

龙芯俱乐部将组队参加广州“2008 开源中国 开源世界”高峰论坛活动,邀请当地广大 龙芯爱好者报名参加


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2008开源中国 开源世界
2008 Open Source China Open Source World

Activity Program

Time: May 22-23, 2008
Places: Guangzhou International Convention & Exhibition Center (GICEC) at Pazhou, Guangzhou
Shangri-La Hotel Guangzhou, China

中国 · 广州 Guangzhou, China

一、 峰会背景及意义 I. Background and Significance of the Summit
With the rapid proliferation of the Internet, the OSS movement has been emerging from all over the world, from the Internet, servers, high-end application to mobile imbedding, even the desktop field, open source software is changing the development track of the global software industry, also bringing opportunities to the development of the Chinese software industry.
经过早期的探索阶段,中国的开源软件产业现已经进入了高速发展的阶段,优秀的成熟的开源软件如Linux Apache MySQL等,正在被部署到政府、教育、金融、电信、能源、邮政、铁路等领域。2008年是中国开源软件承上启下的一个重要转折时期。在这个时期,开源社 区茁壮成长,开源产业和生态系统日臻完善,开源国际合作也将广泛开展。
After going through preliminary exploration phase, now the OSS industry of China has entered the high-speed development phase, and the outstanding mature open source software such as Linux Apache and MySQL etc are being deployed in sectors including government, education, finance, telecom, energy, postal office, and railway etc. 2008 is an important transitional phase for OSS in China. During this period, the OSS community will grow robustly, the OSS industry and ecology be improved, and OSS related international cooperation roll out.
在中国开源软件推进联盟分别于2006年在 北京和2007年在广州成功举办第一届和第二届"开源中国 开源世界"高峰论坛后,国际上知名的开源组织及开源大师对中国开源运动的发展产生了浓厚兴趣,希望能够与中国的开源界进行更多的沟通交流,进一步加深理解,加强合作。
After China OSS Promotion Union (COPU) held the first “Open Source China, Open Source World” summit in 2006 at Beijing and the second summit in 2007 in Guangzhou, the internationally well-known OSS organizations and masters became interested to the OSS movement in China and want to have more communications with the OSS community of China to enhance understanding and cooperation.
广东,作为中国改革开放的领跑者,经济上的蓬勃发展有效的促进和带动了开源软件的发展。自2004年以来,在省政府的带领下,在广大企事业和社会各界努力 耕耘下,开源软件在广东发展的各种基础设施和支撑条件逐步完善,广东省及整个泛珠江流域已经呈现出一个开源软件发展的大好局面。
Guangdong is the forerunner of China’s reform and opening up. Its prosperous economic development effectively boosted the development of OSS. Since 2004, led by the provincial government and supported by the social sectors, the infrastructure and supporting conditions of OSS in Guangdong are improved gradually. The Guangdong Province and the whole Pan-Pearl River region are showing an excellent situation for the development of the OSS.
2008年5月22-23日由中国开源软件推进联盟与广东省Linux应用软件工作协调会议共同主办的"2008开源中国 开源世界"高峰论坛即将在广州隆重召开。
On May 22-23, 2008, the “2008 Open Source China, Open Source World” summit co-sponsored by COPU and Guangdong Provincial Linux Application Software Working and Coordination Conference will be held in Guangzhou.
二、 峰会宗旨II. Aim of the Summit
聚首开源、推动发展、分享经验、寻求合作 Gather at OSS Summit, Boost Development, Share Experiences, and Seek Cooperation
三、 峰会主题 III. Theme of the Summit
开源软件、开放标准Open Source Software, Open Standards
Ø 开源中间件Open Source Middleware
Ø OW2/QualiPSO讨论 OW2/QualiPSO Discussion
Ø 开源应用 Open Source Application
四、 峰会时间 IV. Time of the Summit
2008年5月22—23日 May 22-23, 2008
五、 峰会地点 V. Place of the Summit
中国 广州香格里拉大酒店 Shangri-La Hotel Guangzhou, China
六、 组织机构VI. Organizational Structure
中华人民共和国发展与改革委员会 NDRC, P.R.China
中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 Ministry of Industry and Informatization, P.R. China
中华人民共和国科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology, P.R.China
广东省人民政府 Guangdong Provincial Government
中国开源软件推进联盟 COPU
广州市人民政府 Guangzhou Municipal Government
广州市信息化办公室 Guangzhou Municipal Informationization Office
广东省Linux应用软件专门委员会 Guangdong Provincial Linux Application Commission
广东软件行业协会 Guangdong Software Industry Association
广东省LINUX公共服务技术支持中心 Guangdong Linux Public Service Technology Support Center
国家软件与集成电路促进中心 National Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center
广东省Linux应用软件工作协调会议 Guangdong Provincial Linux Application Software Work Coordination Meeting
中国软件行业协会China Software Industry Association
共创软件联盟 Co-Create Software League
香港开放源码软件中心 Hong Kong Open Source Code Software Center
澳门开放源码软件协会 Macau Open Source Code Software Association
香港Linux商会 Hong Kong Linux Chamber
中国LINUX产业战略联盟 China Linux Industry Strategic Alliance
Apache国际基金会 Apache International Fund
合作媒体:Cooperating Media:
人民日报、 科技日报、光明日报、广州日报、羊城晚报、南方日报、南方都市报、广东电视、广州卫视等公众媒体
People Daily, Science and Technology Daily, Guangming Daily, Guangzhou Daily, Yangcheng Daily, Nanfang Daily, Nanfang City News, Guangdong TV, Guangzhou TV and other public media
中国电子报、中国计算机报、计算机世界、广东软件、 Linuxpilot等专业媒体
China Electronics News, China Information World, China Computer World, Guangdong Software, Linuxpilot and other professional media
Sina, Netease, Tencent, 21CN and other online media
独家网络现场直播:广州日报·大洋网 Exclusive Online Live Broadcasting: Guangzhou Daily – Dayoo.com
七、 峰会语言 VII. Languages Used in the Summit
中文 英文 同声传译 Chinese, English, Simultaneous Interpretation
八、 峰会议程 VIII. Agenda of the Summit
5月22日(全天)May 22 (Whole Day)
2008开源中国 开源世界峰会 2008 Open Source China, Open Source World
08:30-09:00 来宾签到 Registration 主题演讲(拟):Keynote speeches(TBD)ü 中国和世界开源软件的发展形势Development of OSS in China and the Worldü 中国开源产业发展战略ü Development Strategy of Chinese OSS Industryü 推动开放标准的发展ü Boost the Development of Opening Standardü 开源应用环境的建设Construction of the OSS Application Environment
09:00-17:00 2008开源中国 开源世界——开源应用百花齐放(主论坛)2008 Open Source China, Open Source World – Open Source ApplicationMain Forum
12:00-13:30 午餐 Lunch
18:00-20:00 欢迎晚宴 Welcome Dinner
5月22日下午 May 22 Afternoon
16:00-17:00 2008开源中国 开源世界新闻发布会 Press Conference on 2008 Open Source China, Open Source World
5月23日 May 23
上午:圆桌会议——打造成熟的开源产业链Morning: Roundtable Conference – Create a Mature OSS Industry Chain 下午:开源中间件分论坛Afternoon: Sub-forum on Open Source Middleware 下午:OW2/QualiPSO分论坛Afternoon: Sub-forum on OW2/QualiPSO
08:30-09:00 来宾签到 Registration 13:30-14:00 来宾签到 Registration
09:00-12:00 上午会议Morning Session Commence 14:00-17:00 下午会议 Afternoon Session Commence
主题演讲(拟):Keynote speeches(TBD):ü 中国如何融入世界开源运动发展How China joins the development of the open source movement worldwideü 开源软件在中国的发展与推进策略 OSS Development and Promotion Strategy in Chinaü 开源应用环境中的 创新问 题Innovation Related Issues in Open Source Application Environment 主题演讲(拟):Keynote speeches(TBD):ü 开放标准Opening Standardü 互操作 Mutual Operationsü 面向服务的架构(SOA)Service-Oriented Architectureü Open Java及其相关中间件技术 Open Java and its related middleware technology 主题演讲(拟): Keynote speeches(TBD):ü 开源的商业模式Business Model of Open Sourceü 开源与主流工业应用 Open Source and Mainstream Industry Applicationü 构建新一代的软件工厂Build New Generation of Software Factory

九、 拟邀请对象 IX. Participants to be Invited
l 政府 Government
The leaders and staff of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Informatization, Guangdong Provincial Government, Guangdong Provincial Linux Application Software Work Coordination Meeting, Guangdong Provincial Information Industry Bureau and Guangzhou Municipal Government will be invited to participate in and direct this conference.
l 社团组织 Associations
会议还将邀请Apache国际基金会,Linux 内核基金会、Mozilla基金会以及中国的LUPA BLUG PHPChina、AKA等开源社区,日本和韩国OSS推进论坛以及欧盟也将派代表团专程出席本次大会。
The conference will invite Apache International Fund, Linux Core Fund, Mozilla Fund and the open source communities in China such as LUPA, BLUG, PHP China, AKA etc. Japan and South Korea OSS Promotion Forum and EU will also send delegations to attend this conference.
l 国际开源领袖和大师International Open Source Leaders and Masters
此次会议将邀请到全球最大的开源社区Source Forge的创始人Larry Augustin、美国工程院院士IBM院士、副总裁郑妙勤、LPI主席Jim Lacey、Apache董事会董事Aaron Farr、欧洲自由软件基金会总裁Georg、OW2理事长Jean Pierre、欧盟QualiPSO负责人Stefano、法国计算机科学院Dennis教授、法国巴黎大学开源竞争力中心负责人Roberto教授、 SUN公司首席开源官Simon Phipps等,还有IBM、Intel、Google、Oracle、SUN、Red Hat、Novell、EMC、微软等IT跨国公司高层主管资深专家;以及中国开源软件推进联盟陆首群主席,中国工程院倪光南院士、李国杰院士、沈昌祥院 士等中国开源届资深专家。
This conference will invite Larry Augustin, founder of Source Forge, the largest open source community in the world, Josephine Cheng, VP, academician of the National Academy of Engineering and IBM, Jin Lacey, LPI president, Aaron Farr, a board director of Apache, Georg, president of European Free Software Fund, Jean Pierre, chairman of OW2, Stefano, owner of EU QualiPSO, Professor Dennis of French Academy of Computer, Professor Roberto, owner of Open Source Competitiveness Center, Paris University, France, Simon Phipps, Chief Open Source Officer of SUN, and the senior managers and experts from IBM, Intel, Google, Oracle, SUN, Red Hat, Novell, EMC, Microsoft and other IT MNCs; and the senior Chinese open source experts including Lu Shouqun, president of China OSS Promotion Union, Ni Guangnan, Li Guojie, and Shen Changxiang, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
l 中国开源软件推进联盟成员Members of COPU
l 用户代表 User Representatives
According to the current status of open source applications in China, the Summit will also invite the corporate user representatives in the domestic industry, especially the IT technicians in the finance, telecom, energy, railway, transportation, enterprise, education and other industries in Guangdong Province and the Pan-Pearl River region.
l 媒体 Media
为了促进我国开源产业的发展,最大化扩大中国开源软件在国际中的影响,届时,将邀请《软件世界》、《广东软件》、Linux Pilot等IT行业专业媒体对活动进行跟踪报道,与此同时,拟邀请《人民日报》、《科技日报》、《中国计算机报》、《广州日报》、《羊城晚报》和《南方 日报》等各大新闻媒体和网易、腾讯、大洋网、广东卫视、21CN、等IT主流媒体对此次活动进行跟踪报道,对开源产业在国际、国内的发展产生重大影响。
To promote the development of open source industry in China and to maximize the international impact of Chinese OSS, the professional media in the IT industry such as “Software World”, “Guangdong Software”, and Linux Pilot etc will be invited to follow up the activities. Meanwhile we plan to invite the major new media including “People Daily”, “Science and Technology Daily”, “Guangzhou Daily”, “Yancheng Evening”, and “Nanfang Daily”, and IT related mainstream media including Netease, Tencent, Dayoo.com, Guangdong TV, 21CN etc to follow up the activities to produce significant impact on the international and domestic development of the open source industry.
十、 峰会特色 X. Features of the Summit
l 国际化开源专业峰会,开放式前沿技术信息分享及商务沟通超过30家国内外著名IT公司,充分的信息共享及商务沟通平台;International professional summit on OSS, open sharing of leading-edge technologies and business communications participated by more than 30 famous IT companies home and abroad, a platform for adequate information sharing and business communication;
l 国际开源领域大师直面交流与合作;Face-to-face communication and cooperation with masters in the international OSS community;
l 中国开源软件推进联盟智囊团成员将参加本次会议,并做主题报告和参与与国内政府、企业界及学术界的探讨与交流;The Think-tank members of COPU will attend this conference and give keynote speeches and participate into the discussions and communications between government, business community and academic community in China;
l 业内精英互动分享产业发展经验;Elites in the industry interact and share industry development experience;
l 来自政府、研究机构、知名厂商和组织的资深专家、管理者共同探讨,分享发展经验,全面把握开源发展的最新走势;Senior experts and managers from government, research institutions, famous businesses and organizations discuss and share development experience, grasp the latest tendency in OSS development;
l 媒体舆论全程聚焦;The whole process will be highlighted by the media and public opinion;
l 通过国内外知名媒体对本次峰会的支持及全程报道将成倍提升有关企业的市场推广与品牌传播效果,促进开源理念的推广与普及。The support and report of this summit by well-known international and domestic media will enhance the effectiveness of marketing and brand communication of the involved enterprises to boost the promotion and proliferation of open source concept.
其他资料 XIV. Other Data
1、中国开源软件推进联盟China OSS Promotion Union
中国开源软件推进联盟(英文全称:China OSS Promotion Union,英文缩写:COPU,以下简称“联盟”)是在政府主管部门指导下,由致力于开源软件文化、技术、产业、教学、应用、支撑的企业、社区、客户、 大专院校、科研院所、行业协会、支撑机构等组织自愿组成的、民主议事的民间行业联合体,非独立社团法人组织。在2004年7月22日于北京成立。
China OSS Promotion Union (hereinafter referred to as “COPU”) is a social alliance voluntarily formed by enterprises, communities, colleges, research institutions, customers, industry organizations and supporting agencies under the guidance of government industrial administration departments. It is a non-government organization and stands as an independent corporate legal person. It was founded on July.22nd, 2004, in Beijing.
The aim of COPU is to promote development and application of Linux/ OSS in China; to promote the communication and cooperation on open source movement among China, Japan and Korea; to make contribution to global open source movement development.
联盟的作用是为推动Linux/OSS的发展,充分发挥联盟在政府与企业之间有关立法、政策、规划和环境建设方面的桥梁、纽带与促进作用;充分发挥联盟在 企业与用户、企业与企业、企业与社区、中外企业/社区间、企业与科研、教育、支撑机构之间关于研发、生产、教育、培训、测试、认证、标准化、应用等方面沟 通、交流、合作、推进的桥梁、纽带与促进作用。
COPU will bring into full play its role of bridging the government with enterprises in policy guidance and implementation, its role of bridging enterprises with the users, enterprises with each other, enterprises with communities, domestic enterprises/communities with their foreign counterparts in communication, combination and cooperation in terms of R&D, manufacturing, training, testing, certification, standardization and applications, etc.
2、中国开源软件推进联盟OSS智囊团 About OSS COPU Think-Tank
To promote the development and application of OSS in China and enhance the international communication and cooperation on open standards, open source technology and OSS industry, and to make more contributions to the global open source community and career, COPU invited the elites, masters and leaders of the international open source community to have formed the COPU Think-Tank.
中国开源软件推进联盟智囊团的工作内容包括对中国开源软件推进联盟提出未来几年中国开源软件发展规划提出意见;对中国政府关于支持开源软件发展制定的相应 政策提出意见;对推动国际合作提出建议等。其工作方式以分别通信联系、通信咨询为主,同时参加在中国举行的开源论坛或智囊团会议(一年约一次)。智囊团成 员的聘用期限,从应聘之日起为期两年,期满后在双方同意的情况下可续聘。
What to be done by the COPU Think-Tank includes offering opinions on the development plan of OSS in China in the next few years; offering opinions on the Chinese governmental policies to support the development of OSS; making suggestions on promoting international cooperation etc, mainly working through communication and correspondence consultation, and attend the OSS Forum or Think-Tank conference held in China (around once a year). Membership for Think-Tank will be two years, and reappointment is possible if agreed between both parties after expiration.
3、 中国开源软件(OSS)推进联盟第二届理事会任职名单Director List of the second COPU Council
3、 1)联盟主席名单 Chairman of COPU
· 陆首群
· Lu Shouqun

2)联盟副主席名单 Vice chairman of COPU
· 胡崑山 (中国软件行业协会副理事长兼秘书长)
· Hu Kunshan, vice president and secretary general of CSIA
· 陈 静 (中国人民人行原支付科技司司长)
· Chen Jing, former director general of People’s Bank of China
· 柳纯录 (中国电子信息产业发展研究院总工程师)
· Liu Chunlu, chief engineer of CCID
· 邱善勤 (国家软件与集成电路促进中心副主任)
· Qiu Shanqin, vice director of CSIP
· 胡青华 (北京软件与信息服务业促进中心主任)
· Hu Qinghua, director of Beijing Software Industry Productivity Center
· 贾 栋 (中科红旗总经理)
· Jia Dong, president of Redflag Linux
· 韩乃平 (中标软件总经理)
· Han Naiping, president of CS2C
· 刘明宝 (新华LINUX 首席运营总监)
· Liu Mingbao, COO of Sun Wah LINUX
· 余晓芒 (中国联合通信公司原副总裁)
· Yu Xiaomang, former VP of Unicom
· 张建华 (浙江LINUX专业委员会主任)
· Zhang Jianhua, chairman of LUPA
· 杨海洲 (广东软件行业协会会长)
· Yang Haizhou, president of GDSIA

3)联盟秘书长名单Secretary General of COPU
· 胡崑山 (中国软件行业协会副理事长兼秘书长)
· Hu Kunshan, vice president and secretary general of CSIA

4)联盟副秘书长名单COPU Vice Secretary General List
· 刘 澎 (中国软件行业协会共创分会副理事长兼秘书长)
· Liu Peng, Co-create branch association of CSIA
· 梁志辉 (IBM合作伙伴创新中心总经理)
· Liang Zhihui, Linux Solution Center of IBM China
· 袁 萌 (开源软件领域专家)
· Yuan Meng, expert of OSS
· 陈伟 (国家软件与集成电路促进中心主任助理)
· Chen Wei, Director Assistant of CSIP
· 高 林 (中国电子标准化研究所副主任)
· Gao Lin, China Electronics Standardization Institute
· 陈 钟 (北京大学软件与微电子软件学院院长)
· Chen Zhong, dean of School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University
· 李安渝 (中科院软件所电子商务中心主任、长风联盟技术委员会主任)
· Li Anyu, Director of E-commerce Centre of ISCAS
· 黄跃珍 (广东省软件行业协会秘书长)
· Huang Yuezhen, Secretary General of GDSIA
· 王绪刚 (国家软件与集成电路促进中心)
· Wang Xugang, CSIP

5)专家委员会名单COPU Expert Committee
· 名誉主任委员:杨天行 (中国软件行业协会顾问委员会主任)
· Honored director :Yang Tianxing, Director of CSIA Council
· 主任委员: 陈 冲 (中国软件行业协会理事长)
· Director : Chen Chong, President of CSIA
· 副主任委员: 倪光南 (中国工程院院士)
· Vice-director: Ni Guangnan, academician of China Academy of Engineering
沈昌祥 (中国工程院院士)
Shen Changxiang, Navy Equipment Certification Center

· 委 员: 高文(北京大学教授,全国政协委员)
· Member: Gao Wen, Professor of Peking University, Member of CPPC
廖湘科 (国防科技大学计算机学院院长)
Liao Xiangke, dean of Computer School of NUDT
毛德操 (Linux内核专家)
Mao Decao, Expert of Linux Kernel
宫 敏 (Linux资深专家)
Gong Min, senior expert of Linux

6)智囊团高级顾问 COPU Think Tank Senior Advisor List

· Jim Zemlin Linux基金会执行董事
Linux Foundation Executive Director
· Andrew Morton Linux内核开发大师以及2.6版本监护人
Linux kernel 2.6 maintainer
· Brian Behlendorf Apache 创始人
Apache founder
· David Axmark MySQL 创始人
MySQL founder
· Mark Shuttleworth Ubuntu 社区创始人
Ubuntu founder
· Michael Tiemann 开放源码协会主席
OSI Chairman
· Larry Augustin Source Forge的创始人
Source Forge founder
· Eben Moglen 自由软件基金会首席律师
Chief Lawyer of FSF
· Daniel D Frye Linux基金会董事,IBM公司LTC副总裁
Linux Foundation Director & IBM LTC VP
· Dirk Hohndel Intel 公司开源技术中心战略总监
Intel OTC Director
· Marc Fleury JBoss创始人
JBoss founder
· Dave Neary GNOME 基金会前主席
GNOME Foundation Former Chairman
· John Lilly Mozilla公司CEO
Mozilla Corporation CEO
· Louis Suárez-Potts OpenOffice.org 社区负责人
OpenOffice.org Senior Community Development Manager
· Wim Coekaerts Oracle公司副总裁
Oracle VP
· Chris Dibona Google公司资深开源专家
Senior expert of Open Source of Google
· Brain Stevens Redhat公司CTO
CTO of Redhat
· Markus Rex Novell公司开源平台CTO
CTO of open source & platform of Novell
· Simon Phipps SUN公司首席开源官
Chief Open Source Officer of SUN
· Ram Peddibhotla Intel OTC 总监
Director of Intel OTC
· Jim Lacey LPI主席
· James Ye IBM(大中华)CTO
CTO of IBM (Great China)
· Josephine Cheng 美国工程院院士 IBM副总裁 IBM院士
Academician of NAE, IBM VP & IBM Fellow
· Scott D Sandell NEA风险投资公司总合伙人
Partner of NEA VC Company
4、 论坛供参考的主题讨论范围 Suggested Themes to be Discussed at the Forum
(1)中国开源运动在发展中出现的机遇和挑战 Opportunities and Challenges during the Development of the OSS Movement in China
Ø 中国市场正在成为全球开源软件和私有商业软件角逐的大舞台;中国的互联网已跃居全球第二;中国市场对开源软件的需求已开始形成持续高速增长的趋势 The market of China has become the stage for global OSS and private business software competitions; the Internet of China has leapt to be No.2 in size worldwide; the demand for OSS in the Chinese market has formed the tendency of sustainable high-speed growth
Ø 中国开源运动已走出早期的起动阶段,进入日趋成熟的高速增长期(开始摆脱早期具有的某些不稳定、不成熟的特征,如:缺乏或不甚理解开源理念或开源文化,没 有找到分布式开发软件的正确的社会组织形式,开源人才和基础设施薄弱,存在功利主义炒作(Hype)与浮躁现象等)The open-source movement of China has walked out of the preliminary initiation stage and entered the increasing mature high-speed growth period (begin getting rid of the unstable and immature features of the early stage, such as: lack adequate understanding of open source idea or culture, failure to find correct social organization form for distributed software development, lack of open source talents and weak infrastructure, existence of hype and flippancy etc)
Ø 中国已开始摆脱传统企业封闭的开发方式,逐步转向以开源社区开发机制为先导的开发方式;已从国际开源社区资源的消费者逐步转向既是消费者又是开发者 China has started to move away from the closed development mode of traditional enterprise, gradually shifting to the development mode initiated by the development mechanism of the open source community; changing from only a consumer of the international open source community resources to both a consumer and a developer
Ø 中国已涌现出一批新兴的开源企业 A batch of new open source enterprises have emerged in China
Ø 国际IHVs、ISVs、SIs已加大了对中国开源软件发行版进行质量认证或预装的力度 International IHVs, ISVs and SIs have enhanced the quality certification or pre-installation for the issued editions of the OSS in China
Ø 中国开源运动正在从学习模仿阶段,走向创新、应用的发展阶段 The open-source movement of China has passed the learning and imitation phase to the development phase of innovation and application
Ø 中国与国际开源运动的多种形式合作正在走向高潮 Various forms of cooperation in open source movement between China and the international community is moving toward a climax
(2)当前中国和全球开源运动发展的前沿问题 Forefront issues on the development of the Chinese and global open source movement
Ø 全面制定和贯彻开放标准问题
Ø Formulating and implementing open standards
Ø 进一步探索互操作性问题(同时评估兼容性问题),讨论各种层次的互操作问题,研讨中国标准UOF(Specification for the Chinese Office file format based on XML)与国际开放文档标准ODF( Open Document Format for Office Application)关系与转换问题
Ø Further exploring the interoperability issues (assessing the compatibility issues at the same time), discussing the interoperability issues at different levels, discussing the relationship and conversion between Chinese standard for UOF (Specification for the Chinese Office file format based on XML) and international ODF (Open Document Format for Office Application)
Ø 虚拟化技术(Virtualization,如参考或评估VMWare,XenSource,KVM……等虚拟化技术)问题
Ø Virtualization technology (such as considering or evaluating VMWare, XenSource, KVM…and other virtualization) issues
Ø 面向服务架构(SOA)问题(包括如何加快推进SOA标准问题,目前我们看到的太多的不同标准,包括SCA与JBI支持的标准或规范如何简化、统一?)
Ø Service oriented architecture (SOA) issues (including how to accelerate promoting SOA standard, too many different standards can be seen right now, including how to simplify and unify the standards or criteria supported by SCA and JBI?)
Ø 关于Open Java(GPLv2)的影响及其与Harmony、GNU Class Path的互动问题
Ø Concerning the impact of Open Java (GPLv2) and the interaction between Harmony and GNU Class Path
(3)开源应用环境中的创新问题 Innovation Issues in Open Source Application Environment
Ø 开源架构(LAMP)与混源架构(Mixed Source Stack)问题,开源架构与J2EE架构、.Net架构在面对各种应用解决方案时的互相竞争、互相参插的问题,如针对金融系统的“数据大集中”问题开发 的开源中间件:“高级消息队列协议”(AMQP)及其应用前景
Ø Issues related to open source structure LAMP and Mixed Source Stack, the competition and mutual insertion between open source structure and J2EE structure, .Net structure before various application solutions, such as the open source middleware targeting the “data concentration” issue in the finance system: “Advanced Message Queue Protocol (AMQP)” and its application prospect
Ø 如何满足电信、金融、政府等用户对开源软件提出的有关特殊要求(如企业级,Enterprise Linux或电信级,CGL的规范;又如高安全等级,ES或高可利用率,HA等的需求)
Ø How to meet the special requirements for OSS of the users in the telecom, finance and government sectors (such as enterprise Linux or telecom level, the standardization of CGL; and high security level, ES or high availability, HA and other needs)
Ø 面对Windows强大的应用环境壁垒和人们的使用习惯,在开发Linux桌面系统时以采用哪种策略为好:①以Linux操作系统所支持的Open Office为主的应用系统与微软的Office和应用系统实行全面兼容(这时出现微软反兼容时怎么办?)②针对业务较规范的用户(如政府、企业、教育用 户等)的应用需要,推广瘦终端(TC,Thin Clients,主要是硬件)或定制、半定制(Customize or Semi-customize,主要是软件)的应用模式
Ø In face of the powerful barrier of application environment of Windows and the using habits, what kind of strategy should be adopted when developing Linux desktop system: 1) compatibility between the application system mainly including Open Office supported by Linux Operating System and the Windows Office and application system (what if Microsoft oppose the compatibility?) 2) To meet the application needs of the users with normalized business (such as the government, enterprise and education users), promote thin clients (mainly hardware) or customized, semi-customized application models
Ø 针对数字版权管理(DRM),探索如何建立以开源软件为基础的互操作平台For Digital Rights Management (DRM), explore how to establish the inter-operation platform based on OSS
Ø 开源软件在移动通信或消费类电子中的应用(嵌入式)
Ø Application of OSS in mobile communication or consumer electronics (imbedding)
Ø 开源软件的商业模式问题
Ø Business model of OSS
Ø 如何理解:对于自由/开源软件,在全部开放源代码(供人们自由使用、修改、发行)的基础上,还存在着诸如工程化实现技术(专用技术Know-How)、工 程经验、开发和测试环境等未公开的技术空间。这就表明,在全部自由/开源软件中,还潜在着大量的技术秘密和商业秘密。
Ø How to understand: for free/open source software, while all source codes are open (to be freely used, modified and issued), there still exist the space for unopened technologies such as engineering realization technology (know-how), engineering experience, development and testing environment etc. This means that a large number of potential technical secrets and commercial secrets exist in all free/open source software.
Ø 采用什么措施来免除Linux/OSS用户所谓因“专利侵权”问题需要担负的法律责任?
Ø What measures can be adopted to avoid the legal responsibilities to be taken by Linux/OSS users due to “patent infringement” issues?
Ø 有无必要建立开源软件的全球技能测评和资格认证的机构
Ø Is it necessary to establish an organization for global skill assessment and qualification certification on OSS


活动类别 龙芯开源活动
开始时间 2008-5-22 08:30 至 2008-2-23 17:00 商定
活动地点 中国广州琶洲国际会展中心 中国广州香格里拉大酒店
每人花销 每人大约 0 元
性别 不限
征集截止日期 2008-5-21 11:44




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