Just a brief note. PP works well with pypy (on Windows), however on shutdown, you get (harmless) failure messages from the invocation of 'TASKKILL' in pp.py line 823 (version 1.6.5) due to the child processes already being dead and absent at the time when the TASKKILL is called. This does not occur using normal CPython and I've not investigated why this is different between CPython and PyPy.
Nonetheless, since it is harmless, and the child processes are already gone, I'd like to suggest that the TASKKILL line is modified as follows to suppress the spurious error output:
pp.py version 1.6.5 line 823, change from:
os.popen('TASKKILL /PID '+str(worker.pid)+' /F')
os.popen('TASKKILL /PID '+str(worker.pid)+' /F 2>NUL')