2017WWDC whats new in swift

Swift关键字 Open Source + Growing Ecosystem

Language refinements and additions

Access Control
"private": 作用域变为可在"extension"中访问

Composing Classes and Protocols


protocol Shakeable {
    func shake()
extension UIButton: Shakeable { /* … */ }
extension UISlider: Shakeable { /* … */ }
func shakeEm(controls: [UIControl & Shakeable]) {
    for control in controls where control.state.isEnabled {

Section What's New in Foundation

  • SE-0161 Smart KeyPaths: Better Key-Value Coding for Swift
  • SE-0166 Swift Archival & Serialization
  • SE-0167 Swift Encoders

Source compatibility

Swift 4 largely source-compatible with Swift 3
这次总算是向前兼容Swfit 3了: Swift 3 和 Swift 4可以共存在同一个项目中

2017WWDC whats new in swift_第1张图片
Swift Version


Tools and performance

Build Improvements


"Precompiled Bridging Headers": 在OC/Swift混合代码中桥接头文件会很慢,使用预编译可以有效的加快编译时间

"Shared Build for Coverage Testing": XCode9不再需要重新编译

"Indexing While Building": 避免"Background indexing"的重复工作,在编译的过程中直接更新"index"

Predictable Performance

"COW Existential Buffers": Copy-On-Write,只有在修改时才拷贝,避免昂贵的堆Heap分配消耗

"Faster Generic Code": 在使用泛型Generic时,用Stack取代Heap进行栈分配

Smaller Binaries

Swift 4 会自动移除未被使用的代码

"Limited @objec Inference"

  • Swift 3会自动给继承自NSObject的非私有的类和成员自动加上@objc,而Swift 4只有在确定需要的时候才被加入
  • 对于不可再OC中表达的代码自动报错
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  • "Migrator"不能够确认所有需要加@objc的方法,但是对于可以确定的,会通过"Warning"的形式报"deprecated"提醒,然后我们再手动的添加
  • 迁移完成后可将"Swift 3 @objec Inference"设置改为"Default"

"Symbol Size"

  • Swift symbols在symbol table极少使用,在新的配置中自动删除

Standard library

Swift Strings

Swift: A Character is a grapheme

  • Swift 4中对字符处理更快:拉丁文、汉字符、片假名
  • Swift 3 一个strings"包含"一个字符集合
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  • Swift 4 一个strings"就是"一个字符集合
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"Simpler one-sided Slicing Syntax"

  • 简化范围运算符为单向


  • 区分SubstringsStrings为不同的类型,避免在仅有Substrings存在的情况下占用过多内存
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  • Substrings可以当做Strings来使用,享有相同的方法

"Multi-line String Literals"

  • 优化了多行字符串的书写
  • Swift 3 需要使用换行符
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  • Swift 4 直接书写,编译器会自动去除格式"\t\t"
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New Generics Features

where closure in the associatetype

  • 限定asociatetype
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Generic Subscript

  • Subscript可以使用泛型,包括Return TypeSubscript Type

Exclusive access to memory

Non-Exclusive Access to Memory


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Enforcing Exclusive Access to Memory

Swift 4只允许同时读操作

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Run-time Enforcement

  • 编译阶段不一定知道是否引用同一个实体,可以通过运行时报错
    • Global variables
    • Properties of classes
    • Local variables captured in escaping closures
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Multi-threaded Enforcement

  • 默认的审查无法在多线程情况下工作
    • Default enforcement only catches single-threaded bugs
    • Thread Sanitizer catches multi-threaded bugs (其它的演讲)


  • Compile-time enforcement: 默认打开
  • Run-time enforcement: 默认关闭
    • 2017WWDC whats new in swift_第13张图片

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