

2020-01-02 16:46:53.878 2711-2853/? E/FirebaseInstanceId: Google Play services missing or without correct permission.
2020-01-02 16:46:54.311 2711-2853/? E/FirebaseInstanceId: Google Play services missing or without correct permission.
2020-01-02 16:46:54.779 1454-1885/? E/TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?).
2020-01-02 16:46:56.816 3298-3298/? E/dboxed_process: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
2020-01-02 16:46:57.040 2711-2853/? E/FirebaseInstanceId: Google Play services missing or without correct permission.
2020-01-02 16:46:57.252 1454-3305/? E/BpBinder: Too many binder proxy objects sent to uid 1000 from uid 10384 (6000 proxies held)
2020-01-02 16:46:57.252 1454-1525/? E/ActivityManager: Uid 10384 sent too many Binders to uid 1000
2020-01-02 16:46:57.285 1454-1525/? E/ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not whiteListedcom.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher/41401360
2020-01-02 16:46:57.307 1454-1541/? E/KernelWakelockReader: Kernel wake locks exceeded buffer size 49152
2020-01-02 16:46:57.310 1454-1541/? E/BatteryExternalStatsWorker: wifi info is invalid: null
2020-01-02 16:46:57.310 1454-1541/? E/BatteryExternalStatsWorker: modem info is invalid: null
2020-01-02 16:46:57.317 1454-1793/? E/InputDispatcher: channel '2b1c27a com.netease.lotterynews/com.netease.lottery.base.FragmentContainerActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
2020-01-02 16:46:57.334 1454-1530/? E/libprocessgroup: Error encountered killing process cgroup uid 99012 pid 3298: No such file or directory

用的firebase 16.0.4出现进入应用就闪退,设备小米8,升级到16.0.7就好了。


2020-01-02 16:46:53.878 2711-2853/? E/FirebaseInstanceId: Google Play services missing or without correct permission.

2020-01-02 16:46:57.317 1454-1793/? E/InputDispatcher: channel '2b1c27a com.netease.lotterynews/com.netease.lottery.base.FragmentContainerActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!


 itemView.textview.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()

结果导致文本展示英文字符 , . ; : ! 等,造成富文本会折行。


3.Glide4.8 加载图片给Imageview,宽高模式为wrap_content时imageview大小被拉伸。
