

1、一台linux FTP服务器大约有2000万个小文件,根目录大约有160万个文件夹。需要把FTP文件迁移到HCP对象存储服务器上。总大小大约5T左右。




  1. 遍历根目录所有的文件夹,存到数据库,并对每个文件编一个主键ID;
  2. 写程序多线程迁移;


1、根目录有160万个文件夹,java 程序 遍历会出现内存堆栈溢出的情况,所以直接用以下命令,当然列出目录的命令有好几种,这一种是最好后续处理的。

  ls -F | grep '/$'  >/mnt/dir.tx
  ls -F | grep '/$' >/mnt/file.txt



用notepad++ 批量处理一下就好了。然后倒入数据库。

dir /B /a:d >directory.txt
dir /B /a:a >file.txt


首先是调用多线程的main 函数,这地方根据需要自动定义线程个数

public static void main(String[] agrs) throws Exception {
		Task1[] task = new Task1[2];
		for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
			task[i] = new Task1(i);


package test;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply;

import com.hitachivantara.hcp.common.ex.HCPException;
import com.hitachivantara.hcp.standard.body.HCPStandardClient;

import ctais.business.yxcx.htcobject.HCPClients;
import ctais.business.yxcx.htcobject.HcpObjectUtil;
import ctais.services.data.DataWindow;
import ctais.util.StringEx;

public class MultipleMigrationToHCP extends Thread {

	// 线程个数
	private int number;
	// HCP链接信息,敏感信息,我就用* 代替,
	String namespace = "*******";
	String endpoint = "********";
	String accessKey = "Z*****";
	String secretKey = "7b76b3245********c5e8c9eab";
	HCPStandardClient hcpClient = null;
	FTPClient FTP = null;// 全局FTP

	public MultipleMigrationToHCP(int number) throws HCPException {
		this.number = number;
		hcpClient = HCPClients.getInstance().getHCPClient(endpoint, namespace, accessKey, secretKey);
	public void run() {
		try {
			// 多线程迁移跟文件数据
			// genwjdatamigration(this.number);

			// 多线程迁移正常数据
			// datamigration5(this.number);

			// 迁移目录

			// 多系统核查
			// hcpCheck(this.number);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

	 * 导文件 功能描述: 
* 〈功能详细描述〉 * * @throws Exception * @Author: zhangzdc * @Date: 2018-11-26 下午4:29:42 * @see [相关类/方法](可选) * @since [产品/模块版本](可选) */ public void genwjdatamigration(int thread) throws Exception { String sql = "select wjmc,id from zhouqwa_YX_QYwj t where t.qyzt is null"; DataWindow dw = DataWindow.dynamicCreate(sql, true); dw.retrieve(); long totalRowCount = dw.getRowCount();// 调用dw公共方法,取得总记录数 // FTP 形式 FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient(); ftp.setDefaultTimeout(30000); // 设置默认超时时间 ftp.setDataTimeout(30000); // 设置数据超时时间 ftp.connect("0000.0000.20.95"); // 如果采用默认端口,可以使用ftp.connect(host)的方式直接连接FTP服务器 ftp.login("tax-arch", "TpArc=953");// 登录 ftp.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); int reply = ftp.getReplyCode(); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) { ftp.disconnect(); } InputStream inputstream = null; StringBuffer filepath = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < totalRowCount; i++) { try { String mlmc = StringEx.sNull(dw.getItemAny(i, "wjmc")); String id = StringEx.sNull(dw.getItemAny(i, "ID")); // 赋值 filepath.delete(0, filepath.length()); filepath.append("/" + mlmc); key.delete(0, key.length()); key.append("/dshistory/" + mlmc.replace("\\", "/")); // 判断是否重复 if (hcpClient.doesObjectExist(key.toString())) { updategenwjdatamigration(id, thread, 1); continue; } inputstream = ftp.retrieveFileStream(filepath.toString()); hcpClient.putObject(key.toString(), inputstream); inputstream.close(); ftp.completePendingCommand(); updategenwjdatamigration(id, thread, 1); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println("错误"); continue; } finally { if (inputstream != null) { inputstream.close(); } } } } public static void updategenwjdatamigration(String id, int thread, int rowss) throws Exception { System.out.println("第" + thread + "线程+++++++++++++++++====" + id); String sql = "update zhouqwa_YX_QYwj t set t.qyzt = 'Y',t.qyrq=sysdate where t.id = '" + id + "'"; DataWindow dw = DataWindow.dynamicCreate(sql); dw.update(false); } public void datamigration5(int thread) throws Exception { for (int aa = 0; aa < 1; aa++) { // System.out.println("此线程" + thread + "第" + aa + "次第Id范围" + (aa * // 10000 + thread * 80000) + "到" + ((aa + 1) * 10000 + thread * // 80000)); // String sql = // "select mlmc,id,sfqx from zhouqwa_yx_qyml t where sfqx is null and sfmu is null and " // + (aa * 10000 + thread * 80000) // + " * 〈功能详细描述〉 * * @param id * @throws Exception * Author: zhouqwa Date: 2018年11月18日 下午5:02:24 History: */ public static void updateendmuxx(String id, int thread, int i) throws Exception { System.out.println("线程ID" + thread + "ID 为" + id); String sql = "update zhouqwa_yx_qyml t set t.sfqx = 'Y',t.qyrq=sysdate where t.id = '" + id + "'"; DataWindow dw = DataWindow.dynamicCreate(sql); dw.update(false); } public static void gxzmuuxx(String id, String mlmc) throws Exception { System.out.println("" + id + ":" + mlmc + "有子目录+++++++++++++++"); String sql = "update zhouqwa_yx_qyml t set t.sfmu='Y' where t.id = '" + id + "'"; DataWindow dw = DataWindow.dynamicCreate(sql); dw.update(false); } /** * 更新目录文件 1、更新目录信息 2、更新完成西信息 */ public static void updatemuxx(String id) throws Exception { String sql = "update yx_qyml t set t.sfmu= 'Y' where t.id = '" + id + "'"; DataWindow dw = DataWindow.dynamicCreate(sql); dw.update(false); } /** * 数据迁移验证 功能描述:
* 〈功能详细描述〉 Author: zhouqwa Date: 2018年11月15日 上午9:59:14 History: * * @throws HCPException */ public void hcpCheck(int thread) throws HCPException { // System.out.println("此线程" + thread + "--Id范围" + (10000000 + thread * // 1000000) + "到---" // + ((99 + 1) * 11000 + 10000000 + thread * 1000000)); for (int aa = 0; aa < 1; aa++) { // System.out.println("此线程" + thread + "--Id范围" + (aa * 11000 + // 10000000 + thread * 1000000) + "到" // + ((aa + 1) * 11000 + 10000000 + thread * 1000000)); try { String namespace = "dzdanamespace"; String endpoint = "dzdatenant.osd.qdsw.tax"; String accessKey = "******"; String secretKey = "7b76b3245906ee27c5e8c9eab"; HCPStandardClient hcpClient = HCPClients.getInstance().getHCPClient(endpoint, namespace, accessKey, secretKey); // String sql = "select t.id,t.filepath,t.sfhd,t.sfhd from ko_tmp_yx_syxx_ftppath_ds t where sfhd is null and hdcg is null and " // + (aa * 11000 + 10000000 + thread * 1000000) + " * 〈功能详细描述〉 * * @throws Exception * @Author: zhangzdc * @Date: 2018-11-28 下午2:58:09 * @see [相关类/方法](可选) * @since [产品/模块版本](可选) */ public void zmluqy(int rows) { System.out.println("线程++++++++++++" + rows + "从" + rows * 1 + "到" + (rows + 1) * 1); // String sql = " select * from ZHOUQWA_YX_zml t where t.id <" + ((rows // + 1) * 1000) + " and t.id>" + rows * 1000 // + " and t.sfcg is null and t.zmlcs is null"; String sql = " select * from (select t.mlmc,id,rownum id2 from zhouqwa_yx_zml t where t.sfcg is null and t.zmlcs is null)aa where aa.id2>=" + rows * 1 + "and aa.id2<" + (rows + 1) * 1; DataWindow dw; boolean flag = false; try { dw = DataWindow.dynamicCreate(sql, true); dw.retrieve(); long totalRowCount = dw.getRowCount();// 调用dw公共方法,取得总记录数 for (int i = 0; i < totalRowCount; i++) { FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient(); ftp.setDefaultTimeout(30000); // 设置默认超时时间 ftp.setDataTimeout(30000); // 设置数据超时时间 ftp.connect(""); // 如果采用默认端口,可以使用ftp.connect(host)的方式直接连接FTP服务器 ftp.login("tax-arch", "TpArc=953");// 登录 ftp.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); int reply = ftp.getReplyCode(); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) { ftp.disconnect(); } FTP = ftp; String mlmc = StringEx.sNull(dw.getItemAny(i, "MLMC")); String id = StringEx.sNull(dw.getItemAny(i, "ID")); flag = mlqx("/errorfiles/" + mlmc + "/", id, 0, rows); updatexx(id, flag,rows); ftp.disconnect(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void updatexx(String id, boolean flag, int rows) throws Exception { // 判断是否更新成功 String sql = ""; if (flag) { sql = "update ZHOUQWA_YX_zml t set t.sfcg = 'Y' where t.id='" + id + "'"; DataWindow dw = DataWindow.dynamicCreate(sql); dw.update(false); } } private void updateten(String id) throws Exception { String sql = "update ZHOUQWA_YX_zml t set t.zmlcs = '大于10' where t.id='" + id + "'"; DataWindow dw = DataWindow.dynamicCreate(sql); dw.update(false); } private boolean mlqx(String mlmc, String id, int level, int thread) { // 判断是不是目录,如果是目录直接迁移 if (level++ > 10) { System.out.println("超过实10层++++++"); try { updateten(id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return false; } // 递归 try { FTPFile[] remoteFiles = this.FTP.listFiles(mlmc); if (remoteFiles != null) { boolean[] flag = new boolean[remoteFiles.length]; for (int k = 0; k < remoteFiles.length; k++) { if (remoteFiles[k] == null) continue; // 判断目录是不是子目录,如果是子目录,如果是目录则暂时跳过 if (remoteFiles[k].isDirectory()) { flag[k] = mlqx(mlmc + remoteFiles[k].getName() + "/", id, level, thread); } else { // 上传文件 flag[k] = uploadFromFTPTOHCP(mlmc + remoteFiles[k].getName(), thread); } } // 便利这个文件是否成功 for (boolean a : flag) { if (a == false) { return false; } } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * 上传文件 功能描述:
* 〈功能详细描述〉 * * @return * @Author: zhangzdc * @Date: 2018-12-3 上午10:29:42 * @see [相关类/方法](可选) * @since [产品/模块版本](可选) */ private boolean uploadFromFTPTOHCP(String filepath, int thread) { // 路径截取 StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(); key.append("/dshistory/" + filepath.substring(12)); InputStream inputstream = null; boolean flag; try{ if (hcpClient.doesObjectExist(key.toString())) { System.out.println("线程" + thread + "已经存在" + filepath.substring(12)); return true; } inputstream = FTP.retrieveFileStream(filepath.toString()); if (inputstream == null) { flag = false; } else { hcpClient.putObject(key.toString(), inputstream); // System.out.println("-----------------------一张"); flag = true; } inputstream.close(); this.FTP.completePendingCommand(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("++++++++++++++++++++++又错了"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); flag = false; } finally { if (inputstream != null) { try { inputstream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return flag; } }




