            if (dirtyBaseText == true)

            string currentText = this.BaseText;

            int selStart = this.SelectionStart;
            if (currentText.Length < _password.Length)
                // Remove deleted chars          
                _password = _password.Remove(selStart, _password.Length - currentText.Length);
                SetRealText(this, _password);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentText))
                for (int i = 0; i < currentText.Length; i++)
                    if (currentText[i] != PWD_CHAR)
                        // Replace or insert char
                        if (this.BaseText.Length == _password.Length)
                            _password = _password.Remove(i, 1).Insert(i, currentText[i].ToString());
} else { _password = _password.Insert(i, currentText[i].ToString());
} } }
   SetRealText(this, _password);
this.BaseText = new string(PWD_CHAR, _password.Length); this.SelectionStart = selStart; } base.OnTextChanged(e); } // flag used to bypass OnTextChanged private bool dirtyBaseText; /// /// Provide access to base.Text without call OnTextChanged /// private string BaseText { get { return base.Text; } set { dirtyBaseText = true; base.Text = value; dirtyBaseText = false; } } /// /// Clean Password /// public new string Text { get { return _password; } set { _password = value; this.BaseText = new string(PWD_CHAR, value.Length); } } //数据绑定用的附加属性RealText public static string GetRealText(DependencyObject obj) { return (string)obj.GetValue(RealTextProperty); } public static void SetRealText(DependencyObject obj, string value) { obj.SetValue(RealTextProperty, value); } // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for RealText. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... public static readonly DependencyProperty RealTextProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("RealText", typeof(string), typeof(SecurePasswordBox), new UIPropertyMetadata("")); }


<local:SecurePasswordBox  local:SecurePasswordBox.RealText="{Binding Password,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Text="{Binding Password,Mode=OneWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>




