The gay of genius-chapter 15

1.Central Question

Q: What central question is the author answering in this chapter?

A: Su Tungpo had had a narrow escape, a soul-shaking experience, to say the least. From then on, he began to consider what was life. He became religious. Against this religious impulse, a trend of Confucianist teaching, which lay deep in Su Tungpo's soul, seemed to draw him in another direction. He began to work a piece of land on the Eastern Slope, and to call himself“ the Recluse of the Eastern Slope”. Although he was really hard up, but he yet was very optimistic and generous. Even a little thing could make him happy. His life resembled to the great bucolic poet Tao Chien, whom he greatly admired. At the same time, what brings him close to us today is his religion of kindness. The iniquitous custom of drowning babies at birth in the district where he lived stirred his soul to the depths. In Lin Yutang's opinion, wherever the spirit of man lives, religion comes to life again, whenever the spirit of man dies, religion also decays.

2. Sentences

(1)The place was beautiful enough, but the glamor that has been attached to it was largely due to the poet's imagination.


(2)He jumped with joy when a boy came running with the good news that they had struck water in the well they were digging, or when he saw needle-like green blades peeping above the earth.


(3)Blessed are those who are dwprived of the good things of this earth.


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