hive: 基于Hadoop的一个数据仓库工具,将结构化的数据文件映射成一张表,并提供类sql语句的查询功能, 使用Hql作为查询接口,使用HDFS存储,使用mapreduce计算
mysql | hive | |
存储位置 | 本地文件系统 | hdfs文件系统 |
表文件存储形式 | 数据文件,索引文件 | metadata表(使用关系型数据库), 真实数据文件 |
数据格式 | 系统定义 | 用户自定义(serde,fileformat,compress) |
作业引擎 | MyISAM | mapreduce |
使用场景 | online 事务处理(实时查询) | online 分析(高延迟,读多写少,数据挖掘) |
使用的脚本语言 | sql | hql |
可扩展性 | 弱 | 强 |
hive (db)> select * from stu;
stu.class_id stu.stu_id stu.score
1 1 90
1 2 94
1 3 87
1 4 89
2 4 96
2 2 59
2 1 75
3 2 67
3 1 87
现有数据如上:(如何用一条sql求出: 每班总分,平均分,最高分学生信息 ?)
select * from (
select *,
max(score)over(partition by class_id) max,
sum(score)over(partition by class_id) sum,
avg(score)over( partition by class_id) avg
from stu )tmp
where tmp.score=tmp.max;
Total jobs = 1
tmp.class_id tmp.stu_id tmp.score tmp.max tmp.sum tmp.avg
1 2 94 94 360 90.0
2 4 96 96 230 76.66666666666667
3 1 87 87 154 77.0
Time taken: 3.266 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)
2, mysql实现
select stu.class_id, stu.stu_id, stu.score ,tab_max.max ,tab_sum.sum, tab_avg.avg from stu
inner join (select class_id ,sum(score)sum from stu group by class_id) tab_sum
on tab_sum.class_id=stu.class_id
inner join (select class_id ,avg(score)avg from stu group by class_id) tab_avg
on tab_avg.class_id=stu.class_id
inner join (select class_id,max(score)max from stu group by class_id ) tab_max
on stu.class_id=tab_max.class_id
where stu.score=tab_max.max;
Total jobs = 10
stu.class_id stu.stu_id stu.score tab_max.max tab_sum.sum tab_avg.avg
1 2 94 94 360 90.0
2 4 96 96 230 76.66666666666667
3 1 87 87 154 77.0
Time taken: 119.113 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)
with cube | grouping sets | with rollup | ||
group 组合数 | 1个条件(A) | 2(2^1)种 (0,1) | 1(2^1-1)种 (0) | 2(1+1)种 (0,1) |
group 组合数 | 2个条件(A,B) | 4(2^2)种(00,01,10,11) | 3(2^2-1)种 (01, 10,11) | 3(2+1)种 (00,01,11) |
group 组合数 | 3个条件(A,B,C) | 8(2^3)种 (000,001,010, 011 ,100, 101, 110, 111) | 7种(2^3-1)–(000,001,011,111) | 4(3+1)种(000,001,011,111) |
group 组合数 | 4个条件(A,B,C,D) | 16(2^4)种 (0000,0001,0010, 0100 ,1000, 1001, 1010, 1100…) | 15种(2^4-1)–(0000,0001,0010, 0100 ,1000, 1001, 1010, 1100…) | 5(4+1)种(0000,0001,0011,0111, 1111) |
grouping__id : 根据group by后面声明的顺序字段是否存在于当前group by中的一个二进制位组合数据。【 比如(A,C)的grouping__id(A,C) = grouping(A)+grouping(B)+grouping ( C ) :二进制=101 也就是5】
hive (db)> select * from orders;
OK orders.produce_name orders.price orders.customerid
1 phone 7000.0 1
2 book 34.0 1
3 shooe 300.0 1
4 cup 90.0 5
5 book 34.0 2
6 shooe 300.0 2
7 cup 90.0 2
8 cup 90.0 3
9 cup 90.0 3
10 book 78.0 4
11 cup 90.0 5
#三个条件: grouping sets(...)
select customerid, price, produce_name,grouping__id gid from orders
group by customerid,price,produce_name
grouping sets (
order by gid;
#三个条件: with cube/ with rollup
select customerid, price, produce_name,grouping__id gid from orders
group by customerid,price,produce_name
with cube
order by gid;
hive (db)> select * from urls;
OK urls.visit_time urls.url
USER1 2016-10-12 01:10:00 url1
USER1 2016-10-12 01:15:10 url2
USER1 2016-10-12 01:16:40 url3
USER1 2016-10-12 02:13:00 url4
USER1 2016-10-12 03:14:30 url5
USER2 2016-11-12 01:10:00 url1
USER2 2016-11-12 01:15:10 url2
USER2 2016-11-12 01:16:40 url3
USER3 2016-11-12 02:13:00 url2
USER3 2016-11-12 03:14:30 url3
有数据如上, 要求出: 每个用户的页面的访问次序,每个页面的访问时长
select tmp3.* ,first_value(tmp3.times)over(partition by order by tmp3.times desc) maxtime from (
select,tmp2.starts,tmp2.ends, nvl(tmp2.url1,'起始url')url1,tmp2.url2,
nvl(tmp2.ends-tmp2.starts ,0)times from (
lead(tmp.starts,1,null)over(partition by order by tmp.starts )ends,
lag(tmp.url)over(partition by order by tmp.starts) url1,
tmp.url as url2
(select id,url ,
unix_timestamp(visit_time,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') starts
from urls )tmp
Total jobs = 2
OK tmp3.starts tmp3.ends tmp3.url1 tmp3.url2 tmp3.times maxtime
USER1 1476209580 1476213270 url3 url4 3690 3690
USER1 1476206200 1476209580 url2 url3 3380 3690
USER1 1476205800 1476206110 起始url url1 310 3690
USER1 1476206110 1476206200 url1 url2 90 3690
USER1 1476213270 NULL url4 url5 0 3690
USER2 1478884200 1478884510 起始url url1 310 310
USER2 1478884510 1478884600 url1 url2 90 310
USER2 1478884600 NULL url2 url3 0 310
USER3 1478887980 1478891670 起始url url2 3690 3690
USER3 1478891670 NULL url2 url3 0 3690
hive (db)> select * from orders;
OK orders.produce_name orders.price orders.customerid
1 phone 7000.0 1
2 book 90.0 1
3 shooe 300.0 1
4 cup 90.0 1
8 book2 34.0 2
6 shooe 300.0 2
7 cup 34.0 2
13 video 30.0 5
11 cup 90.0 5
14 pc 9000.0 1
15 chair 200.0 5
16 chair2 200.0 5
数据如上, 要求出每个用户的商品购买总数,价格最高的由哪些? 价格最高的前1/3商品是哪些?
select * from (
select produce_name, price, customerid,
count(*)over(partition by customerid ) cnt,
rank()over(partition by customerid order by price desc )rk,
ntile(3)over(partition by customerid order by price desc) nt
from orders
where tmp.rk=1
or tmp.nt=1
tmp.produce_name tmp.price tmp.customerid tmp.cnt tmp.rk tmp.nt
pc 9000.0 1 5 1 1
phone 7000.0 1 5 2 1
shooe 300.0 2 3 1 1
chair 200.0 5 4 1 1
chair2 200.0 5 4 1 1