well shell 用法

我们使用I will 在我们决定要做某事的时候,在我们说“i well do sth ”的时候,我们宣布了我们的决心。


oh I have left the door open ,I will go and shut it

what would you like to drink? I will have an orange juice ,please

did you phone Lucy? oh no I forget I will  phone her now.


I don't think I well go out tonight ,I am too tired


that bag looks heavy , I well help you with it


can you give tom this book?

I will give it to him when I see him


I will not tell any one what happened ,I promise

问某人干某事: will you

will you please turn the music down? I am trying to concentrate

我们通常用shall I  shell we 去问人们的意见

shall I open the windows?

shall we go?

your friends wants you to come and see her , you don't  know what time to come  

you ask her : what time shell I come and see you>

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