Zookeeper 源码阅读-如何组织配置节点

Zookeeper的配置节点组织在一个DataTree中,所有的配置节点都保存在ConcurrentHashMap中,该HASHMAP Key是节点的全路径;DataNode是值,DataNode中保存了节点的配置数据和节点的子节点名。


Zookeeper 源码阅读-如何组织配置节点_第1张图片

public class DataTree {

     * This hashtable provides a fast lookup to the datanodes. The tree is the
     * source of truth and is where all the locking occurs
    //String    节点的全路径
    //DataNode  节点数据
    private final ConcurrentHashMap nodes =
        new ConcurrentHashMap();

    public void createNode(final String path, byte data[], List acl,
            long ephemeralOwner, int parentCVersion, long zxid, long time, Stat outputStat)
            throws KeeperException.NoNodeException,
            KeeperException.NodeExistsException {

        int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        String parentName = path.substring(0, lastSlash);
        String childName = path.substring(lastSlash + 1);
        DataNode parent = nodes.get(parentName);
        DataNode child = new DataNode(data, longval, stat);
        nodes.put(path, child);

