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在量化交易中,如何获取适当的数据用于开发和测试交易策略,往往是投资者面临的难题。随着技术的发展,获取大数据的成本不断降低,但历史价格等传统数据已完全无法满足投资者需求,可挖掘Alpha已基本消失。因此尝试从另类数据(Alternative Data)中提取交易信号逐步成为业界主流趋。在海外市场,量化投资领域对另类数据的应用在过去两三年内已实现阶段性发展,另类数据如资讯情绪(Sentiment),产业链及供应链数据等已被广泛纳入量化策略。





ChinaScope Supply-Chain Data

• Data Source:The supply chain data is constructed on the basis of provisional announcements and periodic reports disclosed by listed companies.

• Coverage Area:Relationships centered on all listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

• Related tables in this report: 

    • equity_customer

    • equity_supplier

Table: [equity_customer] - Supply Chain (Customers)

This data table records two things:

1、Major customers as disclosed by the listed company for the period cover by the exchange filing;

2、Customers who have accounts receivables with the listed company, the vintage of which has already surpassed one yea.



Table: [equity_supplier] - Supply Chain (supplier)

This table presents three key elements:

1、Major suppliers as disclosed by the listed company;

2、Suppliers to whom the listed company has accounts payables, the vintage of which has already gone over a year;

3、Suppliers to whom the company has prepayment.



Data Statistics

Data Pre-processing and Statistics

Process the data of equity-customer and equity-supplier by following steps:

The subject means the supplier on the equity-customer table and the customer on the equity-supplier table. 

The object means the customer on the equity-customer table and the supplier on the equity-supplier table.

1. Only reserve the data where the object is a listed company;

2. Delete the data where the object is a listed company on NEEQ ;

3. Delete the data where the object is a listed company on China B-Share ;


*the figure gives the statistics of the number of subject where their object is a listed company(filtered as the up steps)

Data Pre-processing and Statistics



Factor Mining

Factor Mining: Customer-Momentum


• Assume that the stock price of a listed company will affected by its downstream companies, which are their customers, to some extent. 

• We defined this factor as customer-momentum:

    • which means the customer’s stock price fluctuation will transfer and affect the supplier’s stock price.


Factor Mining: Customer-Momentum

The Steps:

• All the data is from the equity-customer table:

1. Only keep the data where the customer is listed on China-A, HK, US market;

2. For the failure of the getting the related price data, delete the data where the customer is one of the following company:

    • 'YZC', 'LOXO', 'XL', 'LDK', 'CSUN', ‘ISS','8058', '2016', '1819', '3928', '8253', ‘0739’

3. Match the report-date to the report publish date,and set the data-available date as the next calendar day after the financial report publish date;

• At the end of each holding period,get the newest customer list for each subject company, if the customer was released more than two years ago, do not include it on the customer list.

• Calculate the mean return of each subject’s customers for the former holding period,this return is the customer-momentum factor;

• Conduct factor analysis for the customer-momentum factor.

Factor Mining: Customer-Momentum

rate>=4%,IC Series of Different Holding-Period


rate>=4%,long-short performance of different holding-period




Factor Mining: Supplier-Momentum


• Assume that the stock price of a listed company will affected by its upstream companies, which are their suppliers, to some extent. 

• We defined this factor as supplier-momentum:

    • which means the supplier’s stock price fluctuation will transfer and affect the customer’s stock price.


The Steps:

• All the data is from the equity-supplier table:

1. Only keep the data where the supplier is listed on China-A, HK, US market;

2. For the failure of the getting the related price data, delete the data where the supplier is one of the following company:

    • 'YZC', 'LOXO', 'XL', 'LDK', 'CSUN', ‘ISS','8058', '2016', '1819', '3928', '8253', ‘0739’

3. Match the report-date to the report publish date,and set the data-available date as the next calendar day after the financial report publish date;

• At the end of each holding period,get the newest supplier list for each subject company, if the supplier was released more than two years ago, do not include it on the supplier list.

• Calculate the mean return of each subject’s suppliers for the former holding period,this return is the supplier-momentum factor;

• Conduct factor analysis for the supplier-momentum factor.

rate>=2%,IC Series of Different Holding-Period


rate>=2%,long-short performance of different holding-period








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