tags:arcgis error
ERROR 001362:Failed to extract manifest from uploaded service definition.
当您创建服务时,该服务器系统工具将被发布客户端(管理器或ArcGIS for Desktop)调用
**最后问题解决是通过,改变server的用户,从arcgis改到本地用户。在运行(win+r)里输入services.msc或者计算机-管理-服务,打开本地服务窗口,打开arcgis server-属性-登陆,选择本地用户。**
I’m beyond stuck….Cannot publish services in Server 10.1 (Prerelease)
I’ve got Server 10.1 installed and my site created, and I’ve installed the Web Adapter on the same machine. I’ve got Desktop 10.1 up and running. I’ve registered the GIS Server with the Web Adapter, and all seems to be going fine.
But I cannot publish services and I’m getting two specific errors when using two different approaches; and I think they may be related.
1.) When I create a map in Desktop, and try to publish as a service through Desktop, I go through the wizard and finally get the error message: “Packaging succeeded, but publishing failed. ERROR: unable to connect to publishing tools service. Verify the service is up and running.”
Well, I can definitely log on to Server Manager fine, and I can see the Publishing service is up and running; maybe a problem with access though??
2.) When I save the .sd file through Desktop and then try to publish from Server Manager, I get the error message: “Could not find resource or operation ‘.MapServer’ on the system.”
I can look at the Server directories and I can see what I think is supposed to happen - it’s supposed to upload and create a folder in the c:/arcgisserver/directories/arcgisinput folder called ServiceName.MapServer, but it’s not there.
I think this may be a path problem to the appropriate server directories, or a permissions problem. I have the ArcSDE 10.1 database already registered with the server. By permissions, I mean authentication or server permissions to the directories.
In the Server Manager Security Configuration Settings, I’m using Windows Domain for both user store and role store; and Authentication Tier and Mode is web.
I’m banging my head against the wall…
作者: msimmons75 在 2012-5-9 上午9:52
Alright so I got my issue worked out. The error messages were very misleading and lead me down the wrong path. My error messages seemed to indicate permissions issues, and wanted to point me to problems with the web adapter. Further, it lead me to believe there were problems with the Publishing Tools service (which there weren’t) to which I was questioning the validity of the entire Server installation (I reinstalled twice).
After I initially installed Server, as well as the Web Adapter, I set up my Security configuration in Server Manager. I changed the configuration settings to use my domain and windows authentication. I was on the right track and when verifying that my domain’s users and roles were pulled in successfully (Security tab -> Users tab and Roles tab). Well, when I tried to publish services I was logged in as myself, and my account is not part of the ArcGIS server Administrator or Publisher groups. The error message “Packaging succeeded but publishing did not” shows because my account is not able to administer the server, but it is able to save the .sd file in the appropriate server directory. I would have had to have my Domain Admin set up two new Groups for ArcGIS Server Administrators and ArcGIS Publishers (or something like that) and add myself to those groups in order for publishing to succeed.
By changing my configuration settings BACK to ArcGIS Server Built-In in Server Manager -> Security -> Configuration Settings, I am now able to publish services. However, in order to have access to those services Rest endpoint, I need to change the security of each service to “Public, available to everyone.” By default each service uses ArcGIS tokens, and by clicking the lock icon I have to make each service publicly available to everyone on my domain.
This works for me since my app is an internally facing site anyway and everyone who is on the domain has access to the web app. This whole concept is still a little fuzzy to me, and the error messages (or lack of) did not help things get resolved quickly! But it’s starting to make sense - it all has to do with how your deployment handles security…
scouture31 2012-5-9 上午8:37 (回复 msimmons75)
Hi, I’m with Windows 7. I have the same problem. I’m unable to publish a map service. I got the same message:
“Packaging succeeded, but publishing failed. ERROR: unable to connect to publishing tools service. Verify the service is up and running.”
In the server manager, the PublishingToolService is started. To this urlhttp://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/System, it’s listed:
-System/CachingTools (GPServer)
-System/PublishingTools (GPServer)
-System/ReportingTools (GPServer)
But if I click one of these links, I got:
Error: Error handling service request
Code: 500
I’m stuck with this problem. I can’t try ArcGIS Server 10.1.
Any help would very appreciate
msimmons75 2012-5-9 上午9:52 (回复 msimmons75)
Alright so I got my issue worked out. The error messages were very misleading and lead me down the wrong path. My error messages seemed to indicate permissions issues, and wanted to point me to problems with the web adapter. Further, it lead me to believe there were problems with the Publishing Tools service (which there weren’t) to which I was questioning the validity of the entire Server installation (I reinstalled twice).
After I initially installed Server, as well as the Web Adapter, I set up my Security configuration in Server Manager. I changed the configuration settings to use my domain and windows authentication. I was on the right track and when verifying that my domain’s users and roles were pulled in successfully (Security tab -> Users tab and Roles tab). Well, when I tried to publish services I was logged in as myself, and my account is not part of the ArcGIS server Administrator or Publisher groups. The error message “Packaging succeeded but publishing did not” shows because my account is not able to administer the server, but it is able to save the .sd file in the appropriate server directory. I would have had to have my Domain Admin set up two new Groups for ArcGIS Server Administrators and ArcGIS Publishers (or something like that) and add myself to those groups in order for publishing to succeed.
By changing my configuration settings BACK to ArcGIS Server Built-In in Server Manager -> Security -> Configuration Settings, I am now able to publish services. However, in order to have access to those services Rest endpoint, I need to change the security of each service to “Public, available to everyone.” By default each service uses ArcGIS tokens, and by clicking the lock icon I have to make each service publicly available to everyone on my domain.
This works for me since my app is an internally facing site anyway and everyone who is on the domain has access to the web app. This whole concept is still a little fuzzy to me, and the error messages (or lack of) did not hep things get resolved quickly! But it’s starting to make sense - it all has to do with how your deployment handles security…
By changing the Authentication Tier from Web Tier to GIS Server Tier I was able to publish a service directly from and ArcMap session and create an ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.0 web mapping application that did not require the end user to authenticate.
Thanks for passing this along.
After I initially installed Server, as well as the Web Adapter, I set up my Security configuration in Server Manager. I changed the configuration settings to use my domain and windows authentication. I was on the right track and when verifying that my domain’s users and roles were pulled in successfully (Security tab -> Users tab and Roles tab). Well, when I tried to publish services I was logged in as myself, and my account is not part of the ArcGIS server Administrator or Publisher groups. The error message “Packaging succeeded but publishing did not” shows because my account is not able to administer the server, but it is able to save the .sd file in the appropriate server directory. I would have had to have my Domain Admin set up two new Groups for ArcGIS Server Administrators and ArcGIS Publishers (or something like that) and add myself to those groups in order for publishing to succeed.
By changing my configuration settings BACK to ArcGIS Server Built-In in Server Manager -> Security -> Configuration Settings, I am now able to publish services. However, in order to have access to those services Rest endpoint, I need to change the security of each service to “Public, available to everyone.” By default each service uses ArcGIS tokens, and by clicking the lock icon I have to make each service publicly available to everyone on my domain.
I am having the same problem in ArcGIS for Server 10.1 - SP1, but I don’t have the option to revert back to the ArcGIS Server’s built-in store. Are you able to elaborate on what you mean by “…set up two new Groups for ArcGIS Server Administrators and ArcGIS Publishers…”. Are you talking about going into >Computer Management >Local Users and Groups >Groups and adding a new “group” here? Then how do you assign only Publishing rights and not full Admin rights to that new group and have it recognized by ArcGIS for Server?
msimmons75 2013-2-19 上午8:46 (回复 msimmons75)
What I think I meant was adding the two new user groups to Active Directory, then adding the appropriate users to the two groups so they could do it from any machine. If you just do it on the local machine (using local users / groups) then you wouldn’t have the ability to administer and publish from other machines on the domain.
jrflannery 2013-2-19 上午9:35 (回复 msimmons75)
I am using Web Tier as my authentication tier and Roles from Active Directory. We have a GIS Usersgroup in Active Directory with all GIS staff entered as members (including myself). I have given the GIS Users group a Publisher role in Server Manager Security settings and have given GIS Users access to the services folders at the Site (root) level. When I attempt to publish a service from ArcMap at the desktop, I get the dreaded “Packaging succeeded, but publishing failed” message. This did not happen before implementing security to the server. It’s almost like ArcMap is not communicating who I am to the server to get authenticated with security permissions.
jrflannery 2013-2-20 上午6:41 (回复 msimmons75)
UPDATE: I switched to GIS Server Tier authentication and I can now publish map services from my desktop to the secure server, again. While going through the security settings process in Server Manager, I became aware that I could still use our Windows Domain Active Directory for Users and Roles. Now I need to work with Esri Tech Support to figure out how to connect to the secure services via ArcGIS Explorer Desktop and ArcGIS Online.
Thank you for your time and experience.
ligia.gafitescu 2013-4-12 上午12:57 (回复 msimmons75)
Hello everyone,
It appears I encountered the same problem as you did. Unfortunately I don’t know exactly how to solve it.
We have an argis server 10.1 installed on linux. The error appeared when trying to publish a map service to the server. I attached an image of the error.[ATTACH=CONFIG]23436[/ATTACH]
I went to arcgis server manager - Server Manager -> Security -> Configuration Settings and it says ArcGIS Server built-in . I attach a photo of the configuration as well. [ATTACH=CONFIG]23437[/ATTACH]
We have only one user called manager. We connect to this arcgis server from three different machines. One more thing: the geodatabase is registered with the server but when I go to Manager->Site->Data stores->registered Databases-> Status-> there is an orange question mark. This could be connected to the error?
Thank you for your help!
blomm 2013-6-12 上午6:18 (回复 msimmons75)
So, everyone seems to have switched to GIS server level security in order to publish services (services will then require tokens if security settings are switched on - i.e. private).
Has anyone managed to publish services with Web-Server-security set up? I would love to hear how you did it.
So, everyone seems to have switched to GIS server level security in order to publish services (services will then require tokens if security settings are switched on - i.e. private).
Has anyone managed to publish services with Web-Server-security set up? I would love to hear how you did it.
I too am still stuck, I have not been able to publish services. The full error is this [ATTACH=CONFIG]26501[/ATTACH]
User Store: Windows Domain
Role Store: Arcgis Server Built in
Authentication Tier and Mode are both Web.
I have Web Adaptor installed as well I also allowed agsos to full access rights but that has not helped.
stsnider 2013-10-14 上午9:53 (回复 msimmons75)
When Web Tier authentication is used, you must publish map services using the Web Adaptor URL. This was my problem. I had the Web Tier enabled, but was using an ArcGIS Server connection in ArcMap with the GIS Server URL (http://gisserver:6080/arcgis). Since the authentication happens at the Web Tier….you need to use the Web Adaptor URL to publish (http://webadaptor/arcgis).
glosanders 2013-10-21 上午11:32 (回复 msimmons75)
The correct answer should be from Stephanie’s post. You can still have Server Security setting set to Web Tier authentication and publish using ArcMap. Just follow her example.
ABCottrell 2013-11-18 上午5:04 (回复 msimmons75)
Yes, Stephanie post is correct but if anybody else out their is in the same boat as I then you will also need to know that there is another step in the Web Adaptor configuration you should be aware of. After reading ESRI’s documentation, I did not “Enable administrative access to your site through the Web Adaptor” because ESRI has it documented that it is NOT recommended to do so.
For those of you who are still stuck with publishing using Web Tier, then make sure you enable administrative access when you configure the web adaptor.
Is there a work around to this, ESRI? Can I enable it when I publish or do any other process that needs administrative access then disable it when I’m done? Or is this not acceptable?
I’m using 10.1 SP1 w/ additional patches
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abdulmateenhere 2015-3-31 上午1:05 (回复 ABCottrell)
ESRI has new patch released for 10.3Version,
click the link below
ArcGIS 10.3 for Server Site Creation Failure and Service Startup Performance Patch | Samples and Utilities
chareesetech2009 2015-5-4 上午7:20 (回复 abdulmateenhere)
Hello Mohammed,
I am using ArcGIS Server 10.1. I have tried all the suggested solutions above this thread but still unable/failed to create/execute service. The error message I get is:
“Packaging succeeded, but publishing failed.
ERROR 001369: Failed to create the service
Please consult the GP Results Window for enhanced error description”.
Urgent attention would be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Re: I’m beyond stuck….Cannot publish services in Server 10.1 (Prerelease)
thing6000 2015-10-8 上午11:30 (回复 msimmons75)
Hi everyone,
Is there anybody out there that has come across any other solutions to this issue? I’ve been through the above suggestions a few times now but I’m still seeing “System/PublishingTools.GPServer not found” in my ArcGIS Server Manager log. Our system, running ArcGIS for Server and Web Adaptor 10.2, was setup before I came on. From what I understand the services that had been published were lost sometime before my arrival so I’m sort of flying blind here. Sometime between the last administrator terminating employment and my hire, there was a change to the IP address of the virtual machine that runs ArcGIS for Server. For whatever reason, the enterprise systems engineers can no longer change the IP address back to its original so I’ve had to update all of our GIS web applications. That’s when we discovered that we could no longer publish services from ArcMap, ArcCatalog, or publishing service definition files with ArcGIS Server Manager. The services we have had difficulty publishing are stored in a file geodatabase on a different virtual machine. I can access both virtual machines as an administrator or I can log in with the ArcGIS admin account but the issue is the same either way. The ArcGIS admin account has read, execute, and modify privileges to the parent folder of the file geodatabase and MXD file. I’ve opened up all of the services, including system services, to “Public, available to everyone.” The security configuration settings follow:
User Store: ArcGIS Server Buit-in
Role Store: ArcGIS Server Buit-in
Authentication Tier: GIS Server
Authentication Mode: ArcGIS Tokens
I’ve tried various security configuration settings without any success (https://geonet.esri.com/thread/50149). Another post indicates that the type of authentication used makes a difference in realtion to the URL used to publish the service but that discussion seems to suggest that publishing a service definition file in ArcGIS Server Manager finally worked (https://geonet.esri.com/thread/82184). I’d quite appreciate any suggestions anyone has because it’s been several weeks and I’m lost at this point.
stsnider 2015-10-8 上午11:48 (回复 thing6000)
Since your authentication tier is set to GIS Server, make sure when you publish a service that you are using a connection that points to the GIS Server and not the Web Adaptor.
GIS Server http://arcgisserver:6080/arcgis/admin
Web Adaptor http://arcgisserver/arcgis/admin
Also, just to check. Make sure your System\PublishingTools Geoprocessing Service is started.
Stephanie Snider
IT/GIS Supervisor; Business Process Analyst III
NV Division of State Lands
901 S. Stewart Street, Suite #5003
Carson City, NV 89701
[email protected]@lands.nv.gov
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thing6000 2015-10-9 上午4:25 (回复 stsnider)
Thank you Stephanie. Good point on both counts. I have been using a connection that points to the GIS Server and the System\Publishing Tools Geoprocessing Service is, in fact, running. I’m still seeing “Service ‘System/PublishingTools.GPServer’ not found.”
Re: I’m beyond stuck….Cannot publish services in Server 10.1 (Prerelease)
stsnider 2015-10-19 下午12:54 (回复 thing6000)
You said that your file geodatabase is on a different server than the ArcGIS Server server. While you can see both servers from your desktop PC, can your ArcGIS Server server see the file geodatabase server? You might check by remote logging into the ArcGIS Server server and then ping the file geodatabase server from that location.
Just a thought.