
1. Abstract

整体要求简练,言简意赅,因为绝大部分journal对Abstract都有字数限制,一般150~250words。先简单描述一下自己工作的前沿背景,几句话,然后引出自己的实验(“In this paper...”,“Herein...” or “Here, we...”),主要陈述实验结果,可稍带提一下所用到的重要方法的名称,然后说明你的结果的意义“These datasuggest...”;最后总结拔高“In a word,...”or “In summary ,...”。

2. Introduction

描述跟你的实验相关的领域研究现状及存在的问题,自然的过度到你实验的意义和重要性。“Although...,there are still... so far” “Here, for the first time, we have used...”。如果你前面已发过相关的文章,要插入引用一下“We recently showed that...” 或 “Our previous studies have shown that... These results verify that...” “Here...”“To explore this hypothesis, we generated...”。写好Introduction需要有大量的参考文献做基础,摘取短语、词组、句子进行 reorganize。调节好前后句子的逻辑顺序及衔接。

3. Materials and Methods

这部分可以从别的文章摘到现成的方法描述,加以改造,替换成自己的实验条件,变成自己的表达方式,近几年journal对抄袭句子的现象抓得特别严,多注意。太复杂的经典方法,可以简单描述后加上参考文献“Briefly, ... ”;也可以直接引用参考文献 “The...method was performed as described previously”.

4. Results

要按照一定的逻辑顺序进行organize,结果描述要准确、专业,一些重要的数据可以放在结果部分的文字描述中。这部分不能像 Introduction那样写太多的理论性的东西。


“In order to prove..., we used...”;

“We have set up...”;

“To demonstrate..., we further...”;

“Consistently/Consistent with...”;

“Compared with...”;

“Thus, at current time, we have evidence that...”;

“We next characterized...”;

“We found that...”;

“We have noticed that...”;

“It’s known that...”;

“So we introduced... In our study...”;

“In contrast...”;

“These data suggest that...”;

“So we next explored...”;

“Notably, ...”;

“Importantly, ...”;



“We have previously shown that...”;

“As shown in Fig. 1, ...”;

“Fig. 1 shows...”;

“Overall, ...”;

“Taken together, these results suggest...”;

“These data are consistent with the notion that...”;

“Next, we examined the effect of...”;

“We next set out to determine whether...”;

“Lastly, we examined...”;

“In order to establish...”.

5. Results Discussion

这一部分最重要,也最难写,是大家最容易犯错的地方。即使是对一些发了很多文章的老教授来说,这部分仍然是块硬骨头,尤其是top paper,Discussion非常重要,因为评阅你paper的人,都是世界顶级的大牛。





“Here, we describe....” 或

“In this paper, we show that.... Importantly, ..., suggesting...”


“Overall, our studies establish the...”;

“Although there are important discoveries revealed by these studies, there are also limitations. First, ...;Second, ...;

Third, ...;Fourth, ...;Last, ...Overall, ...”;

“Furthermore, our results suggest that...”;

“Our results suggest a possibility of...”;

“One important future direction of ...is...”;

“To this end, we show that...”;

“However, none of these approaches to date holds the...”;

“Our studies serve as a proof-of-concept that...”;

“This could explain why...”;

“Alternatively, ... may be operative...”;

“Thus, future iterations of ... may in fact demonstrate even greater potency.”;

“On the other hand, the lack of...”;

“In summary, we have identified...”;

“Our results confirm that...”;

“These studies thus offer a new strategy to treat...”

6. Acknowledgements


