IBM websphere Message Broker 学习笔记 - 命令

Note: Message broker version 7.0


1.       mqsiprofile 进入工作台


2.       mqsichangeflowstats  更改流属性

BIP8189W: Changes a broker's statistics options.

EG: mqsichangeflowstats WBRK -a -e exe –j

3.       mqsireportproperties 获得Broker的属性名

BIP8122W: The mqsireportproperties command displays the values of broker properties.

EG:  1) mqsireportproperties WBRK -e exe -o AllReportableEntityNames –a 获得所有的属性名

        2) mqsireportproperties WBRK -e exe -o EventLog  –a 通过属性名获得其子属性

4.       mqsichangeproperties 更改属性值

BIP8123W: The mqsichangeproperties command changes the values of broker properties.

EG : mqsichangeproperties WBRK -e exe -o TraceLog -n userTraceLevel -v a


5.       mqsideploy 部署bar文件

BIP8841I: Deploys a BAR file or deletes resources from an execution group.

EG : mqsideploy WBRK -e exe -a C:\Users\IBM\wmbt70\workspace\GeneratedBarFiles\TestProject\


6.       mqsistart 启动一个Broker

BIP8116W: Starts a broker.

EG : mqsistart WBRK


7.       mqsistop 关闭一个Broker

BIP8117W: Stops a broker.

EG :  mqsistop WBRK


8.       mqsilist 列出所有的Broker

BIP1291I: Lists brokers and their properties.

EG : mqsilist


9.       mqsireportflowmonitoring 列出flow中所有的监控端口即事件

BIP8909W: Displays monitoring settings.

EG mqsireportflowmonitoring WBRK -e exe -f TestProjectFlow –a


10.   mqsiapplybaroverride 重构Bar的属性

BIP1136I: This command overrides properties in a broker archive file.

EG : mqsiapplybaroverride -b C:\Users\IBM\wmbt70\workspace\GeneratedBarFiles\TestProject\


11.   mqsistartmsgflow 启动一个flow

BIP1024I: Starts message flows.

EG : mqsistartmsgflow WBRK -e exe -m TestProjectFlow


12.   mqsistopmsgflow 关闭一个Flow

BIP1025I: Stops message flows.

EGmqsistopmsgflow WBRK -e exe -m TestProjectFlow

13. mqsideploy MB8BROKER -e default -d application_name


