用OpenCV Python来开发,如果想要用到一些C/C++的图像处理库,就需要创建Python的C/C++扩展,然后把数据从Python传递到底层处理。这里分享下如何在C/C++层获取数据。
参考原文:How to Convert OpenCV Image Data from Python to C
作者:Xiao Ling
OpenCV Python获取的图像数据类型是numpy.ndarray:
> rval, frame = vc.read();
> print type(frame)
> <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
PyObject *o;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &o))
return NULL;
PyObject *ao = PyObject_GetAttrString(o, "__array_struct__");
PyObject *retval;
if ((ao == NULL) || !PyCObject_Check(ao)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "object does not have array interface");
return NULL;
PyArrayInterface *pai = (PyArrayInterface*)PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(ao);
if (pai->two != 2) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "object does not have array interface");
return NULL;
// Construct data with header info and image data
char *buffer = (char*)pai->data; // The address of image data
int width = pai->shape[1]; // image width
int height = pai->shape[0]; // image height
int size = pai->strides[0] * pai->shape[0]; // image size = stride * height
这样就可以了。现在可以用这个数据做点事情,比如调用barcode接口来做检测。我依然用Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK做示例。首先需要构建一下数据:
char *total = (char *)malloc(size + 40); // buffer size = image size + header size
memset(total, 0, size + 40);
BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmap_info = {40, width, height, 0, 24, 0, size, 0, 0, 0, 0};
memcpy(total, &bitmap_info, 40);
// Copy image data to buffer from bottom to top
char *data = total + 40;
int stride = pai->strides[0];
for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++) {
memcpy(data, buffer + stride * (height - i), stride);
data += stride;
// Dynamsoft Barcode Reader initialization
__int64 llFormat = (OneD | QR_CODE | PDF417 | DATAMATRIX);
int iMaxCount = 0x7FFFFFFF;
ReaderOptions ro = {0};
pBarcodeResultArray pResults = NULL;
ro.llBarcodeFormat = llFormat;
ro.iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = iMaxCount;
printf("width: %d, height: %d, size:%d\n", width, height, size);
int iRet = DBR_DecodeBuffer((unsigned char *)total, size + 40, &ro, &pResults);
printf("DBR_DecodeBuffer ret: %d\n", iRet);
free(total); // Do not forget to release the constructed buffer
// Get results
int count = pResults->iBarcodeCount;
pBarcodeResult* ppBarcodes = pResults->ppBarcodes;
pBarcodeResult tmp = NULL;
retval = PyList_New(count); // The returned Python object
PyObject* result = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
tmp = ppBarcodes[i];
result = PyString_FromString(tmp->pBarcodeData);
printf("result: %s\n", tmp->pBarcodeData);
PyList_SetItem(retval, i, Py_BuildValue("iN", (int)tmp->llFormat, result)); // Add results to list
// release memory
在Windows上构建Python扩展需要先设置一下,不然会出错。我使用Visual Studio 2015。命令行如下:
python setup.py build install
import cv2
from dbr import *
import time
vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
cv2.imshow(windowName, frame)
rval, frame = vc.read();
initLicense("" ) # Invalid license is fine.
results = decodeBuffer(frame)
if (len(results) > 0):
print "Total count: " + str(len(results))
for result in results:
print "Type: " + types[result[0]]
print "Value: " + result[1] + "\n"